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Sunday, October 14, 2012


Eergy used in all human activity is provided through the metabolic degradation of foods we take mainly carbohydrates and fats. The immediate energy source comes from the breakdown of single chemical compound adenosine triphosphate or ATP

ATP in Energy Production
The metabolic production of ATP by muscle and other cells comes from energy release through the breakdown of foods and other high-energy compounds. Fats (fatty acids), carbohydrates (glucose and glycogen) and to a much lesser extent, proteins (amino acids), provide fuel for energy at rest and during exercise.

ATP Resynthesis
The metabolic production of ATP involves both anaerobic (without oxygen) and aerobic (with oxygen) series of chemical reactions. Whether ATP is predominantly supplied to the working muscles by way of anaerobic or aerobic metabolic pathways depends on the intensity and duration of the activity performed. A working knowledge of this continuum and how the three metabolic systems cooperate to provide ATP energy is basic to sound athletic coaching, training and exercise prescription.

Types of ATP Resynthesis
The regeneration of ATP requires energy. There are three processes for the production of ATP.

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