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Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Speed Training


You want more running speed. Every athlete wants more speed. Speed is much more than straight-ahead running. In this article, I will cover some general speed training guidelines.

  1. Straight-ahead speed is important but there are other types of speed such as starting speed, acceleration speed, top-end speed, change-of-direction speed, stopping speed, closing speed and speed endurance. You should train for all types of speed particular to your sport. Quickness, which is reacting explosively without hesitation should also be trained for and will enhance your overall speed. 
  2. Your body needs adequate strength (including core strength ) and speed strength (power) for you to reach your running speed potential.
  3. Master bodyweight speed drills before progressing to assisted or weight-bearing speed drills.
  4. You need to master the basic running mechanics to become faster. Posture, arm action and leg action are keys to improving your speed.
  5. Running alone will not give you the leg strength you will need to improve your running speed. You should strengthen your legs with exercises like squats, step ups and lunges because these exercises use the same pathways that it takes to run with speed. Don't worry about leg extensions too much because the quadriceps will get plenty of work with other exercises. Instead, focus on strengthening the hamstrings with exercises like hamstring curls, straight-leg. The quadriceps shouldn't be significantly stronger than the hamstrings. If so, you are headed for injuries such as knee ACL tears. And, don't forget about your calf muscles.The calf muscles provide at least 30% of the strength and power it takes to run fast. Use calf raises (seated or standing) to strengthen the calves. 
  6. You have to train fast to get faster! Too much distance running will defeat your goal of improving your speed. When training for speed, distance running should be kept to a minimum because it reduces explosiveness. You can condition for your sport by doing metabolic training, which is training that closely mimics your game-time competition.
If you run alot of long distances, you will not get faster! Run sprints at the beginning of your workout when you are fresh. Rest 1 minute for every 10 yards sprinted. So, if you are sprinting 60 yards, rest 6 minutes between sprints. You need to run each sprint with maximum effort in order to get faster!

Because you will rarely reach maximum speed during the game, playing speed is also critical. No matter what sport you play, there are only 5 ways to improve playing speed:
  1. Starting ability is critical. You can improve starting ability by practicing starts gfrom 3-point, 4-point, standing and moving positions. . At this point, it is important to accelerate to maximum speed (or as close as possible). 
  2. Increase your stride length. One good way to improve stride length is to effectively pump your arms as fast as possible. Leg strength and power also improve stride length.
  3. Improve your stride rate (the number of steps you take per second). Leg strength and power improve stride rate. There is one running technique that is often overlooked. One way to run faster is to apply more force to the ground with your feet. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The more force you apply to the ground, the more the ground will "give you power." When you run, don't lift your knee past your "thigh being parallel" to the ground. This way, you will use your "power center" (glutes and hamstrings) to apply force to the ground instead of the less powerful hip flexors. In other words, running "with high knees" is not the best way to run. Also, step over the opposite knee and drive the foot down into the ground to create maximum force.
  4. Improve your speed endurance.Speed endurance will not make you faster but it will keep you from slowing down when you are fatigued after repeated sprints. 
  5. Improve your runnimngh mechanics.You should practice running mechanics every day.

Train Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers for Speed and Explosion


To improve your speed and explosiveness, train and activate the bulkier fast-twitch muscle fibers often.  Speed training athletes shouldn't do much slow, long distance running during training.  If you do too much long distance running, your slow-twitch muscle fibers will take over and make you slower and nonexplosive.

What about speed endurance training? This is something totally different. Speed endurance is the ability to maintain maximum velocity or a percentage of maximum velocity for a prolonged period of time or in a fatigued state.

When you are fatigued, it is important to maintain proper running mechanics. Doing so will give you an edge over your opponent.

Several sports require speed endurance including football, lacrosse, basketball, soccer, field hockey and tennis. These sports require repeated sprints followed by short periods of rest (walking or jogging).

Interval training for speed endurance is different than regular speed training. Speed endurance sprint intervals last from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Also, recovery time is reduced to prevent complete recovery by the athlete.

I was once asking a client about running exercises they were doing in school athletics to improve running speed. The answer was disappointing and typical.

