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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nasi Lemak adalah sarapan antarabangsa yang sihat : Time Maghazine

MAKANAN kegemaran rakyat Malaysia, nasi lemak kini diiktiraf sebagai salah satu daripada 10 sarapan antarabangsa yang paling sihat oleh majalah antarabangsa terkenal, TIME.

Menurut majalah berprestij itu, walaupun nasi lemak sering dilabel sebagai makanan berlemak, namun nasi yang dimasak menggunakan santan kelapa tetap mengandungi lemak yang baik untuk kesihatan badan.

“Memang ia mengandungi kandungan lemak lebih daripada apa yang kita perlukan (kurangkan pengambilan nasi) tetapi makanan itu adalah sarapan yang seimbang.

“Ini kerana ia mengandungi pelbagai nutrisi termasuk manganese, protein dan karbohidrat.  Kandungan cili dalam sambal (nasi lemak) boleh membantu meningkatkan metabolisme,” lapor majalah TIME.

Artikel bertajuk 10 Healthy International itu turut menyenaraikan beberapa lagi menu sarapan pagi yang didapati berkhasiat dari pelbagai negara lain.

Selain nasi lemak, makanan sarapan dari Turki yang kaya dengan zaiton, tomato, keju dan telur turut mendapat perhatian majalah berkenaan.

Turut tersenarai ialah sarapan dari Israel yang mengandungi sumber nutrisi berkhasiat. Juadah Mesir pula adalah kacang ful dengan rempah ratus yang dimasak semalaman.

Sementara gallo pinto, iaitu kacang hitam yang dihidangkan dengan nasi, dan berasal dari Costa Rica juga dipilih. Di benua Eropah pula, bijirin menjadi sarapan pilihan.

Antaranya ialah hafragrautur dari Iceland dan kasha dari Rusia yang mengandungi pelbagai jenis bijirin dan dimasak dengan susu haiwan ternakan.

Upma dari India turut disenaraikan TIME sebagai sarapan sihat dan ia disifatkan sebagai campuran yang dibuat daripada suji yang sudah dipanggang.

Bukan itu sahaja, sarapan dari Jepun yang kaya dengan hidangan sampingan dan dinikmati dengan nasi manakala sup tulang dari Vietnam turut dipilih sebagai sarapan paling sihat oleh majalah itu.- 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Strok Haba @ Heat Stroke

Strok Haba atau Heat Stroke  berlaku apabila system tubuh tidak dapat mengawal suhu secara normal.

Tubuh akan mengalami kenaikan suhu mendadak selain turut mengalami kegagalan berpeluh.

Suhu tubuh yang mengalami strok haba selalunya meningkat sehingga 41˚C atau lebih dalam masa 10 minit hingga 15 minit.

Strok haba, jika tidak dapat dikawal boleh mengakibatkan kegagalan sistem tubuh berfungsi dan seterusnya mengakibatkan hilang keupayaan kekal dan kematian.

  • Kerap sakit kepala
  • Mudah hilang fokus
  • Lidah membengkak
  • Suhu tubuh melebihi 39˚C
  • Kadar denyutan nadi laju
  • Kulit kering dan kemerah-merahan
  • Tubuh tidak berpeluh
  • Tubuh lesu dan kerap mengalami pitam-pitam atau pengsan
  • Tekanan darah menjdi perlahan

Cara rawat mangsa Strok Haba
  • Rawatan harus dilakukan dalam masa 45 minit selepas mengalami Strok Haba
  • Keutamaan rawatan ialah menurunkan suhu badan mangsa
  • Bawa mangsa ke tempat teduh, atau
  • Bawa mangsa ke bilik yang sejuk/berhawa dingin, atau
  • Mangsa ditempatkan di bawah kipas
  • Lap anggota badan mangsa menggunakan tuala basah, atau
  • Rendam mangsa di dalam kolam air
  • Mangsa tidak boleh diberi minuman langsung. Hanya melalui intravenous drip.
  • Bawa ke klinik atau hospital berdekatan

Cara pencegahan Strok Haba
  • Elakkan aktiviti riadah yang terdedah kepada cuaca panas
  • Minum air dalam kuantiti banyak atau minima 2.5 liter sehari
  • Pakai pakaian yang diperbuat dari 100% kapas kerana bahan itu membenarkan penyejatan peluh yang maksimum
  • Pakai topi dari bahan kapas kerana lebih 40% daripada kehilangan haba berlaku di bahagian kepala
  • Elakkan berjalan atau lakukan aktiviti di atas permukaan panas seperti simen dan bitumen  

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Jenis-jenis makanan yang boleh membersihkan darah

Epal kaya akan pectin, sejenis serat yang mengikat kolesterol dan metal berat dalam tubuh. Dengan begitu, epal akan membantu menghilangkan racun yang berkumpul dalam darah dan tubuh serta membersihkan sistem pencernaan.

