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Friday, September 20, 2013

Efective Practices : The seven principles of effective practices

Principle 1: Practice the Right Skill
One of the most common mistakes in designing practice experience is to have players perform skills that do not help them learn the skill at hand. If you want to practice the service in badminton, then use a drill in serving badminton and not in tennis. What does running through a series of the tires or ropes teach a hockey player?

Principle 2: Practice the Skill in Contest Like Conditions
As soon as players can do so. The more your drills simulate the competitive situation in which the skill will be use. The more likely it is your players will be learning the right things.

Principle 3: Keep Practices Short and Frequent
Keep practice shorts and frequent when teaching new skills. When first learning a skill, players are likely to make many mistakes and tire quickly. Therefore the skill should be practiced frequently, but not for too long.

In other words, when players must use considerable mental and physical effort to perform a skill practice should be interspersed with either rest interval or practice of another skill that uses different muscle group and demands less effort.

Principle 4: Use Practice Time Efficiently
Here are some big practice time wasters and suggestions for improving use of time.

Time Wasters

  • Waiting to begin practices
  • Spending time changing from drills or activity
  • Roll Call
  • Coach talking too much
  • Too much time on drills and practice
  • Avoid long lineups to use the equipment or have a turn

  • Give inbstruction before session regarding what to do
  • Establish principles as to what to do
  • Individual’s sign in
  • Be precise
  • Play the game
  • Have plenty of equipment, eg. Balls and put people in groups of 2,3 or 4 only.

Principle 5: Make Optimal Use of Facility and Equipment
Have enough equipment on hand. Avoid having people waiting in lines to have a turn.

Pranciple 6: Experience Success
Make sure players experience a reasonable amount of success at each practice.

Principle 7: Make Practice Fun
Use a variety of drills for teaching each skill.

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