Some of the running drills were:
  • mile runs
  • stadium steps for endurance
  • gasers for conditioning

"Did you run any sprints?" "No." Guess what? Those athletes aren't getting any faster, they are just basically running for conditioning.

Conditioning has its place but if you want to get faster, you have to train fast. That means sprinting drills with enough recovery time to run each sprint full speed. About 1 minute of recovery time is needed for each 10 yards sprinted (50 yard sprints need about 5 minutes recovery time).

Running sprints after practice won't get the job done either. Players are too tired at this point to give maximum effort. So, coaches, do your sprinting drills at the beginning of practice when your players are fresh.

Explosive strength training can also train and activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers. Train hard and smart to get faster.

Khamis, 10 September 2015


Tentu ramai diantara anda yang tahu mengenai manfaat dan kepentingan protein dalam diet seharian. Pengambilan protein yang mencukupi dapat membantu membina dan membaiki otot atau tisu yang rosak. Protein juga berperanan menghasilkan enzim dan hormon, menyokong sistem imun dan mengekalkan tahap tenaga dan stamina yang tingg.

Kebanyakkan protein dalam diet kita berasal dari produk berasaskan haiwan seperti daging, ikan, ayam, telur dan susu dan terdapat juga berasaskan tumbuhan seperti kekacang. Menyedari kepentingan protein dalam diet ramai juga diantara kita yang mengambil makanan tambahan bagi mencukupkan pengambilan protein seharian.

Melalui satu kajian oleh fitnessrxwomen, mereka mempercayai bahawa pengambilan protein oleh kaum wanita sangat signifiken bukan sahaja dengan kesihatan malahan kecantikan. Berikut adalah 10 fakta mengapa protein sangat penting kepada wanita yang mementingkan kesihatan dan kecantikan.

Membantu mengekalkan berat badan ideal

Melebihkan protein di dalam diet serta mengurangkan pengambilan karbohidrat membantu mengurang tisu lemak dalam tubuh. Amalan secara berterusan mampu mengekalkan berat badan ideal.

Membantu mengawal rasa lapar

Mengambil sajian tinggi protein seawal pagi seperti greek yogurt bersama buah-buahan segar akan mengaktifkan hormon untuk bertindak balas menyekat rasa lapar sepanjang hari.

Membuat anda rasa kenyang

Pengambilan makanan berprotein tinggi membantu mengawal selera dan memberi rasa kenyang yang lebih lama berbanding karbohidrat dan lemak.

Protin membantu membakar lebih banyak kalori

Berbanding diet tinggi karbohidrat, diet tinggi protin mencetuskan proses themogenesis yang lebih tinggi. Thermogenesis adalah proses di mana tubuh meningkatkan pengeluaran tenaga dan lebih protein akan memberi isyarat kepada tubuh untuk membakar lebih banyak kalori sebelum, semasa dan selepas makan.

Protein penting untuk penjagaan tulang

Jumlah protein dalam diet harian boleh memberi kesan kepada tahap kalsium dalam badan. Diet rendah protein memberi kesan kepada sistem pencernaan untuk menyerap kalsium dan secara tidak langsung keperluan kalsium badan akan diperolehi dari sistem rangka badan. Apabila ini berlaku, individu akan mengalami kehilangan kepadatan tulang.

Membantu melawan penuaan

Melalui proses penuaan seseorang akan kehilangan jisim otot dan untuk memastikan proses penuaan tidak mengganggu pertumbuhan otot maka pengambilan protein disamping senaman yang teratur amat penting.

Melindungi anda dari stress

Stress bukan sahaja memberi tekanan kepada mental malah turut membuatkan segala sistem dalaman menjadi tidak menentu serta mampu merencatkan hormon. Pengambilan lebih protein dari yang disarankan adalah bagus kerana ianya mampu mengembalikan dan memulihkan sistem tubuh badan.