Avocado adalah makanan pembersihan yang kaya nutrisi dan rendah kolesterol. Avocado  akan membesarkan saluran darah sementara menghilangkan racun yang boleh menyumbat arteri. Avokado mengandungi nutrisi yang disebut dengan glutathione. Zat ini boleh menghilangkan sekurang-kurangnya 30 bahan karsinogen yang berbahaya. Dengan begitu, buah ini secara tak langsung juga membantu membersihkan dan menghilangkan racun dari hati.

Ubi bit
Bit juga dikenali sebagai makanan yang boleh membersihkan darah. Tak hanya itu, bit juga diketahui boleh membersihkan hati dari bahan-bahan toksik.

Blueberry adalah salah satu makanan yang memiliki kekuatan penyembuhan. Blueberry juga mengandung aspirin yang membantu mengurangi kerosakan pada jaringan. Blueberry boleh menghilangkan zat beracun serta bakteria dalam darah serta saluran kencing. Tak hanya itu, blueberry juga baik untuk mencegah infeksi.

Kobis mengandungi zat anti-kanser dan antioksidan yang boleh membantu hati memecah hormon berlebihan. Kobis juga baik untuk membersihkan darah dan sistem pencernaan, serta meneutralkan beberapa zat berbahaya yang boleh ditemui dalam merokok atau asap rokok.

Tak hanya membersihkan darah dari bahan toksik, cranberry juga mampu membersihkan tubuh dari bakteria dan virus berbahaya. Manfaat lain cranberry adalah boleh membersihkan saluran kencing dan mencegah terjadinya jangkitan. Hal ini kerana cranberry mengandungi antibiotik dan zat antivirus

Bawang putih
Makan bawang putih boleh membersihkan bakteria, virus, dan bahan-bahan toksik dari tubuh, terutama pada usus dan darah. Bawang putih mengandungi bahan anti-kanser dan bahan antioksida yang boleh membantu menghilangkan zat-zat beracun dalam tubuh.

Buah grapefruit mengandung serat yang boleh mengikat kolesterol dan membersihkan darah. serat pectin yang ada di dalamnya juga mengikat zat metal berat dan membantu tubuh mengeluarkan zat-zat berbahaya tersebut.

Rempah yang satu ini memang sudah diketahui banyak mempunyai kegunaan. Kunyit sudah digunakan sejak zaman kuno untuk rawatan. Salah satu kegunaan kunyit adalah membersihkan darah dari bahan-bahan toksik dan berbahaya. Kunyit juga secara semula jadi mempunyai bahan anti-racun yang boleh membersihkan aliran darah.

Teh juga diketahui boleh membersihkan darah dan mengeluarkan toksik dari dalam tubuh. Beberapa jenis teh yang diketahui boleh membersihkan darah adalah teh halia, teh dandelion, dan teh peppermint. Teh hijau juga boleh digunakan untuk membantu membersihkan darah. 

Jenis-jenis makanan yang boleh membersihkan saluran arteri.

Bawang putih
Sejak zaman purba bawang putih telah digunakan untuk merawat hati penyakit dan tekanan darah tinggi. Menurut kajian yang diterbitkan dalam perubatan pencegahan, bawang putih menghalang arteri koronari menjadi keras menjadi kapur yang berfungsi sebagai penanda bagi plak pembentukan.

Anggur kaya dengan flavonoid, quercetin, dan resveratrol. Ini flavonoid telah didapati untuk mencegah pengoksidaan kolesterol buruk yang membawa kepada pembentukan plak pada dinding arteri. Mereka juga mengurangkan risiko membangunkan darah beku yang boleh membawa kepada serangan jantung.

