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Memaparkan catatan dengan label Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Papar semua catatan

Rabu, 7 Januari 2015

Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds

  • Cardiac Cycle refers to one complete heartbeat.
  • The heart is actually 2 pumps situated side by side, so a complete cycle consists of contractions of both atria and both ventricles.
  • The average resting heart rate is approximately 75 beats per minute
  • Resting heart rate will vary with degree of physical conditioning as well as with disease states
  • The familiar “lub-dub” associated with the function of the heart are known as heart sounds.
  • The heart sounds are made by the heart valves snapping closed under contractile pressure.
  • The “lub” is caused by the closure of the AV valves
  • The “dub” is caused by the closure of the semi-lunar valve.
  • Cardiac output (CO) is the amount of blood pumped out of each side of the heart ( meaning the ventricles ) in one minute
  • The value of CO is calculated as the product of the Heart Rate ( HR) multiplied by the Stroke Volume (SV)
  • SV generally increases as the force of the ventricular contractions increases.
  • CO = HR  x SV
  • CO = 75 beats per min x 70mls per beat
  • CO = 5250 ml/min
  • Generally speaking, blood starting in the heart should complete a circuit of the body and arrive back in the heart in one minute.
  • According to Starling’s Law of the heart, stroke volume is influenced by the amount of stretching force applied to the muscle cells of the heart.
  • The more the cells are stretched, the great the contraction will be

Starling’s Law of the Heart
  • A healthy, efficient heart only pumps about 60% of the volume of blood in the ventricles.
  • Venous return is critical to the amount of stretching the heart undergoes.
  • If one side of the heart begins to pump more blood than the other, the increase in venous return to the opposite ventricle will force it to pump a larger volume of blood.
  • This helps prevent back ups and increased pressures in the system.
  • Anything that increases the volume or speed of venous return will also increase the SV and CO.
  • The squeezing actions of skeletal muscles on veins also plays a major role in increasing venous return.

Regulation of Heart Rate
  • Coronary contraction does not depend on stimulus from the nervous system, because the heart has it’s own intrinsic pacemakers ( SA and AV nodes)
  • HOWEVER—heart rate can be temporarily influenced by stimulus from the autonomic nerves.
  • Sympathetic nerves can act to increase or decrease the heart by stimulating the SA or AV nodes.
  • Parasympathetic nerves act to decrease the heart rate
  • Being excited or startled can cause a rapid increase in heart rate.
  • Heart rate can also be influenced by hormones
  • Epinephrine and Thyroxine mimic the effects of the sympathetic nerves.
  • Ion concentrations also has a rofound influence on the heart.
  • Decreased Ca+ will depress the heart rate
  • Excessive Ca+ will cause prolonged contractions, and possibly stop the heart from beating.

CHF and Blood Vessels
  • When the pumping efficiency of the heart is depressed so that circulation is inadequate to meet tissues needs, congestive heart failure (CHF) results.
  • CHF is usually a progressive condition, and in most cases reflects diminished coronary circulation by coronary atherosclerosis
  • Each side of the heart can fail independently
  • If the left side fails, pulmonary congestion will occur.
  • The right side continues to pump blood, but the left side is unable to push oxygenated blood into systemic circulation
  • The blood vessels of the lungs become swollen with blood, and the increased pressure forces fluids to leak from circulation and into the lung tissue, resulting in pulmonary edema.
  • Suffocation will result if this condition is untreated.
  • If the right heart fails, blood is not moved out of the systemic circulation, and peripheral congestion will occur.
  • This results in edema in distal parts of the body, such as the feet, ankles and hands.
  • Failure of one side of the heart places increased strain on the opposite side of the heart—eventually leading to whole heart failure

Blood Vessels
  • Blood circulates through the body within the vasculature.
  • In decreasing size order, vessels carrying blood away from the heart are, arteries, arterioles, capillary beds.
  • In increasing size order, vessels carrying blood back towards the heart from the capillary beds are, venules, and veins

