- Player: Any person playing Badminton
- Match: The basic contest in Badminton between opposing sides each of one or two players
- Singles: A match where there is one player on each of the opposing sides
- Doubles: A match where there are two players on each of the opposing sides
- Serving side: The side having the right to serve
- Receiving sides: The side opposing the serving side
- Rally: A sequence of one or more strokes starting with the service, until the shuttle ceases to be in play
- Stroke: A movement of the player’s racket with an intention to hit the shuttle
- Shape = rectangle
- Lines = 40 mm wide and shall form part of the area
- The post shall be 1.55 m place on the doubles side lines
- Net with mesh not less than 15mm not more than 20mm.
- Depth = 760mm and at least 6.1m in wide
- The top shall be edged with 75mm white tape.
- Height at the center shall be 1.524m and 1.55m at the side lines
- No gaps between the ends of the net and the posts.
Feathered Shuttle
- Feathers =16
- From the tip to the top of the base = 62 -70 mm
- The tip lie on a circle diameter = 58 - 68 mm
- The base diameter = 25 -28 mm
- Weight = 4.74 – 5.50 grams
Non-Feathered Shuttle
- The skirt, or simulation of feathers in synthetic materials, shall replace natural feathers.
- The variation of up to 10% shall be acceptable
Use a full underhand stroke over the back boundary
line. The shuttle shall hit upward parallel to the side lines.
Correct speed will land between 530 – 990 mm
shot of the
Other back boundary line
- BWF shall rule any equipment complies with the specifications.
The side winning the toss shall exercise the choice either:
- to serve or receive first
- to start play at one end of the court or the other
- A match consist best of 3 games
- A game shall be won by the side first score 21 points
- The winning a rally shall add a point its score
- If the score becomes 20-all, side gain 2 point lead win
- If the score becomes 29-all, side scoring the 30th win
- The side winning a game shall serve first in the next game
- At the end of the first ends
- At the end t the second game, if thee is third game
- In the third game when a side first scores 11 points
- If the ends are not changed, it shall be done so as soon as the mistake is discovered and when shuttle not in play. The existing score shall stand
- Undue delay once the server and receiver ready for the service. On completion of the backward movement of server’s racket head, any delay considered undue delay
- Server & receiver stand within diagonally opposite service court
- Some part of both feet of the server & receiver in contact and stationary from start to delivered of service.
- Hit the base of the shuttle
- Whole shuttle below server’s waist
- Shaft of the racket pointing downward
- Racket’s movement shall continue forwards
- Shuttle land in the receiver’s service court
- The server shall not miss the shuttle
- The first forward movement shall be the start of service
- The service is delivered when the shuttle is hit or miss
- Receiver shall be considered ready if a return of the service is attempted
(a) Serving & receiving courts
- Serve from & receive in right courts when score 0 or an even number. And left court when odd number.
(b) Oder of play and position on court
- In a rally, server & receiver may hit from any position
(c) Scoring and serving
- If server win a rally, server score point. Serve again from alternate service court
- If receiver wins a rally, receiver score a point. Receiver become the new server
Serving & receiving courts
- A player of the serving side serve from the right service court when score 0 or even number of points and from the left service court when score odd number of points
- The players shall not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving
Oder of play and position on court
- In a rally, server & receiver may hit from any position
Scoring and serving
- If server win a rally, server score point. Serve again from alternate service court
- If receiver wins a rally, receiver score a point. Receiver become the new server
- A service court error has been made when a player serve or received out of turn; or from the wrong service court
- If is discovered, the error shall be corrected and the existing score shall stand
- If a service is not correct
If in service the shuttle:
- caught on the net and remains suspended on its top;
- after passing over the net, is caught in the net; or
- hit by the receiver’s partner
If in play, the shuttle:
- lands outside the boundaries of the court
- passes through or under the net
- fails to pass over the net
- touches the ceiling or side walls
- touches the person or dress of a player
- touches the person or dress of a player
- touches any object or person outside the court
- caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke
- hit twice in succession by the same player
- hit by player and player’s partner successively
- touches a player’s racket and does not travel towards the opponent’s court
If in play, a player:
- touches the net or its support with racket, person or dress
- invades an opponent’s court over the net with racket or person except follow-through
- invades an opponent’s court under the net with racket or person such that an opponent is obstructed or distracted
- obstructs an opponent, i.e. prevents an opponent from making a legal stroke where the shuttle is followed over the net
- deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures
- If player is guilty of flagrant, repeated or persistent offences under law 16
14. LETS
It shall be a let if:
- serve before receiver ready
- during service; server & receiver both faulted
- in rally; shuttle caught on the net and remains suspended on its top or passing over the net is caught in the net
- during play, the shuttle disintegrates
- in the opinion of the umpire, play is disrupted or distracted
- line judge unsighted and umpire unable to make decision
- any unforeseen or accidental situation has occurred
- When ‘let’ occurs, play since the last service shall not count and the player who served last shall serve again
- shuttle strikes the net or post and starts to fall towards the surface of the striker’s court
- hits the surface of the court
- A ‘fault’ or ‘let’ has occurred
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