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Tuesday, October 4, 2011



This term embraces all kinds of work against resistance; for example barbells, dumbbells, weigh training apparatus, weighted jackets and shoes etc. The basic aim is the acquisition of basic strength followed by the development of strength speed(power) and elastic strength (spring).

Correct technique in performing the various exercises is essential in order to avoid the risk of injury. Before undertaking full weight training, the athlete should have mastered the correct execution of every exercise and should have paid particular attention to strengthening the muscles surrounding the vertebral column. The beginner should first of all build up an excellent basic physical condition by means of the general preparation outlined on table (di bawah). Medicine ball work is also excellent for developing power and strengthening the upper body.




Basic Strength

Heavy weights (18-90%)
Few repetitions (3-5)

Lontaran, Acara Pecut dan Lompatan


Medium weights (60-70%)
Fast repetitions (6-8)

Acara Pecut dan Lompatan


Lighter weights (30-50%)
Many repetitions

Larian Jarak Sedarhana

Specific Strength

Localised exercises and light weights

Semua Acara

Explosive Strength

Bola Kesihatan
Pelbagai variasi balingan dan lompatan

Larian Pecut, Lompatan dan Acara lontaran/Balingan

For spesific strengthening the weighted jacket is recommended. Theowers can use heavier implements for general strengthening and various weights of shot can be used for many different throwing exercises.

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