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Monday, October 26, 2015

JENIS-JENIS LATIHAN : Kaedah Kecergasan Fizikal


Definisi Latihan

Latihan fartlek barmaksud ‘speed play’ adalah sejenis latihan dayatahan yang telah mula diperkenalkan di negara Sweden. Walaupun ianya mirip kepada latihan jeda tetapi aktiviti latihan ini lebih menekankan kepada pembinaan kepantasan atlit. Dalam aktiviti latihan ini terdapat yang berkaitan dengan pecutan, di mana atlit dikehendaki melakukan larian pecut bertempo atau kadar tertentu di mana biasanya ditentukan berdasarkan peratusan daripada keupayaan maksima.

Ada 2 jenis latihan fartlek:
  • Fartlek Terkawal atau Fartlek Tertutup - Dikenali sebagai Closed Fartlek. Aktiviti dilakukan di kawasan yang tertutup seperti trek di stadium ataupun mengikut garisan padang bolasepak. Latihan seperti ini ada kawalan dan ada rancangan larian yang sudah ditentukan walaupun ia bersifat bebas. Kawalan masa ataupun jarak. Jurulatih mesti terlebih dahulu menentukan apa aktiviti yang hendak di lakukan pada setiap sudut atau seksyen trek yang dilalui ataupun menentukan masa larian bagi setiap aktiviti.
  • Fartlek Bebas atau Fartlek Terbuka - Juga dikenali sebagai Open Fartlek. Atlit tidak terikat dengan apa-apa kawalan yang khusus. Larian ditentukan oleh atlit sendiri mengikut keinginan dan kemampuan. Ia dilakukan di kawasan outdoor yang memberikan peluang bagi atlit untuk berinteraksi dan menggunakan alam sekitar sebagai tambahan factor dalam latihan mereka. Kawasan bukit, larian atas pasir, rumput dan padang, larian di persisiran pantai dan lain - lain.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan dayatahan kardiovaskular.
  • Membina dan meningkatkan kepantasan .
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan kepantasan.

Contoh Latihan
  • Berlari perlahan-lahan
  • Lari bergradien (naik bukit dan turun bukit)
  • Striding
  • Lari pecut
  • Berjalan
  • Bounding

Cara Melaksanakan Latihan
  •  pastikan mengikut tatacara sebelum dan selepas melakukan daya tahan kardiovaskular. 
  • pilih laluan yang sesuai dan selamat seperti di padang sekolah atau di kawasan yang berdekatan dengan sekolah.
  • mulakan latihan fartlek dengan pelbagai variasi larian seperti berlari perlahan, berjalan, berlari zig zag, lari pecut atau lari undur secara berterusan.
  • lakukan aktiviti sama ada berdasarkan tempoh masa dan jarak.
  • aktiviti ini boleh dilakukan secara individu, berpasangan atau berkumpulan.

Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Trapizius
  • Deltoid
  • Tricep brachii
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Sartorius
  • Rectus femoris
  • Vastus medialis
  • Soleus
  • Grastrocnemius


Definisi Latihan

Latihan Jeda adalah satu kaedah latihan fizikal yang melibatkan tekanan kerja yang berulang-ulang dan diselangi dengan masa rehat yang mencukupi. Ia merupakan satu sistem latihan yang diperkenalkan oleh Astrand dan diamalkan oleh Paavo Nurmi pada tahun 1920. Latihan Jeda ini berbeza dari latihan-latihan fizikal yang lain kerana terdapatnya masa rehat antara jeda kerja, sedangkan kaedah latihan lain berterusan tanpa rehat di antara ulangan kerja. Latihan ini dapat meningkatkan kapasiti anaerobik atlit dan amat berfaedah untuk membina dan meningkatkan sistem tenaga aerobik dan sistem anaerobik.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan keupayaan anaerobik.
  • Meningkatkan dayatahan kardiovaskular jantung.
  • Meningkatkan ketangkasan, kelajuan, kelembutan dan koordinasi.
  • Meningkatkan kemahiran atlet.
  • Meningkatkan tahap ambang anaerobik.
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan otot.
  • Tingkatkan muatan maksima bagi sistem tenaga
  • Merangsang pembukaaan saluran darah (kapilari) untuk proses pegangkutan oksigen yang lebih efisyen.
  • Meningkatkan isipadu haemoglobin yang membantu membawa oksigen kepada otot yang memerlukan.
  • Meningkatkan aktiviti enzim dalam metabolisme asid lemak
Cara Melaksanakan Latihan
  • Nisbah jeda kerja rehat antara 1:1/2 hingga 1:1 bergantung kepada jarak larian atau masa diambil untuk tamatkan sesuatu larian. 

Contoh Latihan
  1. Masa larian = 10 minit
  2. Masa rehat = 5 minit
  3. Nisbah jeda kerja kepada jeda rehat = 1:1/2
  4. Masa larian = 3 minit 
  5. Masa rehat = 3 minit
  6. Nisbah jeda kerja kepada jeda rehat = 1:1

  • Ulangan yang dicadangkan antara 2 hingga 3 ulangan bagi jarak yang lebih jauh dan 3 hingga 4 ulangan bagi jarak kurang 800 meter bagi satu larian.
  • Jumlah set cadangan = jumlah ulangan rehat antara set ditentukan oleh kadar denyutan nadi iaitu apabila kadar turun kepada 120 denyutan seminit, kemudian set kedua dimulakan ulangan aktiviti.
  • Set : 

  1. Nisbah kerja : rehat
  2. Aktiviti jeda rehat
  3. Contoh preskripsi latihan
  4. Cara menulis preskripsi latihan jeda

  • 3 x 1500meter x 2 set @ 8 minit (1: ½) bermaksud
  • 3 ulangan larian berjarak 1500 meter setiap larian   di buat dalam 2 set dengan jeda selama 8 minit bagi setiap larian dan jeda rehat selama 4 minit.

Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Trapizius
  • Deltoid
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Sartorius
  • Rectus femoris
  • Vastus medialis
  • Soleus
  • Grastrocnemius


Definisi Latihan

Latihan tekanan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran sesuatu permainan melalui situasi permainan sebenar dan dalam sesuatu ‘setting’ yang spesifik. Latihan ini dapat membantu pemain membina keyakinan dan kelicikan permainan dalam sesuatu situasi tertentu. Latihan tekanan juga dapat membina dan meningkatkan dayatahan otot yang lebih spesifik .Mc Partlin (1980) mendefinisikan latihan tekanan sebagai satu sistem latihan yang member peluang kepada para atlit melatih sesuatu kemahiran spesifik dengan berulang – ulang kali, mungkin beratus – ratus kali dalam jangka masa beberapa minit.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan dan mengekalkan kemampuan aerobic dan anaerobik.
  • Meningkatkan kelajuan , ketangkasan, koordinasi, kekuatan dan kelembutan.
  • Meningkatkan dayatahan otot tertentu.
  • Mengekalkan dan membaiki tahap kemahiran dalam situasi permainan yang tertentu.
  • Untuk mempercepatkan sistem tenaga dalam tubuh badan.sistem tenaga yang dominan dalam latihan tekanan ialah ATP-PC.

Contoh Latihan
  • Olahraga:pelari jarak sederhana
  • Atlet 800m dan 1500m
  • Larian zig – zag (larian selang - seli)

Cara Melaksanakan
  • Melakukan aktiviti memanaskan badan.
  • Pastikan aktiviti yang di pilih memberi  tekanan.
  • Gerak kerja aktiviti hendaklah dilakukan berterusan dengan ulangan yang telah ditetapkan.
  • Aktiviti boleh dijalankan dalam dua kumpulan atau lebih
  • Tiap – tiap pelatih menjalankan latih tubi tekanan berterusan secara bergilir – gilir.
  • Masa maksimum untuk menjalankan aktiviti diambil kira
  • Masa rehat diberi sehingga kadar denyutan jantung sampai 150. Ia hanya diberi diantara set sahaja.
  • Ulangan dan pertukaran aktiviti di tentukan oleh masa.
 Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Trapizius
  • Deltoid
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Sartorius
  • Rectus femoris
  • Vastus medialis
  • Soleus
  • Grastrocnemius
  • Triceps brachilis


Definisi Latihan

Latihan litar ialah salah satu daripada kaedah latihan yang selalu digunakan untuk menguji kecergasan fizikal. Latihan ini telah diperkenalkan oleh R.E.Morgan dan G.T.Adamson pada tahun 1953 di Universiti of Leeds, England. Latihanlitar merupakan latihan yang melibatkan stesyen – stesyen tertentu dan dilakukan dalam jangka masa yang telah ditetapkan . Satu litar telah dilakukan jika pelaku telah melakukan semua aktiviti. Latihan ini adalah latihan di mana peserta melakukan beberapa aktiviti secara bersiri atau dalam satu litar . Jumlah aktiviti yang dipilih adalah di antara 8 hingga 12 yang mana melibatkan otot – otot yang berlainan.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan otot.
  • Meningkatkan dan melatih keupayaaan anaerobik dan aerobic.
  • Meningkatkan kederasan , ketangkasan dan kelembutan.
  • Membina daya tahan kardiovascular.

Contoh Latihan
  • Tekan tubi
  • Bangun tubi
  • Lari ulang alik
  • Burpee
  • Skipping
  • Lompat selang seli (alternate split jump)
  • Jack knife
  • Angkat kaki 
Cara Melaksanakan Latihan
  1. Objektif latihan apa yang hendak dicapai dalam latihan perlu dikenalpasti atau keperluan atlit.
  2. Memilih aktiviti latihan.
  3. Mencatat atau rekod aktiviti berkesan.
  4. Melaksanakan aktiviti : (a) Memanaskan badan : kelonggaran dan regangan, lakukan secara perlahan – lahan. (b) Mencapai tahap ambang dan pastikan beban latihan yang betul.
  5. Menyimpan rekod.
  6. Membuat penilaian dan ubahsuai jika perlu.
  7. Menyejukkan badan jika perlu.
  8. Mempelbagikan corak latihan.
  9. Latihan hendaklah menarik minat dan menyeronokkan.

