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Monday, March 31, 2014

Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery (IR) Test

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The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests are similar to the Yo-Yo Endurance Test (a variation of the beep test), except in the intermittent tests the participants have a short active break (5 and 10 seconds for the endurance and recovery test, respectively). There are two versions of the Yo-Yo Intermittent Test: the Level or Stage 1 test starts at 10 km/hr and the Level or Stage 2 test starts at 13 km/hr. These tests were developed by famous Danish soccer physiologist Jens Bangsbo.

purpose: The test evaluates an individual's ability to repeatedly perform intervals over a prolonged period of time, particularly for athletes from sports such as tennis, team handball, basketball and soccer.


equipment required: Flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, measuring tape, pre-recorded audio cassette or cd, cd or cassette player, recording sheets.

description: Use cones to mark out three lines as per the diagram above; 20 meters and 5 meters apart. The subject starts on or behind the middle line, and begins running 20 m when instructed by the cd. This subject turns and returns to the starting point when signaled by the recorded beep. There is a active recovery period (5 and 10 seconds respectively for the endurance and recovery versions of the test) interjected between every 20 meter (out and back) shuttle, during which the subject must walk or jog around the other cone and return to the starting point. A warning is given when the subject does not complete a successful out and back shuttle in the allocated time, the subject is removed the next time they do not complete a successful shuttle.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Handgrip Strength Test

The purpose of this test is to measure grip or forearm muscle strength. Handgrip strength is important for any sport in which the hands are used for catching, throwing or lifting. Also, as a general rule people with strong hands tend to be strong elsewhere.

equipment required: handgrip dynamometer
description / procedure: The subject to be tested holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the arm at right angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle of the dynamometer is adjusted if required. The base should rest on first metacarpal (heel of palm), while the handle should rest on middle of four fingers. The subject squeezes the dynamometer with maximum isometric effort, which is maintained for about 5 seconds. No other body movement is allowed.

variations: The position of the hand can vary. Various positions include the elbow being held at right angles as per the above procedure, the arm hanging by the side, and the extended arm being swung from above the head to by the side. The Eurofit Test Manual recommends squeezing for 3 seconds.

scoring: The best of two trials for each hand is recorded, with at least 15 seconds recovery between each effort. The values listed below (in kilograms) give a guide to expected scores for adults. They are the average of the best scores of each hand. Other protocols will just use the score from the dominant hand. There are also examples of some actual athlete results.


males (kg)

females (kg)

> 64
> 38
very good
above average
below average
very poor
< 40
< 20

* source and population group unknown
validity: The validity of this test as a measure of general strength has been questioned, as the strength of the forearm muscles does not necessarily represent the strength of other muscle groups.

advantages: This is a simple and commonly used test of general strength level.

disadvantages: The dynamometer must be adjusted for hand size, how successfully this is done will affect the accuracy of the measurement.

comments: It is also useful to record whether the athlete is left or right handed, as this may help in the interpretation of results. The non-dominant hand usually scores about 10% lower. The forearm muscles are easily fatigued, so the best scores are usually achieved in the first or second trial.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Long Jump

Long jump is a track field event in which athletes combine speed, strength and agility in attempt to leap as far as possible from a take-off point. This event has a history in the Ancient Olympic Games and has been a modern Olympic event for men since the first Olympics in 1896 and for women since 1948.

Long jump comprises of four phases, which are
  • Approach run up
  • Take off
  • Flight through air
  • Landing
In order to achieve maximum distance in the long jump event, an athlete must have to balance 3 components, that is, speed, technique, and strength.

The approach run up
The objective of the approach run is for the athlete to achieve the ideal speed. Rhythm in the approach run is important to ensure the ideal speed is achieve and accuracy in hitting the take-off broad. It is important for the athlete to develop a good running rhythm before accuracy is addressed. The length of the run will depend on the athlete’s age and speed. When first determining the number of strides in the approach run start by matching the number of stride with the athlete’s age;

Under 11
Under 13
Under 15
Under 17
Over 17

The start of the approach run should be marked and the athlete should commence the start from a standing start. Some athletes use a ‘walk on start’ or ‘run on start’ that will provide more initial speed but if not consistent will impact the accuracy of the approach run onto the take-off broad. The athlete begins the run with a marked forward lean to develop speed but before they reach the take-off broad, they should be upright. The athlete should be on the balls of the feet as in sprinting with a natural head position, the eyes focused beyond the pit and not the take-off broad.