Bayam kaya dengan kalium dan folik asid, kedua-duanya bertindak sebagai pertahanan terhadap tekanan darah tinggi. bayam adalah juga kaya dengan lutein, karotenoid tumbuhan yang bukan sahaja melindungi daripada umur degenerasi makula berkaitan tetapi juga mencegah serangan jantung dengan menjaga arteri bebas daripada kolesterol membina.

Kajian yang dijalankan oleh penyelidik di Southampton University mendapati bahawa Omega 3 minyak, hadir dalam ikan seperti tuna dan salmon, berhenti pengumpulan deposit lemak dalam arteri. Asid lemak mengelakkan pembekuan daripada membentuk dan kolesterol daripada menjadi teroksida.

Minyak zaitun
Kolesterol teroksida hanya mampu berpegang kepada arteri anda dinding dan bentuk plak. Lemak monotaktepu membentangkan di minyak zaitun apabila dicampur dengan molekul kolesterol tidak baik menjadi kurang mungkin teroksida.

Menurut kajian yang dijalankan oleh penyelidik Korea, lycopene, sebatian yang terdapat di dalam tomato yang memberi mereka warna mereka, membantu dalam mencegah pengerasan arteri. Para penyelidik mendapati bahawa wanita yang lycopene tertinggi tahap dalam darah mereka mempunyai kekukuhan kurangnya dalam arteri mereka.

Jus delima bukan sahaja muncul untuk mencegah pengerasan arteri dengan mengurangkan kerosakan saluran darah, tetapi boleh juga menterbalikkan perkembangan penyakit ini. delima buah-buahan dan jus yang tinggi kandungan antioksidan, yang boleh membantu perjuangan pengerasan arteri.

Kiwi dan tembikai
Makanan ini kaya antioksidan berfungsi dengan mengurangkan LDL toksik kolesterol, yang dibentuk melalui proses berkarat dalam anda arteri. Mereka boleh membantu menghentikan karat di trek dan juga mencegahnya daripada merebak. Makan satu cawan tembikai atau satu kiwi setiap hari untuk unclog arteri anda.

Jus Cranberry
Jus ini strain lemak daripada arteri. Daripada harus lemak terkumpul di dalam saluran darah, jus ini meningkatkan anda keupayaan sel untuk menyerap lemak dan menggunakannya untuk pengeluaran tenaga. Minum tiga gelas jus ini setiap minggu untuk unclog arteri anda.

Terima kasih kepada gentian larut dalam oat, kolesterol tidak berdiri peluang. Serat ini melekat pada kolesterol dan membawa ia keluar dari sistem anda. Beberapa kajian mempunyai menunjukkan bahawa pemakanan hanya 1 1/2 hingga 2 1/2 cawan oat- dimasak bijirin bran setiap hari boleh menurunkan paras kolesterol sebanyak hampir 20%.

Kesegaran dan menafaat meminum air kelapa

Ketika musim panas sekarang yang berpunca daripada fenomena El Nino, seelok-eloknya minum air yang banyak bagi mengelak badan kita mengalami masalah kekurangan air.

Salah satu caranya adalah dengan meminum air kelapa muda.

Dalam pada itu, air kelapa muda yang diminum mampu dijadikan penawar racun, meredakan cirit-birit, mengubati demam panas, melawaskan buang air kecil dan air besar. 

Terdapat juga dakwaan air kelapa muda yang dicampur dengan beberapa bahan lain mampu mengubati penyakit batu karang.

Air kelapa muda juga boleh diminum dengan ditambah perahan air limau nipis bagi menghilangkan keletihan. Minuman itu boleh dicampur dengan ais supaya terasa lebih segar.

Meminum air kelapa muda turut mampu mengubati jangkitan cacing pada anak-anak dengan menambah sedikit jus asam limau dan satu sudu minyak zaitun. Minumlah tiga kali sehari.

Air buah kelapa hijau jika dibandingkan dengan kelapa jenis lain mengandungi banyak tanin atau bahan antiracun yang paling tinggi.

Komposisi kandungan kimia lain yang terdapat dalam air kelapa ialah asid askorbik atau vitamin C, protein, asid lemak Omega 3, karbon terhidrat dan kalsium.

Mineral yang terkandung dalam air kelapa ialah zat besi, fosforus dan gula yang terdiri dari glukosa, fruktosa serta sukrosa.

