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Monday, August 21, 2017

Explosive Training Technique

Become a more explosive athlete with eccentric contraction strength training. This type of training will improve your strength in a way that will maximize your power output and reduce risk of injuries. 

Strong eccentric contractions are critical for you to produce maximal power since all force production (concentric) must be preceded by force reduction (eccentric). An example would be loading up in your squat to do an explosive squat jump (a plyometric exercise).

Plyometric exercises always follow the same order: a landing phase, an amortization phase and the take off.

The landing phase starts when the muscles start an eccentric contraction. The rapid eccentric contraction stretches the elastic component of the muscle and activates the stretch reflex. A high level of eccentric strength is needed during the landing phase. Inadequate strength will result in a slow rate of stretch and less activation of the stretch reflex.

The amortization phase, the time on the ground, is the most important part of a plyometric exercise. It represents the time between the landing and the take off and is critical for power development. If the amortization phase is too long, the stretch reflex is lost and there is no plyometric effect.

The take off is the concentric contraction that follows the landing. During this phase the stored elastic energy is used to increase jump height and explosive power.

Strength train your muscles with all contraction types (eccentric, isometric, concentric). All muscles function eccentrically (reduces force or deceleration), isometrically (stabilizes force) and concentrically (produces force).

Eccentric contractions are able to produce the most tension development followed by isometric contractions and lastly, concentric contractions.

If eccentric contractions are able to produce the greatest tension development, then more time should be devoted during training for eccentric contractions to reduce the risk of injuries such as knee ACL tears and improve power.

You would train for eccentric contractions this way:

Eccentric muscle contraction weight training is the lowering phase (force reduction) of a lift.

For example, you would lift the weight (concentric or force production) for a hamstring curl for one count and lower the weight for 3-4 counts. For bench press, lift the weight for 1 count and lower the weight for 3-4 counts.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Top 5 Plyometric Exercises For Athletes

My Top 5 Plyometric Exercises will improve your athleticism, speed and power.

Plyometrics are important exercises for athletes. If your body has the needed strength and stability, plyometrics will improve your sports power by leaps and bounds.

It doesn't help you to continually get stronger if power development is not there also.Power, or speed strength (how fast your muscles can produce force) is one of the best physical predictors of success in sports. Plyometric exercises help you to increase power.

Here are my Top 5 Plyometric Exercises for your lower body. 

1. In-Place Squat Jumps - The squat jump will improve your speed acceleration and power. Bodyweight squat jumps should be mastered first. The fastest runners usually have the highest vertical jump heights.

2. Depth Jumps - The depth jump is an exercise that will improve your speed, power and athleticism because it works the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles. You will improve your athleticism and speed in any sport that involves running or jumping by using the depth jump.

3. Bounding and Lateral Bounding - Lateral bounding is a progression from lateral lunges that requires you to practice lateral movement at game-time speed. 

Do not progress to full-speed lateral bounding until the proper mechanics are achieved with lateral lunges. One common mechanical breakdown is when the knees protrude far in front of the feet when decelerating, landing or squatting. This puts undue stress on the knees and often causes knee injuries.

4. Lateral and Transverse Cone Jumps - Lateral cone jumps improve your side-to-side power and explosion. Transverse cone jumps improve your rotational power. The frontal (lateral) and transverse (rotational) planes of motion are often under-trained by athletes. This is a mistake because many of your athletic movements are side-to-side and rotational.

5. Standing Long Jumps - Improving your standing long jump will also improve your speed and power. A more explosive, powerful athlete will be a faster athlete. Improve both your standing vertical jump and standing long jump and you will be faster and more explosive. 

Avoid knee injuries by perfecting jumping and landing techniques before progressing to full speed plyometric workouts. 

Sit And Reach Flexibility Test

Many injuries can be avoided by athletes if they have adequate flexibility. The sit and reach test measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. 

You will need a box about 12 inches (30 cm) high and a ruler:
  • Sit on the floor with your back and head against a wall. Your legs should be straight ahead and flat against the floor. 
  • Place the box flat against your feet (no shoes). Keep your back and head against the wall and stretch your arms out towards the box. 
  • Have someone place the ruler on the box and move the zero end towards your fingertips. The beginning measuring point is where the ruler touches your fingertips. 
  • Lean forward slowly and smoothly (do not bounce) as far as possible keeping the fingertips level with each other and the legs flat. 
  • Slowly reach along the length of the ruler 3 times. On the third attempt, reach as far as possible and hold for 2 seconds. Have someone record the score. Do the test 2 more times to see if you can improve your score. 
The following as good and sub-standard scores:

Men, Ages 20-29

99 Percentile - 23 in (58 cm)
80 Percentile - 20.5 in (52 cm)
50 Percentile - 17.5 in (44 cm)
10 Percentile - 12.25 in (31 cm)

Men, Ages 30-39

99 Percentile - 22 in (56 cm)
80 Percentile - 19.5 in (50 cm)
50 Percentile - 16.5 in (42 cm)
10 Percentile - 11 in (28 cm)

Women, Ages 20-29

99 Percentile - 24 in (61 cm)
80 Percentile - 22.5 in (57 cm)
50 Percentile - 20 in (51 cm)
10 Percentile - 15.5 in (39 cm)

Women, Ages 30-39

99 Percentile - 24 in (61 cm)
80 Percentile - 21.5 in (55 cm)
50 Percentile - 19 in (48 cm)
10 Percentile - 14.5 in (37 cm)

If you fall below the 80 percentile rank, you need to improve your hamstring and lower back flexibility to enhance your athletic ability. 