  • The walls of most blood vessels consist of three layers called tunics.
  • The innermost layer is called the tunica intima.
  • Tunica intima consists of a thin layer of closely fitted endothelial cells.
  • It is very smooth, to allow for smooth flow of blood
  • The tunica media is the middle layer of tissue, and is primarily smooth muscle tissue and elastic connective tissue.
  • This smooth muscle is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, which changes the diameter of the blood vessels
  • The tunica externa is the outer-most layer, and is mostly fibrous connective tissue that supports and protects the vessel.
  • The walls of arteries are usually thicker than those  of the veins.
  • Veins are subject to less pressure than ateries, but move blood against gravity.
  • Veins contain one way valves to prevent backflow of blood

Hormone Functions

          ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
         Regulates the activity of the cortex of the adrenal gland

          TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
          Stimulates production and release of thyroid hormone

          GH (growth hormone)
          Stimulates growth of bones, cartilage, muscle
          Timing and amount released determines body size

          PRL (prolactin)
          Stimulates breast development
          Promotes and maintains lactation after childbirth

          FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
          Causes formation of ovarian follicles and stimulates them to produce estrogen
          Stimulates sperm development in men

          LH (luteinizing hormone)
          Initiates ovulation, maintains corpus luteum
          Regulates testosterone production in males

          ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
          Reduces urine output by increasing water reabsorption in the kidney
          Plays small role in blood pressure regulation

          Causes uterine contractions in labor
          Causes milk let down in lactating mothers

          Thyroid Hormone
          Regulates metabolic rate of the entire body
          Important in development of the nervous system

          Decreases bone reabsorption, lowering serum calcium levels

          PTH (parathyroid hormone)
          Increases serum calcium
          Decreases serum phosphorus

          Released in response to high blood sugar
          Increases cellular absorption of glucose
          Increases rate of lipogenesis and formation of glycogen in the liver

          Released in response to low blood sugar
          Increases rate of gluconeogenesis (formation of sugar from fat and protein)
          Increases lipolysis and glycogenolysis

          Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
          Fight or flight response
          Increase heart rate, increase skeletal muscle blood flow, decrease skin blood flow

          Glucocorticoids (Cortisone)
          Released in response to stress
          Increases formation of glucose from protein and fat breakdown
          Decreases inflammation
          Increases blood volume by causing kidneys to retain sodium (where sodium    goes water goes too) in exchange for potassium
          Increased blood volume will increase blood pressure

          Initiates pubertal changes
          Precursors to estrogen in postmenopausal women
          Involved in circadian rhythms
          Day ¯ melatonin, Night ­ melatonin
          Produces sleepiness

          Stimulates RBC production

          Stimulates calcium and phosphate absorption
          Stimulates calcium release from bone
          Inhibits PTH secretion

          Type 1: Insulin Dependent Diabetes
          AKA: juvenile diabetes
          Caused by a lack of insulin
          Autoimmune disorder
          Immune system destroys beta cells in the pancreas
          Type 2: Non-Insulin Dependent
          Caused by an insensitivity of cells to insulin.
          Diabetes mellitus marked by hyperglycemia
          ­ urine production (polyuria)
          ­ thirst (polydipsia)
          ­ eating (polyphagia)

Diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus
          Normal blood glucose levels: 70-100 mg/dl

          Diabetes mellitus:
          A fasting glucose level above 140 mg/dl on two separate occasions, or
          A blood sugar over 200 mg/dl 2 hours after oral glucose tolerance test with    75gm of glucose
          Impaired Glucose Tolerance (Pre-Diabetes)
          A fasting glucose level between 100-126 mg/dl on two separate occasions,      or
          A blood sugar between 140-200 mg/dl 2 hours after oral glucose tolerance      test with 75gm of glucose

Isnin, 13 Oktober 2014


  1. Gross anatomy: the study of body structures visible to the naked eye (without a microscope)
  2. Microscopic anatomy:

  • Cytology: Analysis of the internal structures of individual cell
  • Histology:  examination of tissues (groups of specialized cells that work together to perform a specific function.
Anatomical Position
  1. Anytime you describe structures relative to one another, you must assume this standard position:

  • Body erect
  • Feet slightly apart        
  • Palms facing forward     
  • Thumbs point away from body

Anterior Landmarks


Anatomical Locations
         Abdominal: abdominal region
         Acromial:  the point of the shoulder
         Antebrachial:  forearm
         Antecubital: anterior surface of the elbow
         Axillary: armpit
         Brachial: upper arm
         Buccal: cheek of the face
         Calcaneal:  heel of the foot
         Carpal:  wrist
         Cephalic:  head

