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Sunday, October 21, 2012


Introduction to Sports Nutrition
Regardless of the level at which you participate or compete, diet can play an enormous part in improving performance. What, when and how much you eat and drink can have a direct effect on your sporting performance. What is sports nutrition? Nutrition: Series of processes starting from food intake to utilization include eating, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism of food nutrients. Sports Nutrition: Applies nutrition practices for maximal sports performance.
  •  Importence of Nutrition to Performance
  1. Provide the basic nutrient requirements
  2. Basic nutrients requirement for helth
  3. Additional nutrient aries from training

  •  Good nutritional practices
  1. Provide required fuel during exercises – improve athletes performance
  2. Competitive athletes – recover better and earlier

  •  Develop and follow nutritional practices – promote log term helth and well being.
  •  To build and repair muscle damage due to exercise
  •  Prevent injury due to fatigue
  •  Enable athletes’ to engage in the next competition without adverse effect
  •  Reach and maintain optimal body weight and body fat level.

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