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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Minyak Zaitun Membantu Mengurangkan Berat Badan

Satu kajian terbaru saintis Jerman dan Austria menunjukkan bau yang terhasil daripada minyak zaitun boleh membuatkan seseorang berasa kenyang tanpa perlu mengambil makanan yang banyak. 

Saintis dari Universiti Teknikal Munich dan Vienna menemui dapatan ini selepas menjalankan ujian ke atas sejumlah sukarelawan yang diberi makan yogurt sebanyak 500 gram setiap hari selama tiga bulan. 

Dalam ujian tersebut, beberapa orang sukarelawan diarah untuk menambah minyak zaitun pada yogurt berkenaan sementara yang lain turut diarah menambah minyak sesawi dan mentega. 

Mereka yang menambah minyak zaitun menunjukkan keputusan berat badan yang tidak berubah dan mereka juga kurang mengambil makanan berkalori. 

Ujian darah juga menunjukkan tahap sel serotonin yang tinggi di  dalam darah. Sel serotonin merupakan hormone pemakanan yang membuatkan seseorang itu berasa kenyang. 

Menurut kajian tersebut, kesan aroma minyak zaitun boleh mengenyangkan manusia seterusnya mengurangkan tahap pengambilan kira-kira 200 kalori sehari. 

Ujian darah ke atas kumpulan yang tidak menggunakan minyak zaitun pula menunjukkan mereka hanya mempunyai sedikit sel serotonin di dalam darah mereka. 

Organizing Practice Sessions Content : General Points

Four main area of preparation
A practice session is organized so that players can learn new skills or practice other skills and requirements. For a player to play sport well and effectively, he or she should be trained in four main areas of preparation.
  •  Physical preparation
Physical preparation or conditionings where aerobic and anaerobic workouts, strength, muscle endurance and flexibility related to the specific sports are developed.
  •  Technical preparation
Technical preparation on the learning and refining of skills.
  •  Tactical preparation
Tactical preparation the strategies or tactics of the sport.
  •  Psychological preparation
Psychological preparation involve psychological factors such as anxiety, motivation and mental training, etc.

Each practice session should focus on one or more of the 4 mentioned areas. At this level much more emphasis would be given to the technical and physical preparation. Besides this, each session should begin with a warm-up session and end with a cooling down period.

Continuity in coaching session
Each coaching session should be organized as a result of the previous coaching session and seen as part of a series of sessions or the whole training plan, i.e. a session series of 6 weeks of coaching sessions should show a certain amount of progression.

During each session stand back and try to assess what is going well, what is going badly and what is needed for the next session.

Make planning for the next session
Using what you gather from the previous assessment, plan for your next session to ensure continuation of learning and progress.

Spend time preparing your session and focus your thoughts on 4 areas:
  • What are the possible areas of danger? (Safety)
  • Why are groups there? (Motivation)
  • What, if anything, will they want to learn? (Learning goals)
  • How can the session go smoothly? (Organization).
If your are coaching a group just learning to play the sport then your first several practice sessions will focus more on skill learning, rules of play, etc. Each session ending in some playtime. As the session progresses practice session will lengthen. Make sure you have appropriate equipment for the session. End a coaching session with some playtime to utilize what the coaching session was about.

This must be recognized first. Certain sports are so obviously dangerous that clearly defined procedures are laid down in training and coaching. These determine how you organize a class and plan a session. It is vital that you follow the recommendations of the governing body for the sport. Additionally, Risk Management and safety of the participants is a primary concern and responsibility of the coach. Safety means being able to foresee and remove physical dangers, hazards, obstructions, etc, and inappropriate behaviors.

Adjust your approach to suit the conditions. Be flexible. If the groups are there to play a game, Then the game should be played, Stopping the game to try to improve their skills repeatedly disrupts the flow of the game that the players are enjoying. Your aim should be to keep participants enjoying the game. This is accomplished by not being too controlling or militaristic as a coach. Do drills that participants can enjoy while learning. Many skills are transferable.
Your aim must be to keep participants coming to the session and encourage others to come also.