Minyak kelapa yang disapu pada gigi atau gusi yang sakit mampu mengurangkan kesakitan begitu juga dengan kulit bermasalah. 

Bahan itu juga akan menjadikan rambut subur, hitam dan berkilat.

Isi buah kelapa yang sudah tua mengandung kalori yang tinggi sebanyak 359 kal per 100 gram, kelapa setengah tua sebanyak 180 kal per 100 gram 

Kelapa muda mengandung 68 kal per 100 gram.

Biro Media Pertubuhan Doktor-Doktor Islam Malaysia (Perdim)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What is a Sports Drink?

A sports drink is a beverage that contains carbohydrates and other supplements to help replenish fluids and nutrients used during vigorous exercise and sporting events.
Sports drinks are available in a variety of flavors. Some are pre-made liquids while others are mix-it-yourself powders.
Types of Sports Drinks? 
  • Isotonic Fluid
  1. Electrolytes and 6-8% carbohydrate Quickly replaces fluids lost by sweating and supplies a boost of carbohydrate.
  2. Choice for most athletes (middle and long distance running or team sports).
  • Hypotonic Fluids
  1. Electrolytes and a low level of carbohydrate quickly replaces fluids lost by sweating.
  2. Suitable for athletes who need fluid without the boost of carbohydrate such as jockeys and gymnasts.
  • Hypertonic
  1. High level of carbohydrate
  2. Used to supplement daily carbohydrate intake normally after exercise to top up muscle glycogen stores.
  3. Suitable for ultra distance events where high levels of energy are required and hypertonic drinks can be taken during exercise to meet the energy requirements.
  4. If used during exercise, hypertonic drinks need to be used in conjunction with Isotonic drinks to replace fluids.
How fast will the body absorb the Sports Drink?
There are two main factors that affect the speed at which fluid from a drink gets into the body:
  • Carbohydrate Level
  1. The higher the carbohydrate evels in a drink the slower the rate of stomach emptying.
  2. Isotonic drinks with a carbohydrate level of between 6 and 8% are emptied from the stomach at a rate similar to water.
  • Electrolyte level
  1. Sodium and potassium in a drink will reduce urine output. Reduced urine output enables the fluid to empty quickly from the stomach, promotes absorption from the intestine and encourages fluid retention.
What are Electrolytes?
Electrolytes serve three general functions in the body:
  1. Many electrolytes are essential minerals.
  2. Electrolytes control osmosis of water between body compartments.
  3. Electrolytes help maintain the acid-base balance required for normal cellular activities.
The sweat that evaporates from the skin contains a variety of electrolytes. The electrolyte composition can vary from person to person but is generally:
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesioum
  • Chloride
  • Bicarbonate
  • Phosphate
  • Sulphate
 How to pick a sports drink that is best for you?
There are many different brands of sports drinks. Make sure you get a sport drink that works best for you by trying different brands, flavors and potencies.
Also, ask your fitness trainer and/or doctor if you need them.


Electrolytes are important in your body and in the lab. Here's a look at what electrolytes are and why they matter.
What Are Electrolytes?
Electrolyets are chemicals that form ions in water (aqueous solution). Electrolytes form two types of ions in water. Cations are positively charged ions, while anions are negatively charged ions. Generally, electrolytes are salts, acids, and bases. Here is a list of common electrolytes in the human body:
  • sodium (Na+)
  • potassium (K+)
  • calcium (Ca2+)
  • magnesium (Mg2+)
  • bicarbonate (HCO3-)
  • chloride (Cl-)
  • hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-)
  • hydrogen phosphate (HPO42-)
Why Are Electrolytes Important?
In the body, electrolytes are like the electric company, supplying energy to perform biochemical reactions. For example, electrolytes are critical for conducting nerve impulses, contracting and relaxing muscles, cell-cell communication. maintaining pH, regulating blood and cell volume, regulating heartbeat, and breathing.
In the lab, it's important to be able to recognize electrolytes so you know what chemical species are formed in water and what types of reactions are possible.
What Are Sources of Electrolytes?
In a lab, any salt, base or acid is a source of electrolytes, as long as it is dissolved in water.
In your body, you get electrolytes from food and drinks. Sports drinks are a popular source of electrolytes. You get sodium and chlorine from salt. Other electrolytes are found as minerals in foods. For example, bananas are high in potassium.