Some good hamstring flexibility exercises are walking lunges, resistance band eccentric stretch, bodyweight deadlift and hamstring static stretch (static stretch should be done after workout or game). Good low back flexibility exercises are double knee-to-chest stretch, pelvic tilt, lower trunk rotation, trunk flexion and prone lumbar extension.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Kecederaan Sukan

Kecederaan sukan biasanya berlaku semasa bersukan. Faktor lain termasuk latihan yang tidak sempurna, alatan yang tidak sesuai dan juga latihan memanaskan badan yang tidak mencukupi. Contoh kecederaan sukan: Ketegangan dan kecederaan otot; Kecederaan lutut; Otot bengkak; Kecederaan pada tendon achilles; Fraktur/ kepatahan; Sendi beralih.

Dua Jenis Kecederaan Sukan
  1. Kecederaan Acute - Kecederaan acute berlaku semasa sukan. Contohnya kecederaan pada buku lali, sakit belakang, patah tulang sendi. 
  2. Tanda-tanda kecederaan acute:
  3. Kesakitan pada kawasan yang terlibat.
  4. Bengkak.
  5. Hilang fungsi anggota (tidak boleh menampung berat menggunakan kaki).
  6. Tidak boleh menggerakkan sendi dengan normal.
  7. Lemah pada anggota terlibat.
  8. Fraktur/ kepatahan.

Kecederaan kronik - Kecederaan kronik berlaku selepas sukan atau berlatih untuk satu tempoh yang lama. 
  1. Tanda-tanda kecederaan kronik:
  2. Kesakitan semasa bermain.
  3. Kesakitan semasa latihan memanaskan badan.
  4. Kesakitan yang berterusan semasa rehat.
  5. Bengkak.

Apa Yang Patut Dilakukan
Bawa bertenang, jika mengalami kecederaan semasa bersukan, dinasihatkan supaya berhenti daripada melakukan aktiviti. Komplikasi lain akan berlaku jika terus bersenam ataupun bersukan. Jika gejala atau tanda yang dialami bertambah teruk, dinasihatkan supaya berhubung terus dengan doktor.

Tanda-tanda kecederaan bertambah teruk
  1. Kecederaan yang menyebabkan kesakitan, bengkak atau kebas yang amat sangat.
  2. Tidak boleh menampung berat badan.
  3. Kecederaan lama yang berulang.
  4. Sendi yang tidak stabil.

Rawatan awal
  1. Menggunakan rawatan R.I.C.E; rehat, applikasi ais (ice), balutan (compression) dan penggantungan atau meninggikan anggota (elevation) boleh mengurangkan kesakitan, bengkak dan mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan.
  2. Rehat: Kurangkan aktiviti yang boleh menambahkan kesakitan pada anggota yang terlibat.
  3. Aplikasi Ais: Kenakan ais pada anggota yang cedera, dilakukan selama 20 minit, 4-8 kali sehari.
  4. Balutan: Penggunaan alat balutan boleh mengurangkan bengkak.
  5. Penggantungan: Pastikan anggota yang terlibat berada pada posisi yang lebih tinggi dari jantung. Ia dapat mengurangkan bengkak (seperti meletakkan kaki pada atas bantal semasa baring).

Rawatan lanjutan
  1. Rehabilitasi - senaman yang berjadual membantu fungsi anggota yang terlibat kembali normal. Senaman dimulakan dengan regangan untuk beberapa hari/minggu (3 set sebanyak 20 ulangan – 3 kali sehari). Jika tubuh sudah mulai kuat, pemberat boleh digunakan untuk menguatkan anggota yang terlibat.
  2. Ubat penahan sakit - Doktor akan memberikan ubat penahan sakit untuk mengurangkan kesakitan dan bengkak.
  3. Pembedahan - Pembedahan mungkin diperlukan untuk memperbaiki tendon atau ligamen yang cedera termasuk kepatahan. Kebanyakan kecederaan sukan tidak memerlukan rawatan pembedahan.

Mengurangkan Risiko Kecederaan 
  1. Jangan memusingkan lutut secara mengejut semasa bersukan.
  2. Pastikan lutut bengkok semasa melompat untuk mendarat.
  3. Pastikan buat pemanasan badan yang mencukupi sebelum aktiviti sukan.
  4. Jangan melakukan aktiviti yang berlebihan.
  5. Amalkan latihan menyejukkan badan selepas aktiviti sukan.
  6. Memakai kasut sukan yang sesuai untuk bersukan.
  7. Berlari di atas permukaan lembut dan rata.

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