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Friday, October 14, 2011


This comprises a series of exercises performed in a continuous way in the form of a circuit with specific intermediary pauses. Each one of the exercises can be repeated up to 20 times and a circuit of 5 to 10 exercises may be repeated once, twice or three times.

Various kinds of exercises can be used (with or without the use of weights), choosing the most appropriate exercise for the specific aim in mind.

This type of training works simultaneously on both the neuro-muscular system and on aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

As a general rule, a circuit of 8-12 exercises with repetitions of each one in a given time (30-60 seconds) is recommended (the number of repetitions increasing as one improves) with just sufficient pause (10-20 seconds) to pass from one exercise to the next and 3-5 minutes between each circuit. 

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