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Thursday, October 11, 2012


The term coach is sometimes equivalent in USA usage to the term manager in other English-speaking countries in reference to the director of a sporting team, particularly with regard to Association Football. Additionally, the director of the operation of a team in baseball, a sport far more popular in the USA than in any other English-speaking country, is also properly referred to as a manager, particularly in the context of a team of adults, as opposed to youths.The title Coach is also one of respect of affection, often replacing the first name much like Doctor to become Coach Smith. Former players will still address their instructor as Coach, even if both the player and coach him or himself have long retired or graduated on.The term coach has been application of sport, tactic and strategies during the game or contest itself, and usually entails substitution of players and other such actions as needed. Most coaches are former participants in the sports in which they are involved, and those who are not have usually had extensive training in the sport in question.

In Game
Coaching entails the application of sport tactics and strategies during the game or contest itself, and usually entails substitution of players and other such actions as needed. Most coaches are former participants in the sports in which they are involved, and those who are not have usually had extensive in the sport in question.

In some professional sports operations the head coach also serves as general manager, the team executive responsible for acquiring the rights to palyers and negotiating their contracts, generally in recent years with their agents, and for trading or dismissing players, but these roles have been increasingly likely to be seen as separate functions fulfilled by separate persons in more recent years, although many coach or general managers still exist.

Many coaches, usually those of school-sponsored sports teams, also bear the responsibility of teaching the skills, rules and tactic involved in a particular sport to its players. This can be accomplished individually, by team, by division (ex. Defensive coaching, offensive coaching, etc) or by position (ex. Receiver coach, quarterback coach, goalkeeper coach, etc) were applicable. Under these system in which duties are divided, there is necessarily a head coach who oversees all other coaches as a supervisor.

Coaching Staff
A coach, particularly in a major operation, is traditionally aided in his efforts by one or more assistant coaches known as the coaching staff.
Many times, in major team sports the principal coach (usually referred to as the head coach) has little to do with the development of details such as techniques of play or placement of players on the playing surface, leaving this to assistants while concentrating on larger issues.

Coaching techniques and philosophies are often taught by prominent coaches to youth and high school coaches at events referred to as coaching clinics where literature supports the increase of specific, positive feedback in order to achieve optimal effects of coaching. The classic practice consists of the on-courts demonstrations and walkthroughs to learn the plays and strategies. Other applications are used to create a more effective learning environment that will reach all the athletes. Coaching philosophies are passed along from one generation of coaches to another through these events, and of course the tendency of assistant coaches serving under a successful head coach being the most likely to be given an opportunity to become head coaches in their own right. Importance of a proper coaching.

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