Accuracy of the approach run onto the take-off broad is established by:
  • Determine the take-off foot
  • Stand with your back to the jumping pit and the heel of your non take off on the take-off board scratch line
  • Run up the runway the required number of strides, let say, 19 and place a marker where the 19th stride falls.
  • Place the non-take off foot on the marker and run back towards the broad and take off. The coach should note where the 17th stride lands in relationship to the take-off board.
  • If the foot is behind the take-off broad, let say 20 cm, and then move the start marker 20 cm forward. If the foot is beyond the take-off board then move the marker back.
  • Repeat the run up and marker adjustment 4 to 5 times to establish a consistent approach run onto the take-off broad
  • Once achieved, measure the distance accurately and record it for future use
  • It is important to bear in mind that a head or tail wind will affect the run up. A head wind may mean moving the marker slightly forward.
Ideal speed
Dr. Graham-Smith and Professor Lees (2002), have identified algorithms that will predict an average distance that an athlete would be expected to jump for a given speed. These algorithms are based on official approach speeds and distances collected over a period of ten years from junior and senior championships and Grand Prix events.
  • Male    - distance = (speed in m/s x 0.95) - 2.23
  • Female - distance = (speed in m/s x 0.99) -2.81
The speed, in metres/seconds (m/s), can be determined by timing the athlete between two markers set at 11 metres and 1 metre from the take-off board.

The Take-Off
The preparation for the long jump take-off begins in the later of phase of approach run. The long jumper prepares for take-off by sinking the hips and then raising the hips into the take-off phase. This usually results in the next to last stride being longer than normal and the final stride being up to 25 centimetres shorter than normal running stride. Tit must be emphasised that the hip sink and stride adjustment all happen in response to athlete’s postural adjustments in preparation for the take-off. At take-off ensure the hips are slightly forward the shoulders.

When the take-off foot is placed on the broad, it is slightly in advance of the jumper’s hips and should strike the board on the mid line. 

 The final two contacts in the take-off should be flat, almost slapping.

and the non-take-off leg, against the braced take off leg. These movement should be characterised by short radius (blocked), fast explosive actions.

The head should be carried in a normal position, in line with spine, and the eyes should be focused forward and slightly up.

The Flight through the Air
Speed and lift generated on the runway and through take off can result in the feet hitting the sand early and a loss of a distance in a jump. The cyclic forward movement of the legs and arms, as seen in the hitch- kick for example, will correct this forward rotation.

The Landing
During the landing, the athlete is aiming to get the heels as far away from the take-off broad as is possible. The ideal landing position is shown in the diagram opposite where the dotted line represents the projected flight path of the body’s centre of gravity. The heels will need to land just before the projected flight path to ensure the athlete does not fall back into the sand. As the feet make contact with the sand, press the heels downwards and contract the hamstrings causing the hips to rise. As the hips rise twist them to one side and allow the forward momentum to carry the body past the landing position.

Optimum take off angle
The take-off speed of a male elite long jumper is about 10.5m/s in a “run through” (take off angle of zero degrees) and 3.5m/s for a vertical jump (take off angle of 90 degrees). This decrease in speed means that the optimum angle of take-off is well below 45 degrees. Linthorne et a (2005) identifies that the optimum take off angle for a world-class long jumper may be 21.5º ± 3.5º. Research by Lees et al. (1994) identifies that the optimum take off angle for a world-class male long jumper may be 21º ± 6º.

  • The Stride Jump:
In the stride jump style the athlete maintains the take-off position for as long as possible and only as the athlete comes into land does the take-off leg join the free leg for a good landing position. 

  •  The Hang Style
On take-off the athlete drops the free leg to the vertical, which is then joined by the take-off leg. The arms go overhead to slow down the rotation about the athlete’s centre of gravity. The legs are then lifted upwards and forwards whilst lower the trunk. The arms swing past the legs during the landing phase to ensure a good leg shoot.

  • The Hitch-Kick
Following take off the free leg is straightened and swung back and down as the take-off leg folds up beneath the hips and comes forward bent. The take-off leg then continues forward, straightening for landing. The free leg completes its backward swing behind the hip and then folds up and moves forwards bent, to join the take-off leg ready for landing.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Latihan Daya Tahan Otot