Contoh Otot-otot Terlibat 
  • Trapizius
  • Deltoid
  • Pectoralis major
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Sartoriu
  • Rectus femoris
  • Vastus medialis
  • Soleus
  • Grastrocnemius
  • Rectus obdominis
  • Latisimus dorsi
  • External oblique
  • Triceps brachii


Definisi Latihan

Perkataan Plyometrik adalah berasal daripadaperkataan Greek ‘Pleythein’ yang membawa maksud bertambah atau meningkat atau akar Greek;Plio dan Metric’ yang membawa maksud banyak dan terkira. Hari ini Plyometrik merujuk kepada ciri- ciri latihan tentang pengucupan otot – otot yang kuat dalam bertindak kepada kelajuan, beban atau meregangkan otot – otot yang terlibat. Latihan Plyometrik adalah satu system latihan kuasa (dynamic power) yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kuasa otot yang terlibat pergerakan yang hampir sama dengan acara yang dilatih.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan kuasa dinamik otot yang terlibat.
  • Meningkatkan keupayaan anaerobik.
  • Meningkatkan dayatahan kederasan otot dan dayatahan otot yang spesifik
  • Meningkatakan kelajuan dan kekuatan otot.

Cara Melaksanakan Latihan
  • Lari setempat dengan lutut tinggi, tangan dihayun pantas.
  • Lari setempat tumit menyentuh punggung.
  • Lompat skip , tangan dihayun pantas.
  • Lari langkah panjang (striding)
  • Lompat berhalangan.

(a) Melantun dengan dua belah kaki (lompat jauh)
Prosedur :
Melonjak kuat ke hadapan dan ke atas sambil menghayun lengan ke hadapan. Mendarat segera dan melonjak semula.

(b) Melantun kaki bergilir-gilir
Prosedur :
Tangan di belakang kepala, melonjak seberapa jauh dan tinggi yang boleh sebelum mendarat di atas sebelah kaki.

(c) Lompatan pantas kedua-dua belah kaki
Prosedur :
Melonjak dan menghayun ke atas seberapa tinggi dan lutut di bawa ke dada, mendarat kemudian melonjak semula.

(d) Skip
Prosedur :
Cuba “terapung” dengan melonjak sebelah kaki kehadapan dan sebelah kaki ke belakang. Hayunan tangan kehadapan dan ke atas.

(e) Lompat kangkang
Prosedur :
Tapak tangan di belakang kepala. Melonjak seberapa tinggi yang boleh, mendarat dengan membengkokkan kaki ke hadapan dan melonjak semula.

(f) Lompat naik dan turun 
Prosedur :
Melompat dengan dua belah kaki melepasi kotak yang diletakkan berjarak. Lompatan diteruskan, mendarat dan seterusnya sehingga selesai.

(g) Double leg jump
Prosedur :
Melompat dua belah kaki ke atas kotak. Turun dari kotak, mendarat dua belah kaki dan naik ke kotak kedua, turun dan seterusnya. Buat 8 ulangan iaitu 3 set. Ketinggian kotak : 36 inci.

(h) Horizontal swing.
Prosedur :
Memegang beban, membuat hayunan kekiri, kanan dan kebelakang. Buat 12 ulangan 3 set. Berat beban : 10 kg.

(i) One leg zig-zag
Prosedur :
Melompat rintangan berbentuk zig-zag. Buat 8 ulangan/3 set. Ketinggian halangan ; 36 inci

Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Trapizius
  • Deltoid
  • Triceps brachii
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Sartorius
  • Rectus femoris
  • Vastus medialis
  • Soleus
  • Grastrocnemius


Definidi Latihan

Latihan LSD ini sesuai untuk mempertingkatkan system tenaga aerobic kerana ia dapat merangsangkan pembukaan kapilari dan meningkatkan kandungan myoglobin yang membawa oksigen ke otot – otot serta meningkatkan aktiviti enzim yang terlibat dalam metabolisme asid lemak. 

(Asrand & Rodahl, 1977) kepada mereka peubahan fisiologi ini memberi kesan ke atas sistem kardio respiratori dan seterusnya dapat meningkatkan system tenaga aerobik . LSD ini juga sangat sesuai dijalankan untuk atlit supaya ia tidak mendatangkan kebosanan kepada mereka. Jarak ideal disyorkan ialah 10km hingga 15km. (Fox, Methews, 1981) atlit tidak dikehendaki berlumba – lumba untuk mencapai kemenangan semasa larian ini, tetapi mereka dikehendaki menamatkan larian dalam jarak yang telah ditetapkan.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Membina system aerobic ataupun kenerkesanan system kardoi respiratori
  • Membina dayatahan kardiovaskular dan dayatahan otot kaki
  • Dapat menamatkan larian dalam jarak yang ditentukan tanpa mengira faktor kemenangan.
  • Dapat menikmati keindahan alam semula jadi.