Anatomical Locations
         Cervical:  neck
         Deltoid:  round part of the shoulder
         Digital:  fingers and toes
         Dorsum:  back
         Femoral:  thigh
         Frontal:  forehead
         Gluteal:  buttocks
         Hallux:  big toe
         Inguinal:  groin
         Lumbar: lower back
         Mammary:  breast

Body Orientation and Direction
         These are relative positions
         Used to describe locations on the arms and legs
         GI tract
         Medial is closer to the midline
         Farther away from the midline

Body Orientation and Direction
         Dorsal: Back
         Ventral: Front
         Superior or Cephalad is toward the head
         Inferior or Caudal is toward the feet
         Anterior: most forward
         Posterior: toward the backside

Planes of the Body

Dorsal Body Cavity
         Dorsal cavity protects the nervous system
         Contains Brain and Spinal Cord


Serous Membranes
         Serous Membranes have two layers
1.      Parietal serosa lines internal body walls
2.      Visceral serosa covers the internal organs
3.      Serous fluid separates the serosae


Serous Membranes of the Heart


Abdominopelvic Regions

Isnin, 29 September 2014

Blood Vessels & Circulation

Artery and Vein Histology
          Walls have 3 layers:
          Tunica intima
          Tunica media
          Tunica externa

Tunica Intima
          Is the innermost layer near the lumen
          The endothelial lining
          Connective tissue layer
          Internal Elastic Membrane:  In arteries, is a thick layer of elastic fibers in the     outer margin of the tunica intima

Tunica Media
          Is the middle layer
          Contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle in loose connective tissue
          Binds to inner and outer layers

Tunica Externa (aka: Tunica Adventitia)
          Is outer layer
          Contains connective tissue sheath
          Anchors vessel to adjacent tissues
          In arteries:
          Contain collagen
          Elastic fibers
          In veins:
          Contain elastic fibers
          Smooth muscle cells

Arteries Vs. Veins
          Arteries and veins run side-by-side
          Arteries have thicker walls and higher blood pressure
          Collapsed artery has small, round lumen
          Vein has a large, flat lumen

          Carry blood away from the heart.
          Pulmonary arteries: The pulmonary trunk and its branches;  leave the right ventricle of the heart and contain deoxygenated blood.
          Systemic arteries: The aorta and its branches;  leave the left ventricle of the heart and contain oxygenated blood.

Elastic Arteries
          Also called conducting arteries, these are the largest arteries
          Tunica media has many elastic fibers and few muscle cells
          Elasticity evens out pulse force
          Pulmonary trunk
          Common carotid arteries
          Subclavian arteries
          Common iliac arteries 

Muscular Arteries
          Also called distribution arteries, are medium-sized (most arteries)
          Tunica media has many muscle cells
          External carotid arteries
          Brachial arteries
          Femoral arteries

          The smallest branches of arteries
          Feed into capillaries
          Have little or no tunica externa
          Have thin or incomplete tunica media   


          The smallest vessels
          Structure: Simple squamous epithelium tube
          Lumen side has a thin basal lamina
          No tunica media, No tunica externa
          Location of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid.
          Gasses and chemicals diffuse across their walls

Continuous Capillaries
          Have complete endothelial lining (most common type of capillary)
          Permit diffusion of:
          Small solutes
          Lipid-soluble materials
          Prevent diffusion of:
          Blood cells
          Plasma proteins

Fenestrated Capillaries
          Have pores in endothelial lining
          Permit rapid exchange of water and larger solutes between plasma and interstitial fluid
          Are found in:
          Choroid plexus
          Endocrine organs
          Intestinal tract

          Modified, extremely leaky, fenestrated capillaries
          Found in locales where large stuff needs to exit/enter the bloodstream.
          Bone marrow
          Endocrine organs

          Carry blood to the heart
          Are larger in diameter than arteries
          Have thinner walls
          Contain valves
          Folds of tunica intima that prevent blood from flowing backward
          Venules: The smallest veins that carry blood away from the capillaries
          Medium-sized veins:
          Thin tunica media and few smooth muscle cells
          Tunica externa with longitudinal bundles of elastic fibers
          Large veins:
          Have all 3 tunica layers
          Thick tunica externa
          Thin tunica media
          Example: Inferior and Superior vena cava

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