Effectiveness of Sports Drinks

 It's important to keep hydrated while exercising, but a sports drink isn't necessarily the best choice
What drink is best for getting and staying hydrated during exercise? Should you choose water? Are sports drinks best? What about juice or carbonated soft drinks? Coffee or tea? Beer?
The natural choice for hydration is water. It hydrates better than any other liquid, both before and during exercise. Water tends to be less expensive and more available than any other drink. You need to drink 4-6 ounces of water for every 15-20 minutes of exercise. That can add up to a lot of water! While some people prefer the taste of water over other drinks, most people find it relatively bland and will stop drinking water before becoming fully hydrated. Water is the best, but it only helps you if you drink it.
Sports Drinks
Sports drinks don't hydrate better than water, but you are more likely to drink larger volumes, which leads to better hydration. The typical sweet-tart taste combination doesn't quench thirst, so you will keep drinking a sports drink long after water has lost its appeal.
An attractive array of colours and flavours are available. You can get a carbohydrate boost from sports drinks, in addition to electrolytes which may be lost from perspiration, but these drinks tend to offer lower calories than juice or soft drinks.
Juice may be nutritious, but it isn't the best choice for hydration. The fructose, or fruit sugar, reduces the rate of water absorption so cells don't get hydrated very quickly. Juice is a food in its own right and it's uncommon for a person to drink sufficient quantities to keep hydrated. Juice has carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, but it isn't a great thirst quencher.
Carbonated Soft Drinks
When you get right down to it, the colas and uncolas of the world aren't good for the body. The acids used to carbonate and flavour these beverages will damage your teeth and may even weaken your bones. Soft drinks are devoid of any real nutritional content. Even so, they taste great! You are more likely to drink what you like, so if you love soft drinks then they might be a good way to hydrate. The carbohydrates will slow your absorption of water, but they will also provide a quick energy boost. In the long run, they aren't good for you, but if hydration is your goal, soft drinks aren't a bad choice. Avoid drinks with lots of sugar or caffeine, which will lessen the speed or degree of hydration.
Coffee and Tea
Coffee and tea can sabotage hydration. Both drinks act as diuretics, meaning they cause your kidneys to pull more water out of your bloodstream even as the digestive system is pulling water into your body. It's a two-steps-forward-one-step-back scenario. If you add milk or sugar, then you reduce the rate of water absorption even further. The bottom line? Save the latte for later.
Alcoholic Beverages
A beer might be great after the game, as long as you were the spectator and not the athlete. Alcohol dehydrates your body. Alcoholic beverages are better for hydration than, say, seawater, but that's about it.
The bottom line: Drink water for maximum hydration, but feel free to mix things up a bit to cater to your personal taste. You will drink more of what you like. In the end, the quantity of liquid is the biggest factor for getting and staying hydrated.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Water and Hydration

Water constitutes about 75% of our muscle tissue, 22% of bones, 74% of your brain, 25% of fatty tissue and works within every single cell in the body to transport nutrients and remove waste products. It regulates body temperature allowing heat to evaporate from the skin in the form of sweat. Put simply, the body breaks down without adequate fluid! When we are dehydrated, blood becomes thicker so the body must work harder to transport it to the brain so we lose concentration and feel fatigued.

It is also important to note that too much water is detrimental to performance. The latest research from the American College of Sports Medicine and USA Track & Field says that thirst is an appropriate guide as to when fluid replacement should be commenced. This means drink when you feel your body needs it and stop when you feel satisfied. From this point on in your session consume water regularly.

Hydration after Exercise
  • Weigh yourself before and after training.
  • Drink 500-600ml water for every 1 lb lost. You can include your water used for mixing the recovery drinks and protein.