Cara Melaksanakan Latihan
  1. Enam langkah perlaksanaan:Menentukan kadar nadi rehat - Menentikan kadar nadi rehat : menentukan kadar nadi setiap individu sebelum latihan (mengikut umur)
  2. Aktiviti memanaskan badan - Sebelum melakukan latihan aktiviti daya tahan kardiovaskular , aktiviti memanaskan badan adalah amat penting Contoh : cara memanaskan badan – berjalan pantas atau berlari setempat dan diikuti dengan aktiviti regangan dan kelonggaran.Aktiviti regangan boleh membantu mengelakkan kecederaaan pada otot melancarkan pengaliran darah dan meningkatkan suhu otot selain meningkatkan fleksibiliti dan menggerakkan sendi – sendi pada julat pergerakan yang optimum.
  3. Menentukan kadar nadi latihan (KNL).Sebelum melaksanakan LSD : Intensity latihan adalah berdasarkan kepada peratusan jumlah kadar nadi maksimum yang perlu dicapai semasa aktiviti fizikal. Untuk menentukan intensity latihan kita boleh merujuk kepada zon latihan kardiovaskular atau peratusan intensity yang sesuai. Intensity latihan dapat menentukan sama ada aktiviti fizikal kita lakukan berintensiti terlalu tinggi atau rendah berdasarkan kepada objektif latihan. 
  • Menentukan kadar nadi latihan (KNL) : 
  • (1) KNM- kadar nadi maksimum 
  • Umur 25 tahun : KNM = 220 – 25 = 195 denyutan seminit.Merujuk kepada zon latihan kardiovaskular : intensity sederhana adalah 70% - 80%.
  •  KNL ( minimum ) = 70/100 x 195 = 156 denyutan seminit
  •  Intensity yang hendak di capai dan dikekalkan semasa melakukan aktiviti fizikal adalah antara 136 hingga 156 denyutan seminit.
  • (II) Kaedah karvonen
  • Umur 28 tahun - KNR = 60 denyutan seminit = 220 – 28 = 192 denyutan seminit
  • KNL ( minimum ) = KNR + % ( KNM – KNR )= 60 + 80% ( 192 – 60 )  = 60 + 70% ( 132 )   = 60 + 92.4  =152.4 denyutan seminit
  • (III)  KNL ( maksimum ) = KNR + % ( KNM – KNR ) = 60 + 80% (192 – 60 ) = 60 + 80% (152 ) = 60 + 105.6= 165.6 denyutan seminit.
  • Intensity latihan yang perlu dicapai dan dikekalkan semasa melakukan aktiviti fizikal adalah antara 152 hingga 165 denyutan seminit.
      4. Fasa Latihan
  •  Berlari secara perlahan ( slow jog)  
  • Lari sekeliling trek stadium sejauh 2km (5 pusingan )
  • Setelah berlari 1 pusingan , peserta yang berada di belakang sekali akan berlari ke hadapan dan diikuti secara bergilir – gilir sehingga seterus.
  • Apabila larian berjalan selama 3 pusingan, rehat dan ambil kadar denyutan nadi
  • Sambung semula larian 2 pusingan lagi dan berhenti
  • Mencatat kadar nadi untuk bacaan yang ketiga
  • Melakukan aktiviti regangan
      5. Pengekalan KNL
  • Jangka masa larian yang disarankan ialah 50 minit atau lebih untuk mendapat kesan daripada latihan kecergasan kardiovaskular.
  • KNL perlu dikekalkan dalam tempoh masa tersebut.
  •  Intensity latihan adalah rendah dan dikekalkan bagi   jarak larian yang jauh.

      6. Aktiviti menyejukkan badan                                           
  •  Latihan perlu diakhiri dengan melakukan aktiviti menyejukkan badan.
  • Amalan melakukan aktiviti menyejukkan badan dapat menyingkirkan asid laktik yang terkumpul di dalam badan.

Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Trapizius
  • Deltoid
  • Triceps brachii
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Sartorius
  • Rectus femoris
  • Vastus medialis
  • Soleus
  • Grastrocnemius


Definisi Latihan 

Latihan bebanan telah diterima secara universal sebagai satu kaedah latihan yang paling baik untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dan dayatahan otot.intensiti ,bebanan serta ulangan latihan bebanan berbeza mengikut tujuan latihan yang hendak dijalankan.mengikut Jesse bahawa:
“strength and muscular endurance are two important componens of physical fitness and are needed in varying in all types of work and play”

Oleh itu kemahiran – kemahiran tertentu adalah memerlukan otot – otot yang spesifik. Untuk mendapatkan tahap kemahiran yang tinggi , otot – otot ini perlu dilatih dengan kekuatan dan daya tahan. Kesempurnaan kedua – dua komponen ini akan menjamin kejayaan dalam sukan yang diceburi nanti.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan kekuatan otot.
  • Meningkatkan dayatahan otot.
  • Meningkatkan tahap kelembutan dan kepantasan
  • Meningkatkan kuasa eksplosif.

Contoh Latihan
  • Bench Press
  • Leg Press
  • Pull Down
  • Leg Extension
  • Sit Ups
  • Running
  • Leg Curls
  • Step Ups
  • Calf Raises
Cara Melaksanakan Latihan

Terdapat 3 cara melaksanakan latihan bebanan:
  1. Latihan Isometrik - Isometrik bermaksud tanpa perubahan kepanjangan, oleh itu latihan isometrik ialah suatu jenis latihan kekuatan yang dilakukan tanpa melibatkan pergerakan atau pertukaran kepanjangan otot-otot yang terlibat. Apa yang berlaku ialah pengecutan statik dan walaupun latihan ini boleh menambahkan kekuatan tetapi kualiti kekuatan yang ditambah adalah kurang memuaskan dan tidak mendatangkan banyak faedah.
  2. Latihan Isotonik - Latihan Isotonik bermaksud otot-otot yang terlibat akan dipendekkan semasa senaman dilakukan. Senaman ini adalah jauh lebih berfaedah daripada latihan isometrik. Alatan-alatan yang digunakan dalam latihan ini termasuk dumbell, barbell serta mesin Multi-Gym, Universal, weider dan Paramount.
  3. Latihan Isokinetik -  Kaedah latihan ini adalah yang paling berkesan kerana ia mengabungkan faedah-faedah daripada kedua-dua latihan isometrik dan isotonik. Suatu bentuk pengucupan yang istimewa dalam pengucupan isotonik. Pengucupan ini mengawal kepantasan pencapaian atlit. Tujuan pencapaian ini adalahuntuk menghasilkan proses pengucupan yang maksimum semasa pergerakan sepenuhnya (full range of movement). Tahap dan daya yang maksimum yang boleh dihasilkan melalui proses pengucupan ini bergantung kepada jenis pergerakan yang dilakukan. Kepantasan juga akan mempengaruhi hasil daya. Dalam pergerakan isokenetik, kepantasan telah ditentukan atau dikawal. Walaupun seberapa daya cubaan dibuat kepantasan tetap terkawal. Kebanyakan proses pengucupan otot adalah berbentuk kuasa.
Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Anterior deltoid
  • Pectrolis major
  • Triceps brachii
  • Quadriceps
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachioradialis


