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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Benefits of Physical Activities

In my previous blog I explained what is health and fitness. This blog is a continuation from where we left. In this I shall detail the importance of physical activities and what role it plays in maintaining a good lifestyle.

As per ACSM (American College of Sports and Medicine) guidelines, a person must involve himself with physical activities at least 3 days a week. The benefits are divided into three categories Physical, mental and social benefits.

Physical benefits of exercising:

- Keeping away from the hypokinetic medical condition 
  • This is one of the major benefits for a person who involves in a physical activity. Hypokinetic condition arises from the complications occurring due to a sedentary lifestyle. This condition include cardiovascular diseases, Obesity, Lower back pain syndrome, Type II diabetes, Hypertension, etc…
- Increases BMR.
  • If you are regularly involved in some kind of a physical activity it results in an increase in the (BMR) (Basal metabolic rate). BMR refers to the minimum amount of energy in the form of calories that our body requires to complete its normal functions such as breathing, breaking down food which we eat.
  • Heart and brain functioning.
- Joint mobility and flexibility
  • Regular physical activity improves your joint mobility as well as flexibility.
- Boost the immune system.
  • Regular and frequent exercising helps in boosting the immune system. Exercises help to flush bacteria out from the system and lungs which in turn help avoid the chances of catching a cold, flu, or other viral infections. Exercise temporarily increases the body temperature it may prevent bacterial growth.
- Improve bone density
  • Bone density refers to amount of the mineral matter per square centimetres of the bones. Physical exercise helps to improve bone density. If the bone density improves there is less chances of osteoporosis and fractures.
- Better body composition
  • Body Composition is used to describe percentage of fats, muscle, bone and the water in the body. If we say better body composition it means more muscles and less fats, good bone weight and desired water level.
  • Exercise act as an anti-aging agent as well as increases life expectancy.
  • Proper and regular exercising e and targeting basic components of fitness will result in stronger heart, good bone density, increase in muscles. As a result it will work as an anti-aging and because your body is functioning well and effectively, the life expectancy increases.
- Increases HDL level which helps in Smooth blood flow
  • Regularly doing cardio exercises results in increasing HDL level. This is because cardio training helps to supply oxygenated blood to the working muscle and that makes the heart stronger and helps in smooth blood flow.
- Low risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Exercise helps to strengthen heart and the cardiovascular system. It improves blood circulation as a result it lowers the risk of heart attack and strokes.
  • Following are the some Mental Benefits of Physical Activity.
- Release endorphins
  • When any person involves in physical exercise related activity it improves his or her mood, because our body release the chemicals which known as endorphins. Which create filling of not only happiness but also euphoria.

Exercise is a stress buster :
This is one of the most important benefit of exercise that is a good stress buster. This is not only reduce the physical stress but as well as mental stress

- Remedy for insomnia
  • Regular involvement in an exercise is a medication alternative to improvement in sleep. Its remedy for the chronic insomnia
- Improves Memory and brain power
  • Regularly engaged in proper physical activity helping sharpen memory and ability of learning new things rapidly and increasing brainpower.
- Exercise Boosts Confidence
  • When person involve in the physical activity he will changes in his body when he see changes in the body defiantly the changes in the attitude the person will think more positively and productively as well as confidently .So we can say exercise boost confidence.
  • Help in control or elimination bad addiction or habits.
  • When we exercise regularly our brain release dopamine which is critically important in rewards and motivation. Dopamine is a brain chemical messenger in brain that makes feel and do happy thing unfortunately same chemical our brain release taking drugs and alcohol, having sex, eating junk food. So our habits of the bad habit turn into good habit due to exercise our brain release dopamine.
  • Following are the some Social Benefits of Physical Activity
- Improvement in the social status
  • When person involve in physical activity emotional health and confidence increase the social relationship is also improve.
- Developing new contacts:
  • Participating in sports or group fitness activity will help to develop new contacts. If the person fit and healthy the appearance of the people of the society is also change towards that person is also positive.
- Increase productivity and efficiency
  • If the person regularly exercising he is more productive and efficient employee for the organisation. Because he work think and act smartly.
- Reducing generation Gap
  • If person goes gym, group fitness activity or sports activity like marathon  may lead to reduction in generation gaps.
  • Spending on surgery and medications is not a right option. Spending money and time on Exercise is not an expenditure it’s an investment on your life; because our health is our wealth.
  • All the benefits of physical exercise we well get only when we are targeting all the health related comp 

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