What Should An Athlete Drink During Exercise

Staying hydrated is essential for everyone, but athletes have an even greater need to drink and replace fluids during exercise. Water is the most important nutrient for life and has many important functions including regulating temperature, lubricating joints and transporting nutrients and waste throughout the body.
Hydration During Exercise
Staying hydrated is particularly important during exercise. Adequate fluid intake is essential to comfort, performance and safety. The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids.
Dehydration Decreases Performance
Studies have found that athletes who lose as little as two percent of their body weight through sweating has a drop in blood volume which causes the heart to work harder to circulate blood. A drop in blood volume may also lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, fatigue and heat illness including:
  • Heat Exhaustion
  • Heat Stroke
Common Causes of Dehydration In Athletes
  • Inadequate fluid intake
  • Excessive sweating
  • Failure to replace fluid losses during and after exercise
  • Exercising in dry, hot weather
  • Drinking only when thirsty 
What Should Athletes Drink
Because there is wide variability in sweat rates, losses and hydration levels of individuals, it is nearly impossible to provide specific recommendations or guidelines about the type or amount of fluids athletes should consume.

Finding the right amount of fluid to drink depends upon a variety of individual factors including the length and intensity of exercise and other individual differences. There are, however, two simple methods of estimating adequate hydration:
  1. Monitoring urine volume output and color. A large amount of light colored, diluted urine probably means you are hydrated; dark colored, concentrated urine probably means you are dehydrated.
  2. Weighing yourself before and after exercise. Any weight lost is likely from fluid, so try to drink enough to replenish those losses. Any weight gaincould mean you are drinking more than you need.
How Athletes Lose Water
  • High altitude. Exercising at altitude increases your fluid losses and therefore increases you fluid needs.
  • Temperature. Exercising in the heat increases you fluid losses through sweating and exercise in the cold can impair you ability to recognize fluid losses and increase fluid lost through respiration. In both cases it is important to hydrate.
  • Sweating. Some athletes sweat more than others. If you sweat a lot you are at greater risk for dehydration. Again, weigh yourself before and after exercise to judge sweat loss.
  • Exercise Duration and Intensity. Exercising for hours (endurance sports) means you need to drink more and more frequently to avoid dehydration.
To find the correct balance of fluids for exercise, the American College Of Sports Medicine suggests that "individuals should develop customized fluid replacement programs that prevent excessive (greater than 2 percent body weight reductions from baseline body weight) dehydration. The routine measurement of pre- and post-exercise body weights is useful for determining sweat rates and customized fluid replacement programs. Consumption of beverages containing electrolytes and carbohydrates can help sustain fluid-electrolyte balance and exercise performance."

According to the Institute of Medicine the need for carbohydrate and electrolytes replacement during exercise depends on exercise intensity, duration, weather and individual differences in sweat rates. [They write, "fluid replacement beverages might contain ~20–30 meqILj1 sodium (chloride as the anion), ~2–5 meqILj1 potassium and ~5–10% carbohydrate."] Sodium and potassium are to help replace sweat electrolyte losses, and sodium also helps to stimulate thirst. Carbohydrate provides energy for exercise over 60-90 minutes. This can also be provided through energy gels, bars, and other foods.

What about Sports Drinks
Sports drinks can be helpful to athletes who are exercising at a high intensity for 60 minutes or more. Fluids supplying 60 to 100 calories per 8 ounces helps to supply the needed calories required for continuous performance. It's really not necessary to replace losses of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes during exercise since you're unlikely to deplete your body's stores of these minerals during normal training. If, however, you find yourself exercising in extreme conditions over 3 or 5 hours (a marathon, Ironman or ultramarathon, for example) you may likely want to add a complex sports drink with electrolytes.
General Guidelines for Fluid Needs During Exercise
While specific fluid recommendations aren't possible due to individual variability, most athletes can use the following guidelines as a starting point, and modify their fluid needs accordingly.

Hydration Before Exercise
  • Drink about 15-20 fl oz, 2-3 hours before exercise
  • Drink 8-10 fl oz 10-15 min before exercise
Hydration During Exercise
  • Drink 8-10 fl oz every 10-15 min during exercise
  • If exercising longer than 90 minutes, drink 8-10 fl oz of a sports drink (with no more than 8 percent carbohydrate) every 15 - 30 minutes.
Hydration After Exercise
  • Weigh yourself before and after exercise and replace fluid losses.
  • Drink 20-24 fl oz water for every 1 lb lost.
  • Consume a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein within the 2 hours after exercise to replenish glycogen stores.
Hyponatremia - Drinking Too Much Water
Although rare, athletes can drink too much water and suffer from hyponatremia (water intoxication). Drinking excessive amounts of water can cause a low concentration of sodium in the blood - a serious medical emergency.

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