Definisi Latihan

Latihan parlouf adalah satu kaedah latihan untuk mencapai kecergasan fizikal dan kemahiran dalam acara lari berganti-ganti seperti 4x100 meter (relay) terutamanya persediaan pra musim. Ia merupakan satu sistem latihan yang melibatkan 2 atau lebih individu yang kemudiannya dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan mengikut keperluan dalam melakukan latihan ini. Semasa musim persediaan terutama acara lari berganti-ganti teknik atau kemahiran pertukaran button perlu dikuasai oleh atlet.

Tujuan Latihan
  • Meningkatkan tahap ambang anaerobik.
  • Meningkatkan kemahiran atlit.
  • Meningkatkan ketangkasan dan kelajuan.
  • Meningkatkan keupayaan anaerobik.

Cara Melaksanakan Latihan
  • Mencatat kadar nadi rehat.
  • Aktiviti memanaskan badan.
  • Peserta dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan mengikut keperluan.
  • Latihan dijalankan sebanyak 3 set dan setiap set mengandungi 3 ulangan.
  • Latihan mengikut jadual yang disediakan.
  • Jarak setiap larian ialah 100 meter.
  • Kadar nadi latihan ialah 70%
  • Pencapain peserta akan direkodkan.
  • Aktiviti penyejukan badan selepas latihan.

Otot-otot Terlibat
  • Deltoid
  • Biceps
  • Brachioradialis
  • Quadriceps
  • Gluteus
  • Hamstring
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Triceps  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

800 metres Training

A training program has to be developed to meet the individual needs of the athlete and take into consideration many factors: gender, age, strengths, weaknesses, objectives, training facilities etc. As all athletes have different needs, a single program suitable for all athletes is not possible. The program supplied here is just an example and will require updates to meet your specific aims and objectives.

Prior to starting any training, it is recommended you have a medical examination to ensure it is safe for you to do so.

Overview of the Training Program
The seasons training plan is based on six phases where each phase comprises of a repeated four week program. The workload in the first three weeks of the four week program increase each week (easy, medium, hard) and the fourth week comprises of active recovery and tests to monitor training progress. 

The aim of the four week cycles is to:
  • Build you up to a level of fitness (3 weeks)
  • Test, recovery and adjustment of the training program (1 week)
  • Build you up to higher level of fitness (3 weeks)
  • Test, recovery and adjustment of the training program (1 week)
  • Build you up to an even higher level of fitness (3 weeks) and so on.
Remember a training program is athlete specific and the results of the tests in the fourth week can be used to adjust the training in the next four week cycle to address any limitations.

The content and quantity of training in each week and phase will depend on many factors. The Planning page provides an insight into the process of data gathering and preparing training programs.

Example Training Plan & Programs
The objective of each phase, with links to examples of a season's training plan and four week training programs for phases 1, 2 and 3, are as follows:
  • Training Plan - General overview of the season by phases
  • Phase 1 - General development of strength, mobility, endurance and basic technique
  • Phase 2 - Development of specific fitness and advanced technical skills
  • Phase 3 - Competition experience - achievement of qualification times for main competition
  • Phase 4 - Adjustment of technical model, preparation for the main competition
  • Phase 5 - Competition experience and achievement of outdoor objectives
  • Phase 6 - Active recovery - planning preparation for next season
The content of the four week programs in phases four and five depends very much on the athletes progress and competition races. Your aim in these phases is to address any limitations the athlete may have in order to bring him/her to a peak of performance for the major competition in phase five.

Specific Training
In the specific training phases, you will see that you run at three different paces - race pace, 5% faster than race pace and 5% slower than race pace. To do this you have to decide on a realistic target time for your 800 metres in phase five. The use of appropriate tests in week four of the training plan can be used to determine if your target time needs adjustment and accordingly the session times on your training plan.

What are the objectives of running at these three different paces?
  • 5% faster than 800 metres pace (approx 400m pace) - to improve leg speed and the ability to pick 'it up' in a race - specific endurance sessions would involve maximum distances of 300 metres in a single repetition with 5 to 10 minute recoveries
  • 800 metres race pace - to improve VO2 max and resistance to fatigue and train the body to operate at the required 800 metres pace- specific endurance sessions would involve maximum distances of 600 metres in a single repetition with 2 to 3 minute recovery.
  • 5% slower than race pace (approx 1500m pace) - to improve lactic threshold and teach you to function for longer periods - helps when there is a number of heats before the final - specific endurance sessions would involve maximum distances of 1200 metres in a single repetition with 30 to 90 second recoveries.