Bagus untuk kulit

Kulit merupakan anggota badan yang paling terdedah kepada sinaran matahari serta sinaran uv yang boleh merosakkan kulit. Pengambilan diet yang tinggi dengan asid amino serta penggunaan pelindung matahari yang bagus mampu melindungi serta mengurangkan kesan uv. Protin juga penting untuk proses regenerasi sel kulit agar ianya sentiasa terlihat mulus, tegang dan awet muda

Bagus untuk rambut

Rambut adalah mahkota seseorang wanita. Jika inginkan rambut lebat serta sihat maka perlulah mengambil protein yang secukupnya. Diyakini dengan pengambilan protein, masalah kegugurun serta pertumbuhan rambut yang terencat dapat diatasi.

Makan tanpa rasa bersalah kerana ianya SEDAP

Ramai yang merasakan untuk memiliki tubuh yang cantik perlulah mengambil sayur-sayuran dengan jumlah yang banyak dan mengurangkan pengambilan protein serta karbohidrat. Namun begitu, pengambilan protein yang secukupnya melalui diet seimbang amat penting bagi tubuh badan kerana pertumbuhan otot, tulang sehinggalah ke rambut amat memerlukan asid amino. Jadi jangan rasa bersalah hanya kerana anda menikmati hidangan yang mengandungi ikan daging dan sebagainya.

Demikianlah fakta mengapa protin penting kepada wanita yang mementingkan kecantikan. Secara tidak langsung juga, pengambilan protein ini juga mampu meningkatkan tahap kesihatan dan kecergasan seseorang wanita. Oleh itu, makanlah dengan bijak dan bertanggungjawab.

Amalan Pemakanan Sehat

Makanan berkhasiat merupakan makanan yang harus dimakan untuk memastikan tubuh badan seseorang berfungsi secara normal. Makanan seimbang seharusnya memberikan kita tenaga yang mencukupi yang mengandungi karbohidrat, protein dan lemak secara optimum dan kandungan fiber yang mencukupi. Makanan yang memberi tenaga dapat membina badan dan dapat menjauhi kita daripada penyakit.

Berikut merupakan sedikit panduan kepada anda yang gemar makan ’10 HEALTHY EATING HABITS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE’. Artikel ini sedikit sebanyak membantu saya menyemak cara dan pengambilan makanan saya agar makan dengan lebih bertanggungjawab.

Berikut adalah 10 amalan pemakanan tersebut:

Jangan tidak makan karbohidrat
Sesetengah dari kita merasakan dan mempercayai dengan mengambil karbohidrat menyebabkan mereka gemuk dan mampu mengundang pelbagai penyakit. Ini mendorong mereka bertindak untuk meninggalkan pengambilan nutrien tersebut secara total serta menggantikannya dengan kaedah diet lain yang mungkin menyebabkan berlakunya malnutrisi.

Rancang apa yang hendak dimakan
Sekiranya berhasrat untuk mengambil makan malam yang lebih berat seperti stik dan kentang, kurangkan atau elakkan pengambilan makanan berdaging dan berkanji untuk waktu makan yang lain dan begitulah seterusnya. Imbang dan rancang pengambilan kategori makanan.

Makan tengahari semahu anda
Mungkin anda pernah dengar sarapan pagi adalah penting dan makan dengan banyak untuk memulakan hari anda tetapi ramai diantara kita yang tidak bersedia untuk makan dalam jumlah yang banyak seawal pagi. Kebenarannya ialah waktu makan paling penting ialah waktu makan tengahari di mana sistem penghadaman kita telah bersedia sepenuhnya. Di waktu itu juga badan amat memerlukan makanan untuk berfungsi sepenuhnya seharian. Namun begitu makan semahunya bukan bermakna anda boleh makan apa sahaja dalam jumlah yang banyak tetapi perlulah dirancang dan diimbang sebaik mungkin

Makan makanan berwarna pelangi
Sayuran hijau, oren, anggur, kobis ungu, lada benggala dan pelbagai warna sayuran dan buah-buahan akan membantu memberi tubuh badan dengan pelbagai nutrien yang akan membantu melawan penyakit.

Berhenti sebelum kenyang
Makan itu bukan untuk menjadi kenyang sebaliknya makan itu bertujuan memenuhi keperluan tubuh badan dengan nutrien yang membolehkan tubuh berfungsi sebaiknya. Praktis ini sememangnya amat membantu kerana ianya membolehkan sistem pencernaan berfungsi lebih optimum dan ini dapat mengelakkan dari perut kembung serta mengurangkan kadar risiko penyakit berkaitan usus dan perut.

