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Monday, September 29, 2014

Blood Vessels & Circulation

Artery and Vein Histology
          Walls have 3 layers:
          Tunica intima
          Tunica media
          Tunica externa

Tunica Intima
          Is the innermost layer near the lumen
          The endothelial lining
          Connective tissue layer
          Internal Elastic Membrane:  In arteries, is a thick layer of elastic fibers in the     outer margin of the tunica intima

Tunica Media
          Is the middle layer
          Contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle in loose connective tissue
          Binds to inner and outer layers

Tunica Externa (aka: Tunica Adventitia)
          Is outer layer
          Contains connective tissue sheath
          Anchors vessel to adjacent tissues
          In arteries:
          Contain collagen
          Elastic fibers
          In veins:
          Contain elastic fibers
          Smooth muscle cells

Arteries Vs. Veins
          Arteries and veins run side-by-side
          Arteries have thicker walls and higher blood pressure
          Collapsed artery has small, round lumen
          Vein has a large, flat lumen

          Carry blood away from the heart.
          Pulmonary arteries: The pulmonary trunk and its branches;  leave the right ventricle of the heart and contain deoxygenated blood.
          Systemic arteries: The aorta and its branches;  leave the left ventricle of the heart and contain oxygenated blood.

Elastic Arteries
          Also called conducting arteries, these are the largest arteries
          Tunica media has many elastic fibers and few muscle cells
          Elasticity evens out pulse force
          Pulmonary trunk
          Common carotid arteries
          Subclavian arteries
          Common iliac arteries 

Muscular Arteries
          Also called distribution arteries, are medium-sized (most arteries)
          Tunica media has many muscle cells
          External carotid arteries
          Brachial arteries
          Femoral arteries

          The smallest branches of arteries
          Feed into capillaries
          Have little or no tunica externa
          Have thin or incomplete tunica media   


          The smallest vessels
          Structure: Simple squamous epithelium tube
          Lumen side has a thin basal lamina
          No tunica media, No tunica externa
          Location of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid.
          Gasses and chemicals diffuse across their walls

Continuous Capillaries
          Have complete endothelial lining (most common type of capillary)
          Permit diffusion of:
          Small solutes
          Lipid-soluble materials
          Prevent diffusion of:
          Blood cells
          Plasma proteins

Fenestrated Capillaries
          Have pores in endothelial lining
          Permit rapid exchange of water and larger solutes between plasma and interstitial fluid
          Are found in:
          Choroid plexus
          Endocrine organs
          Intestinal tract

          Modified, extremely leaky, fenestrated capillaries
          Found in locales where large stuff needs to exit/enter the bloodstream.
          Bone marrow
          Endocrine organs

          Carry blood to the heart
          Are larger in diameter than arteries
          Have thinner walls
          Contain valves
          Folds of tunica intima that prevent blood from flowing backward
          Venules: The smallest veins that carry blood away from the capillaries
          Medium-sized veins:
          Thin tunica media and few smooth muscle cells
          Tunica externa with longitudinal bundles of elastic fibers
          Large veins:
          Have all 3 tunica layers
          Thick tunica externa
          Thin tunica media
          Example: Inferior and Superior vena cava

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Eight Week Workout Program

This eight week workout program is intended for those looking for general fitness. If your goal is more specific, such as weight loss or boosting strength, you can tweak things accordingly as described in the last paragraph.

Eigtht Week Workout Program for General Fitness
For this program, we'll assume you're a normal, generally healthy person with about an hour to spare five days a week. If you have a medical condition or similar, don't forget to get clearance by your doctor first.

Week 1
Monday: Weight training, arms/chest
Tuesday: Jogging, 45 minutes
Wednesday: Weight training, back, shoulders, abs
Thursday: Stairmaster, 45 minutes
Friday: Weight training, legs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Week 2
Monday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Tuesday: Tennis, 60 minutes
Wednesday: Spinning class, 60 minutes
Thursday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Outdoors interval training, 30 minutes
Sunday: Rest

Week 3
Monday: Weight training, arms/chest
Tuesday: Jogging, 45 minutes
Wednesday: Weight training, back, shoulders, abs
Thursday: Swimming, 60 minutes
Friday: Weight training, legs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Week 4
Monday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Tuesday: Stairmaster, 45 minutes
Wednesday: Outdoors interval training, 30 minutes
Thursday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Basketball, 1-2 hours
Sunday: Rest