Endurance Training

KML Golden Team...pasukan olahraga yang aku latih ni menjadi juara keseluruhan dengan
8 emas, 4 perak dan 2 gangsa - peringkat kebangsaan di Selangor.....Percaya atau tak? aku latih
sorang-sorang tiap-tiap petang bersama GM ku yang pakai baju hijau di atas astaka tu.
Banyak isu ketika ini....... :(
The objective of this page is to provide some suggested programs for young or inexperienced athletes developing their technique and knowledge of the 800, 1500, 5000 meters, 10,000 meters, walks and steepplechase events.

Before You Start
Prior to starting any training, it is recommended you have a medical examination to ensure it is safe for you to do so. Any application of this training program is at the athlete's own discretion and risk.

The seasons training program is based on the six phases detailed on my Planning page where each phase comprises of a repeated four week plan. The workload in the first three weeks of the plan should increase each week (easy, medium, hard) and the 4th week comprise of active recovery and evaluation test to monitor training progress. The aim of the 4 week cycle is to build the athlete up to a level of fitness (3 weeks), allow a recovery (1 week), build you up to higher level of fitness, allow a recovery and so on. Remember a plan is athlete specific and the results of the tests in the 4th week can be used to adjust the training in the next four week cycle to address any limitations.

Year Training Program
The plan is based on three training sessions per week with the major competition being in phase 5. 

The duration of each phase could be as follows:
Phase 1 - 16 weeks
Phase 2 - 8 weeks
Phase 3 - 8 weeks
Phase 4 - 8 weeks
Phase 5 - 8 weeks
Phase 6 - 4 weeks

The objective of each phase is as follows:
Phase 1 - General development of strength, mobility, endurance and basic technique
Phase 2 - Development of specific fitness and advanced technical skills
Phase 3 - Competition experience - achievement of qualification times for main competition
Phase 4 - Adjustment of technical model, preparation for the main competition
Phase 5 - Competition experience and achievement of outdoor objectives
Phase 6 - Active recovery - planning preparation for next season

Suggestions as to the sessions for each phase are detailed below. I leave the content of each four week cycle to you.

Key to notations and terms used
  • 1-4 × 2-5 × 300-600m
  • 1 to 4 sets of 2 to 5 repetitions of a distance between 300 and 600 metres
Phase 1

  • General strength - Circuit or Weight training.
  • 30 minute runs with alternating pace each 800m
  • 30 minutes easy run (Heart rate 60%-70% HRmax)
  • 30 to 45 minutes continuous relay.
  • 2nd event technique
  • 30 to 40 minutes. Fartlek or Cross country.
  1. Steeplechase athletes may include hurdles in Thursday sessions
  2. Running technique must remain sound.
  3. Walks - Walk on Tuesday and Thursday, run on Saturday
  4. All events will probably elaborate on the 3 day program with at least one other day when the athlete runs 30 to 40 minutes. easy (Heart rate 60%-70% HRmax).
  5. Each training session to include an appropriate warm up and cool down.
Phase 2

  • General strength - Circuit or Weight training.
  • 45 minutes run with alternating pace each 1 km
  • Thursday
  • 30 minutes easy run
  • Repetition runs: 1-4 x 2-5 x 300-1,000m 
  • or 2-4 x (600m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m)
  • 30 minutes easy run or interval training.
  • 45 minutes Fartlek with 10 to 12 hills of 100 to 200m 
  • or Cross country.
  1. Steeplechase athletes should work over hurdles on track units -and should also work technique over the water jump.
  2. Walkers walk on Tuesday and Thursdays - run on Sundays.
  3. All events will probably elaborate on the 3 day program with at least one other day where the athlete runs 30 to 45 minutes easy (Heart rate 60%-70% HRmax).
  4. Each training session to include an appropriate warm up and cool down.
Phase 3

  • 30 minutes easy run
  • Repetition runs - 1-4 x 2-4 x 300-600m .
  • or 2-3 x (600m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m)
  • or 3-6 x differential 400m (i.e. first 200m at 80% racing speed, second 200m as fast as possible).
  • 30 to 45 minutes easy run
  • Repetition runs 2-3 x 3-6 x 150m 
  • or 2-4 x 3-8 x 100m .
  • or pyramid 30m, 50m, 70m, 90m, 110m, 130m, 150m - then back down
  • Competition
  1. Steeplechasers will use hurdles on the Tuesday.
  2. Walkers will use 2 x 30 minutes on Tuesday and use Tuesday's repetition distances (or longer) on Thursday, following 45 minutes walk.
  3. Each training session to include an appropriate warm up and cool down.
Phase 4

  • General strength - Circuit or Weight training.
  • 45 minutes run with alternating pace each 1 km
  • 30 minutes easy run
  • Repetition runs - 1-4 x 2-5 x 300m -1,000m 
  • or 2-4 x (600m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m )
  • 30 minutes easy run or Interval training
  • 45 minutes Fartlek with 10 to 12 hills of 100-200m 
  • or Cross country.
  1. Steeplechase athletes should work over hurdles on track units -and should also work technique over the water jump.
  2. Walkers walk on Tuesday and Thursdays - run on Sundays.
  3. All events will probably elaborate on the 3 day program with at least one other day where the athlete runs 30 to 45 minutes easy (Heart rate 60%-70% HRmax).
  4. Each training session to include an appropriate warm up and cool down.
Phase 5