  • Daya tahan otot ialah keupayaan otot atau sekumpulan otot melakukan kerja secara berulang-ulang atau berterusan dalam jangka masa yang panjang.
  •  Daya tahan otot terbahagi kepada dua iaitu daya tahan otot statik dan daya tahan otot dinamik.
  •  Daya tahan otot statik ialah kebolehan otot untuk mengekalkan kontraksi pada jangka waktu yang panjang pada kedudukan tetap dan pegun. Daya tahan otot jenis ini juga lbih dikenali sebagai isometrik.
  • Daya tahan otot dinamik ialah kebolehan otot unuk menguncup dan memanjang secara berulang-ulang. Daya tahan otot dinamik terbahagi kepada dua iaitu isotonik dan isokinetik.
  •  Contoh aktiviti rintangan untuk daya tahan otot ialah seperti tekan tubi, bangun tubi, mendagu, naik turun bangku, lompat selang-seli dan lompat kanggaru.
  • Latihan bebanan, kalistenik, isotonik, isometrik dan beberapa aktiviti lain seperti berlari, berenang, senamrobik berupaya meningkatkan daya tahan otot.
Latihan-latihan Daya Tahan Otot
Latihan yang melibatkan kontrasi fiber mengangkat beban yang tetap.
Contohnya Abdomin al Crunch.
  • Kelebihan: Memberi lebih kekuatan daripada isometrik.
  • Baik untuk koordinasi
  • Cepat pulih daripada lesu.
  •  Baik untuk melatih imbangan.
Latihan yang melibatkan kontraksi statik dengan fiber otot tidak memanjang dan tidak memendekkan serta sendi tidak mengalami julat pergerakan . Contohnya sama seperti latihan   Isotonik tetapi menggunakan peralatan khas yang dapat mengawal kelajuan pergerakan.
  • Boleh dilakukan diruang sempit.
  • Tidak memerlukan alat.
  • Baik untuk pemulihan otot.
Latihan isotonik dengan menggunakan peralatan atau mesin yang menetapkan halaju sekata pergerakan. Contohnya sama seperti latihan isotoni c tetapi menggunakan peralatan khas yang mengawal kelajuan pergerakan.
  •  Baik untuk latihan kekuatan
  •  Baik untuk pemulihan kecederaan otot 
Kesan Latihan Daya Tahan Otot
  • Kerja-kerja boleh dilakukan dengan lebih banyak dan kerja menjadi lebih efisien.
  •  Resiko kepada kecederaan otot ketika berkerja dan bersukan dapat dikurangkan.
  • Dapat meningkatkan prestasi sukan seseorang atlit.
  • Meningkatkan atau memperbaiki kebolehan dalam menghadapi kecemasan.
Jenis-jenis latihan-latihan bebanan
Latihan bebanan merupakan satu kaedah latihan yang memusatkan kepada pengunaan bebanan bagi tujuan meningkatkan kompenan-kompenan kecergasan terutama sekali dari segi kekuatan, kuasa dan daya tahan otot. Terdapat tiga jenis latihan bebanan yang boleh meningkatkan kekuatan , iaitu:
  •  Latihan isometric
  • Latihan isotonic
  •  Latihan isokinetik
Objektif Latihan Bebanan:

  • Membina dan meningkatkan daya tahan dan kekuatan otot.
  • Membina dan meningkatkan kekuatan dan kuasa otot kaki.
  • Meningkatkan kuasa eksplosif.
  • Meningkatkan tahap fleksibiliti.
Latihan Tekanan
Kaedah latihan tekanan mengaplikasikan penggunaan tenaga kepada keupayaan maksima dan melakukan aktiviti itu dengan ketepatan dan konsisten dalam satu jangkamasa tertentu sehingga ke tahap kelesuan. Latihan tekanan adalah satu kaedah latihan yang memberi tekanan kepada sistem fisiologi seperti pernafasan, sistem kardiovaskular dan sistem tenaga untuk bekerja lebih daripada keadaan biasa, latihan tekanan juga dapat meningkatkan fungsi otot dan sistem otot.
Objekif Latihan Tekanan:

