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Thursday, August 21, 2014

7 Stage Abdominal Strength Test

This is an easy to perform sit up test of abdominal strength that you can do with large groups all at once.
  • purpose: The 8-level sit up test measures abdominal strength, which is important in back support and core stability.
  • equipment required: flat surface, 5 lb (2.5 kg) and 10 lb (5 kg) weight, recording sheet and pen.
  • description / procedure: The subject lies on their back, with their knees at right angles and feet flat on the floor. The subject then attempts to perform one complete sit-up for each level in the prescribed manner (see table below), starting with level 1. Each level is achieved if a single sit up is performed in the prescribed manner, without the feet coming off the floor. As many attempts as necessary can be made.
  • scoring: There are 8 levels ranging in difficulty from very poor to elite. The highest level sit-up correctly completed is recorded.

very poor
cannot perform level 1
with arms extended, the athlete curls up so that the wrists reach the knees
with arms extended, the athlete curls up so that the elbows reach the knees
with the arms held together across abdominals, the athletes curls up so that the chest touches the thighs
with the arms held across chest, holding the opposite shoulders, the athlete curls up so that the forearms touch the thighs
very good
with the hands held behind head, the athlete curls up so that the chest touches the thighs
as per level 5, with a 5 lb (2.5 kg) weight held behind head, chest touching the thighs
as per level 5, with a 10 lb (5 kg) weight held behind head, chest touching the thighs

  • advantages: moderate sized groups can be tested at once, with minimal equipment required.
  • disadvantages: People with very heavy upper body find this exercise difficult to perform, as they find it hard to keep their feet on the ground.

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