Week 5
Monday: Weight training, arms/chest
Tuesday: Spinning class, 60 minutes
Wednesday: Weight training, back, shoulders, abs
Thursday: Jogging, 45 minutes
Friday: Weight training, legs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Week 6
Monday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Tuesday: Tennis, 60 minutes
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Friday: Swimming, 60 minutes
Saturday: Countryside hiking, 1-2 hours
Sunday: Rest

Week 7
Monday: Weight training, arms/chest
Tuesday: Spinning class, 60 minutes
Wednesday: Weight training, back, shoulders, abs
Thursday: Jogging, 45 minutes
Friday: Weight training, legs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Week 8
Monday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Tuesday: Stairmaster, 45 minutes
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Weight training, 45 min whole body circuit training
Friday: Outdoors interval training, 30 minutes
Saturday: Basketball, 1-2 hours
Sunday: Rest

Adjusting for specific goals
As you can see, we're alternating between a three-split where each muscle group gets focused training one time per week and a general circuit training routine where each muscle group gets trained twice in a week, except not quite as hard. Likewise, the cardio segments are quite varied. This is to keep tedium from derailing the fitness effort, as plodding away at the same old treadmill every week tends to become old in a hurry.

However, if your goal is to lose weight, you should put more effort into the cardio. If possible, add another workout day in and do some low-intensity exercise to burn a couple hundred extra calories. In this case, you can go with the two circuit training sessions per week as in week 2, 4, 6 and 8.
If your goal is building strength, however, your eight week workout program should center around the three-day split seen in week 1, 3, 5 and 7. Here, the idea is to maximize the effort put into the weight training while just doing the bare minimum in terms of cardio so as not to compromise the body's ability to grow stronger. Good luck! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014



  • FREKUENSI- Latihan berapa kali seminggu untuk meningkatkan kecergasan anda.
  • INTENSITI- Berapa kuat anda berlatih. LAtihan pada intensiti yang membawa nadi anda kepada JULAT SASARAN(TARGET RANGE).
  • MASA- Berapa lama anda berlatih di setiap sesi untuk mendapat faedah peningkatan. Dalam jumlah masa itu mesti ada 20 minit berada dalam JULAT SASARAN anda.
  • JENIS- Apakah jenis latihan yang anda ingin lakukan? 

  • Masa  kemuncak (peak) yang ideal
  • dapat menganggarkan / menetapkan masa untuk ‘peak’ atau pencapaian optima.
  • atlet memperolehi kesan latihan optima dari setiap fasa latihan
  • menghasilkan prestasi konsisten
  • atlet tidak mungkin memberikan prestasi terbaik setiap masa.

Masa pemulihan (recovery) yang mencukupi
  • memberi peluang kepada pemulihan untuk membolehkan berlakunya proses adaptasi (GAS).
  • mengurangkan risiko kecederaan
  • mengurangkan masalah keciciran, `burn-out’
  • menghalang daripada terlalu memberi penekanan kepada pertandingan.

       a.  Persediaan Umum
            - diagnosis masalah-masalah pertandingan.
            - mengembangkan asas (ketahanan,kekuatan & 
            - memperbaiki aspek teknikal.
            - persediaan untuk Fasa Persediaan Spesifik.
            - memperkenalkan kemahiran baru.]

       b.  Persediaan Spesifik
            - mengembangkan kecergasan acara spesifik.
            - mengembangkan aspek teknikal lanjutan (advance).
            - persediaan untuk Fasa Pertandingan.

         a.  Pra-Pertandingan
              - memberikan pengalaman progresif intensiti utk pertandingan.
              - memperbaiki prestasi pertandingan.
              - membuat penilaian teknikal dalam bentuk pertandingan.
              - meningkatkan pengalaman pertandingan.
              - melayakkan diri untuk kejohanan seterusnya.
         b.   Pertandingan
              - memperkemaskan model teknikal lanjutan (advance).
              - persediaan untuk prestasi optima (peak).
              - mencapai prestasi optima.

         a.   Transisi
              - pemulihan (recovery).
              - persediaan untuk Fasa Persediaan kitaran seterusnya).

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