  • 30 minutes easy run
  • Repetition runs - 1-4 x 2-4 x 300-600m .
  • or 2-3 x (600m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m)
  • or 3-6 x differential 400m (i.e. first 200m at 80% racing speed, second 200m as fast as possible).
  • 30 to 45 minutes easy run
  • Repetition runs 2-3 x 3-6 x 150m 
  • or 2-4 x 3-8 x 100m .
  • or pyramid 30m, 50m, 70m, 90m, 110m, 130m, 150m - then back down
  • Competition
  1. Steeplechasers will use hurdles on the Tuesday.
  2. Walkers will use 2 x 30 minutes on Tuesday and use Tuesday's repetition distances (or longer) on Thursday, following 45 minutes walk.
  3. Each training session to include an appropriate warm up and cool down.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Benefits of omega-3s for the athlete

It's in our genes. Humans used to consume 300-400 grams of omega-3s per week. If we consume more than two grams a day now it's considered a lot.

Firstly a study published four years ago that showed that if the US government issued three grams of fish oil per day to every American citizen, then the amount of cancer and heart disease would go down by 50% within one year. 

Even if you don't really care about cancer and heart disease at the minute you may care about this: the biggest limiting factor in hard training athletes to getting leaner and adding muscle is the consumption (or lack thereof) of omega-3s.  

When we were cavemen we often ate what predators left, for example a lion would eat from the gut onwards and leave the skull and long bones.  

Primitive man would break the skull open and eat the brains. Brains are 60% fat and 60% of that is DHA, the omega-3.  Primitive man would also break the bones of the prey and suck the marrow, also rich in omega-3, 

DHA particularly. DHA is the omega-3 most responsible for brain development while EPA is most associated with reducing inflammation.  

Anyone who wants to put on a lot of muscle and lose fat should be on 30-40 grams of fish oil per day. That's just three tablespoons of Udo’s Choice oil. It is a pain in the arse with capsules though because that's around 45 capsules per day, but it's easy with simple oil. The best one available is Udo’s Choice, created by Dr Udo Erasmus after years and years of research.

Finally, for those of you interested in positively and optimally altering your body composition and maximizing your training efforts, fish oils offer thirteen possible advantages:

  • Cell membrane health: EPA and DHA insure that cell membranes remain healthy. This results in decreased fat storage in the adipocytes (fat cells).
  • Fish oils switch on the lipolytic genes (fat burning genes).
  • Fish oils switch off the lipogenic genes (fat storage genes).
  • ncrease utilisation of fat stores from the adipocytes. (Brown fat also known as “baby fat”) for energy supply.
  • Reduced inflammation from training.
  • Pain management from reduced inflammation.
  • EPA regulates blood supply to the brain which is essential in maintaining focus in weight training sessions. DHA is important in brain membranes, memory, and cognitive function.
  • Fish oils increase serotonin levels (the happy neurotransmitter). Therefore, fish oils will decrease incidence of depression, anxiety, panic attack, andreduce carbohydrate cravings.
  • Fish oils will improve your cardiovascular risk profile by lowering VLDL (bad cholesterol), triglycerides, homocysteine, fibrinogen, and increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
  • Fish oils can also decrease blood pressure. 
  • Fish oils are a great stress fighter. For the same amount of stress, a person will produce fewer stress hormones if consuming fish oils on a regularbasis.                                                           
  • Research has shown that supplementation with fish oils can markedly reduce interlukin-1beta production and results in a significant reduction in morning stiffness                                               
  • Fish oil regulates insulin and its response and so you WILL get a body fat reduction

How to Improve Vertical Jump, Speed and Explosive Power

Train to improve your vertical jump height and long jump distance because it won't happen by chance. Specific power training will get the job done.  You could improve your chances of getting a scholarship to play at the college level. The fastest runners in the 40-yard dash typically have the highest vertical jumps and longest broad jumps. Both jumps show how much explosive leg power you have.

Vertical Jump
  • Here are 4 things you can do now to improve your vertical jump:Improve your total body strength, especially leg strength. Overall strength training (including core training) is needed to stabilize joints, build muscle, correct postural problems and improve flexibility. A male should be able to squat his body weight 8-10 times and a female should be able to squat about 75% of her body weight 8-10 times. If you are not able to squat, then you should be able to leg press about 1.5 times your body weight 8-10 times. Powerful athletic movements initiate with or transfer through your core area. Translation: a weak core will severely hurt your power output and vertical jump.
  • Explosive weight lifting will improve your power and set you apart from your athletic competitors. Make your total body more explosive.Just as you can do medicine ball exercises, plyometric exercises and light dumbbell exercises explosively, you can also lift heavier weights explosively. Lifting weights explosively is an advanced form of exercise and shouldn't be done by beginners or youngsters. Your body should have the needed stabilization and strength before beginning explosive lifts. It doesn't help you improve as an athlete to continually get stronger if power development is not there also. Power, or speed strength (how fast your muscles can produce force) is one of the best physical predictors of success in sports.Research has proven that only lifting heavy weights at a moderate or slow pace will not improve your explosive power.
  • Do plyometrics, upper and lower body. Plyometric exercises help you to increase leg power and arm power. Exercises like squat jumps, medicine ball throws and side-to-side hops are good examples. A high level of eccentric strength is needed during the landing phase of a plyometric jump. Inadequate strength will result in a slow rate of stretch and less activation of the stretch reflex. The amortization phase, the time on the ground, is the most important part of a plyometric exercise. It represents the time between the landing and the take off and is critical for power development. If the amortization phase is too long, the stretch reflex is lost and there is no plyometric effect. The take off is the concentric contraction that follows the landing. During this phase the stored elastic energy is used to increase jump height and explosive power. Plyometrics represent high intensity training, placing great stress on the bones, joints, and connective tissue. While plyometrics can improve your speed, power, and performance, they also place you at greater risk of injury than less intense training exercises.It is important to perform the exercises correctly before implementation of full-speed exercises.Jumping and landing techniques should be mastered by you. Exercises should also be performed on safe surfaces such as rubber mats, sprung floors, grass or sand. Concrete or other similar hard surfaces expose you to injury.
  • Do deep knee bends and deep knee bend jumps at the end of your workout. Deep knee bends will strengthen your knees and ligaments supporting them. Having strong, stable knee structures will influence how high you can jump. For deep knee bends, make sure that your back is straight when you are bending your knees. Squat down as low as possible and rise back in a slow motion. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 repetitions. You can add dumbbells to this exercise as you progress. Deep knee bend jumps are like deep knee bends. When you reach the lowest point of the squat, leap vertically and explosively as high as you can. When you land, squat back down and jump again. Do 10-15 repetitions.