Tetapkan pola waktu makan yang seragam
Waktu makan yang tidak tetap akan menyebabkan kecenderungan untuk makan dalam kuantiti yang yang banyak

Minum segelas air suam 20 minit sebelum makan
Mampu mengurangkan jumlah makanan yang diambil serta membantu sistem penghadaman.

Kurangkan pengambilan gula di dalam makanan
Pengurangan pengambilan gula membantu mengurangkan jumlah kalori di dalam pemakanan seharian. Pengambilan gula secara berlebihan dalam jangka masa panjang boleh meningkatkatkan berat badan dan menyebabkan obesiti.

Menguyah makanan secara perlahan-lahan
Di dalam air liur terdapat enzim amalyse yang membantu menguraikan makanan dan seterusnya membantu sistem pencernaan. Makan dengan cepat akan menyebabkan air liur tidak dapat menguraikan makanan dengan baik.

Tidur secukupnya
Amalkan tidur yang secukupnya bagi mempastikan tubuh badan dapat berfungsi dengan baik termasuk sistem penghadaman.

Rabu, 5 Ogos 2015

Heart Rate Training: Finding the Right Zone for You


Heart rate training makes use of the fact that the demand for oxygen rises with exercise intensity. As would be expected heart rate has a close relationship to oxygen consumption, especially at exercise intensities between 50 and 90% VO2 max.

Heart rate is easy to monitor and for the majority of athletes it offers a practical measure for assessing exercise intensity, which is why it is so popular. 

It's important to monitor exercise intensity for a number of reasons. Firstly, the specific physiological adaptations to training change depending on what relative work load is employed. It's fundamental that the athlete or coach understands which type of endurance training (as a reflection of intensity) is best for their sport or event.

Secondly, monitoring the intensity of individual sessions allows the coach or athlete to manipulate the overall program, helping to prevent over training and in order to reach a physical peak for competition.

While heart rate is convenient and practical for most athletes, for many it can be inaccurate in determining the best exercise intensity.

The Limitations of Heart Rate Training
Most heart rate training programs are devised around an estimation of the maximum heart rate. The are two problems with this approach. The first is that maximum heart rate is estimated with the basic formula 220-age. For a significant number of athletes however, this estimation maybe out by as much as 25 beats per minute.

The only way to accurately determine maximum heart rate is perform a short, maximal stress test (to exhaustion). During the test heart rate will rise steadily until a plateau is reached despite the exercise intensity continuing to rise (assuming the individual is fit enough to last until such a time). This is a direct marker that the heart is beating as fast as possible.

The second problem is that, even if maximum heart rate is estimated accurately, prescribing exercise on the back of standardized zones makes no allowances for individual differences. For example, endurance performance improves when lactate lactate threshold as a percentage of VO2 max is increased and it can be improved with training (3,4). A standard heart rate zone of 85-90% of the age-predicted maximum is commonly prescribed to improve lactate threshold but this may not be accurate. As with maximal heart rate, the only way to determine the correct heart rate training zone for improvement of lactate threshold is to measure it during laboratory testing.

Despite these limitations, heart rate training still offers a more objective method for determining exercise intensity than nothing at all.

Heart Rate Training Zones
Different exercise intensities tax the body's energy systems in different ways.

Exercising at 60% of maximum heart rate for example, is said to predominantly tax the aerobic system in most people. If exercise duration is long enough, the major source of fuel will be fat.

This type of intensity is often favoured by people who want to lose weight and are generally de-conditioned.

A heart rate training zone of 70-80% maximum will still predominantly tax the aerobic system in fitter individuals but the main source of fuel will be carbohydrate, or more specifically, glycogen. This is the heart rate training zone that endurance athletes typically aim for.