  • Meningkatakan dan mengkalkan kemampuan anaerobik.
  • Meningkatkan kelembutan, ketangkasan, kekuatan dan kelajuan secara keseluruhan.
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan otot tertentu.
  • Mempercepatkan lagi sistem tenaga dalam tubuh badan iaitu ATC-PC.
Latihan Fartlek
Secara umumnya latihan fartlek terbahagikan kepada dua, iaitu:
  • Fartlek terkawal: Berada dalam grid yang telah ditetapkan dan tidak jauh laluan, tahap kelajuan larian dan kesukaran telah ditetapkan.
  • Fartlek bebas: Tiada grid latihan yang khusus dalam satu-satu latihan dan jarak yang jauh. Contoh lari mengelilingi kampung atau merentas desa.
Objektif Latihan:
  • Meningkatkan dan mengekarkan daya tahan kardiovaskular pemain.
  • Membina daya tahan otot serta meningkatkan keupayaan untuk melakukan aktiviti pada tahap yang tinggi.
  •  Membina dan meningkatkan kepantasan, kekuatan dan kelenturan.
  • Berupaya menghindarkan kelesuan serta kebosanan semasa latihan.
  • Memberi kesempatan tubuh badan berehat sebelum menjalankan aktiviti seterusnya.
  • Membentuk disiplin kendiri ketika melakukan latihan.
Latihan Jeda:
Latihan jeda adalah satu kaedah latihan untuk mencapai kecergasan fizikal, diperkenalkan oleh Gershler  dan Hans Reindell pada tahun 1930. Ia merupakan satu sistem latihan yang diselang-selitkan dengan kerja dan masa rehat. Peningkatan daya tahan kardiovaskular boleh dicapai melalui latihan jeda. Ini dibuktikan oleh Annarino, 1976 melalui kajiannya yang mendapati bahawa semasa musin persediaan, atlit akan cuba untuk membina asas yang kukuh dalam usaha meningkatkan kecergasan sehingga ke musim pertandingan. Latihan jeda digunakan untuk meningkatkan kecergasan fizikal para atlit. Kajian ini telah membuktikan bahawa latihan jeda merupakan satu siri ulangan yang berintensiti tinggi dengan masa rehat yang tertentu di antara siri tersebut adalah cara yang paling baik untuk meningkatkan tahap kecergasan seseorang atlit.

Objektif Latihan:
  • Membina daya tahan kardiovaskular dan daya tahan otot.
  • Meningkatkan keupayaan anaerobic dan kebolehan individu dalam prestasi yang lebih tinggi.
  • Meningkatkan ketangkasan atlet.
Latihan Litar:
Menurut Sorani, 1976, latihan litar ialah satu kaeddah latihan kecergasan yang bertujuan untuk menambah kekuatan yang bertujuan untuk menambah kekuatan dan daya tahan otot, serta daya tahan kardiovaskular. Latihan litar merupakan beberapa aktiviti senaman yang dipilih dan diatur dipanggil stesen, dimana untuk memudahkan pelaku bergerak dari satu stesen ke satu stesen. Semua aktiviti dalam litar mengikut turutan yang ditetapkan. Peserta dikatakan telah melakukan satu stesen set latihan ataupun satu litar setelah menghabiskan satu pusingan latihan. Bilangan satu set latihan yang diperlukan dan kemampuan individu. Bilangan stesen dan jenis aktiviti di setiap stesen disusun berdasarkan tahap kecergasan atlit, umur, jenis permainan atau suka peserta dan komponen kecergasan yang hendak dibina.

Faktor-faktor yang perlu diambil kira dalam latihan litar:
  • Faktor masa.
  • Faktor ulangan
  • Objektif Latihan Litar:
  •  Untuk meningkatkan daya tahan aerobik.
  •  Membina dan meningkatkan kemampuan kardiovaskular.
  • Membina kekuatan dan daya tahan otot.
  •  Meningkatkan koordinasi, kelenturan dan ketangkasan.
  •  Menambahkan kuasa oto, kesegaran dan ketangkasan.
Latihan Pliometrik:
Latihan pliometrik adalah satu kaedah latihan yang baru diperkenalkan di Amerika Syarikat pada awal 90-an. Berasal daripada perkataan Greek, ‘plio’ membawa maksud ‘lebih’ atau ‘meningkatkan’ dan ‘metrik’ bererti jarak. Fred Wilt menterjemahkan pliometrik sebagai latihan yang menghasilkan pergerakan otot isometric yang berlebihan yang menyebabkan reflex regangan dalam otot. Hari ini, pliometrik dirujuk kepada latihan yang menggunakan pergerakan otot-otot untuk bertindak balas ke atas beban dan menghasilkan kuasa atau kekuatan eksplosif. Latihan pliometrtik hanya diaplikasikan selepas atlit mencapai tahap kekuatan optimum atau mencukupi bagi mengelakkan kecederaan terutamanya kepada tendon dan ligamen. Latihan dilakukan pada penghujung fasa persediaan khusus sehinggalah ke fasa pra pertandingan.
Objektif Latihan:
  • Objektif utama latihan ini adalah bagi meningkatkan kuasa dan kekuatan eksplosif dan boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan berat badan sendiri atau alatan.
 Contoh latihan pliometrik dengan menggunakan berat badan sendiri:
  • Larian lutut tinggi.
  • ‘bounding’
  •  Larian ‘tendang pinggul’ (butt-kick)
  • ‘skip’
  • Lompat sebelah kaki.

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