A vertical jump of:
  • 30-32 inches - Good
  • 33-36 inches - Very Good
  • 37-40 inches - Excellent
  • Above 40 inches - Elite

Long Jump

The standing long jump (or broad jump) should be a regular part of your sports training workouts.

Use a soft athletic surface such as grass, astro-play or rubber floor to perform the long jump.
  • Stand behind a marked line.
  • Swing your arms back and bend your knees to propel your take-off.
  • Use a 2-footed take-off and landing. Jump as far as you can and land without falling backwards.
Your jump is measured from the take-off line to the nearest point of contact which is the back of the heels.

A long jump of:
  • 7 ft. to 8 ft. - Good
  • 8.5 ft. to 10 ft. - Very Good
  • 10.5 ft. to 11 ft. - Excellent
  • Above 11 ft. - Elite
Include standing long jumps and vertical jump exercises in your training to improve your leg power and running speed.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Eat Protein Pre- and Post-Workout for Muscle Growth.

If there is one nutrient that you need to support your training and recovery, protein would be it! All the exercise in the world won’t help you build muscle or get lean if it is not supported with proper nutrition, which should always include a good dose of some high-quality protein or high quality protein powder.

Many people argue the merits of whether you should have protein before you workout or after, when in reality the best time is both! The purpose of having protein before you exercise is to prevent muscle protein breakdown and to promote muscle protein synthesis. This is fancy talk for preserving the muscle you already have, and helping to promote the growth of new muscle tissue.

In addition to consuming some quality protein before you exercise, you should also consume some after as your muscles are highly receptive to incoming nutrients after a training session. The purpose of protein after training is to simply continue the benefits of pre-training protein, to preserve the muscle you already have and help create new muscle tissue.

That’s the big picture anyway, but let’s dig a little deeper and see more ways in which protein around our training can improve our results!

Protein Before You Train

Recent research has shown that consuming protein before exercise can decrease, or at least prevent the increase of, markers of muscle damage (myoglobin, creatine kinase and myofibrillar protein degradation) more than groups who consumed just carbohydrates or placebo.

This is one of the key reasons to have protein before you train, as reducing the damage to the muscles can improve recovery time and cause better adaptations to training over the long-term.

In addition, protein consumed before training will also flood your blood stream with amino acids as your body needs them, beginning the process of creating new muscle while you are training!

Aim to consume about 15 to 40 grams of protein within 30-90 minutes before training, depending on your size and needs. This can be consumed either in a shake or a mixed meal, again depending on what best fits your needs.

Protein After You Train

While most people know they should have some protein after they exercise, they often believe that they must have a shake or meal immediately after finishing their last set. The fact is if you consumed an adequate amount of quality protein within 30-90 minutes before you started exercising, then there is no need for immediate consumption. In reality as long as some quality protein is consumed within an hour after cessation of training, you are golden.

On the flip side of that, waiting too long can compromise the beneficial adaptations to training, and decrease your results. So while you don’t have to slam down a shake immediately after training, it wouldn’t be in your best interest to wait for 3 hours either.

A perfect example of the importance of having protein around your training was a recent 10 week trial where the researchers had subjects consume a protein/carbohydrate mixture before and after training, and another group consume that same mixture at the two points in the day furthest from the training.

The group that surrounded their training with the protein/carbohydrate mixture had greater gains in lean mass and strength, while also losing some body fat to boot (the other group actually gained some fat). This clearly indicates that surrounding your training with adequate amounts of high-quality protein (and carbohydrates) will maximize results, even if your total intake for the day is the same.

Aim to consume about 15 to 40 grams of protein within 60 minutes after training, again depending on your size and needs. Whether this is consumed as a shake or a solid meal is solely dependent on what best fits your needs.

The take home point is that it is a good idea to surround your training, both before and after, with high quality protein to maximize the benefits of exercise. This will minimize protein breakdown, and maximize your ability to build or maintain lean muscle mass.

Download your Free Report, "what to never eat after your workout!" Fuel your body all day to give you better results during and after workouts. 

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