Here is a quick example of calculating a heart rate training zone using the age-predicted maximum of 220-age:
Rachel is 35 years old and wants to train for a 10km run.
Maximum heart rate = 185bpm (220-35)
Target heart rate zone = 70-80%
Lower target heart rate = 130bpm (185 x 0.7)
Upper target heart rate = 148bpm (185 x 0.8)
Target heart rate zone = 130 - 148bpm
The Karvonen Formula (Heart Rate Reserve)

Simply using 220-age makes no allowances for individual differences. All 35-year olds will have the same heart rate training zones according to this formula.

The Karvonen formula takes into account resting heart rate making it a slightly more specific to the individual. Because resting heart rate decreases with conditioning it also makes allowances for differing degrees of fitness to some extent. 

Keeping with the example above, here's how Rachel (who has a resting heart rate of 65bpm) would use the Karvonen formula to achieve a more accurate heart rate training range for aerobic endurance conditioning.

Karvonen formula:
Maximum heart rate - resting heart rate x heart rate zone + resting heart rate
185 - 65 = 120bpm (this is called the working heart rate)
120 x 0.7 = 84bpm (70% zone)
84 + 65 = 149bpm (lower limit)
185 - 65 = 120bpm (this is called the 'working heart rate)
120 x 0.8 = 96bpm (80% zone)
84 + 65 = 161bpm (upper limit)
Target heart rate zone = 149 - 161pbm

You can see that the Karvonen formula calculates a higher training zone than just using 220-age and this is often the case.

It's often a good idea to use a rate of perceived exertion along side heart rate to make the intensity more specific to the individual. Rate of perceived exertion, although subjective, has been shown to correlate with heart rate. Essentially, it is a scale of difficulty that ranges from 6 (no exertion at all) to 20 (maximal exertion). It is often called the Borg Scale after its creator.

Swimming is a Little Different Maximum heart rate while swimming tends to be lower than for running events. To adjust for this subtract 13 from your maximum heart rate i.e. use 207-age rather than 220 - age. Use this adjustment for the Karvonen formula also.

The Conconi Test for Measuring Lactate Threshold
As mentioned earlier, the simplest method for determining the lactate threshold is to assume it occurs at 85-90% of the maximum heart rate. An alternative is to use the Conconi test.

In 1982 Conconi et al, stated that the lactate threshold was linked to a deflection point in heart rate data. Heart rate plateaus briefly before rising sharply again and this is said to correspond with a sudden rise in blood lactate concentrations. 

There are various protocols used to elicit the plateau Conconi and co-workers refer to. Here is an example:
Treadmill (with metric setting - km/hr and meters)
Heart rate monitor
Assistant to take recordings

Begin by warming up at a light pace for 5 to 10 minutes. Set the treadmill to a 1% incline.
The run should last between 2.5km and 4km to allow sufficient data to be collected.

Gauge your starting speed. Speed is gradually increased every 200m so start too quickly and you won't last long enough. Start too slowly and you'll be there all day.

As a guideline 8 - 10 km/hr is a good starting point.
Increase the speed every 200m by 0.5 km/hr.
Record the heart rate and speed at each 200m interval.
Continue until exhaustion and complete a 10 minute cool down.
You can now plot a simple heart rate graph like the one below and read off lactate threshold:

You can see from the graph above the obvious plateau and deflection in heart rate. It seems to correspond with a heart rate of 172bpm. In theory, then an athlete could train at or just above this heart rate training zone and improve their lactate threshold. However, caution is required when using this test as subsequent research has questioned its validity (7,8). It has been argued that the deflection point occurrs only in a certain number of those tested and that it underestimates the lactate threshold exercise intensity.

Heart Rate Training to Increase Lactate Threshold
Here's a simple heart rate training program to increase lactate threshold...
Assuming your heart rate at lactate threshold is 170bpm
Start by completing two 6-10 minute runs approximately 5% below the lactate threshold heart rate. In this case it would be 162bpm.
Rest for 2-3 minutes between runs and complete this twice a week.
Gradually build up the length of each run or the number of repetitions (up to 6). Also increase your target heart rate up to your threshold (170bpm).
The target eventually is to reach a sustained 20minute run at or just above your threshold heart rate.

Complete a thorough cool down at the end of each session. Also re-test your lactate threshold every 6-8 weeks.

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