Besides playing the game, participants must learn a new skill at each session. These newly learnt skills should be reinforced when playing the game. These goals should guide the session. Since skill learning will form an important area of goals, the coach should realize that teaching all skills would take a lot of time. Keep in mind the age of the groups and their skill level. If a little imagination can be used then structuring activity can help, for example you might shorten a soccer pitch to encourage more players to play purposefully. You should recognize that a considerable amount of learning goes on within game.

The spent in planning for the session (written lesion plan) will make the problem of controlling the group much easier. Try to keep the organization simple. Having decided what needs to be done, thank of how to do it efficiently. On many occasions a group will need to be broken down into sub-groups of three or four. Think of simple games such groups could play where the skill is utilized. If certain individuals need to be in particular ability groups, work out the groups before the session. You can avoid a lot of trouble by thinking about the position of the equipment while planning the session and arriving early to set up the equipment.

One thing you can always do is start on time. Encourage the group to arrive early and be changed ready to start on time. Try to give equal time to all participants regardless of ability. Finish on time and leave the facility as you found it. All equipment must be returned or stored in its proper place.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Practical Session

Resistance Training
  1. Apply the biomechanical principles of resistance training during the demonstration and practices of resistance exercises.
  2. Able to perform with proper technique the exercises introduced to them.
  3. Able to identify and name the muscles involved in the exercises.

  1. Squat/ back squat
  2. Walking lunges / leg curl
  3. Standing calf raise
  4. Over head press
  5. Chest press
  6. Lat pull down
  7. Biceps curl
  8. Triceps extension
  9. Abdominal curls
  10. 4 point bridge
  11. Sensory motor control exercise : Medicine ball push-up and Squat on exercise mat/ wobble board/ soft unstable surface.

  1. Exercise mat
  2. Berbells
  3. Weight plates
  4. Lat pull down machine
  5. Dumbbells
  6. Leg curl machine
  7. Bench press station / standard flat bench with independent racks

Exercise Procedures: Refer Table (a)

Table (a) : Strength Training – Practical (2 hr 30 min)
Time Allocated
Introduction to strength training equipments
  • Advantages/ disadvantages

Theory and practice

15 min
Based on equipment availabillity
Exercise techniques
  • Hand grip

  • Stable body and limb positioning

Athletic body positioning
Seated/supine position
  • Movement ROM and speed

Full/partial ROM
Tempo 3:1:3
  • Proper breathing technique

Sticking point – breath out.

Theory and practice

20 min

Proper warm up and stretch technique
  • Whole body static stretching

Theory and practice

15 min

Demonstration and practice
  • Machines

Leg press/ext
Chest press
Leg curl
Lat pull down
Overhead press

  • Free weights

BB/DB Squats
Bench press
Biceps curl
Triceps extension

  • Core (abs and back)


  • Sensory motor control exercise

Medicine ball push-up
Squat on exercise mat/wobble board/soft unstable surface

Theory and practice

1 hr 40 min

Based on equipment availabillity

 Aerobic Training – (30 min)
At the end of the session the participants will understand and able to apply the two aerobic training methods which are aerobic continuous method and aerobic interval method in the training for aerobic fitness development.

Demonstration and practice:
  • Aerobic continuous method
  • Aerobic interval method

 Advocating the different modes of aerobic training such as skipping, running, cycling, dance, etc.

Equipments required:
  • Stop watch
  • Skipping rope
  • Stationary bikes (optional)

Exercise procedures – refer Table (b)

Table (b) : Aerobic Training : Practical (30 min)  
Time Allocated
Introduction to aerobic training equipments

Theory and practice

5 min

Demonstration and practice
  • Continuous method


  • Interval

Work : Rest – 1 : 3  (15s : 45s/2/1)
Work : Rest – 1 : 5 (10s : 50s/2/1)

5 min

5 min
5 min

Ensure participants monitor training heart rate regularly
Proper cool down and stretching
  • Whole body basic passive stretching

10 min

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Training The Energy System : Aerobic Energy System

There are three distinct yet closely integrated processes that operate together to satisfy the energy requirement of muscle. To perform any type of physical activity, energy must be provided to the muscles involved. The necessary energy is provided either anaerobically ore aerobically. It is of imperative importance for any sports that requires elements of endurance to have a sound aerobic fitness even when the predominant energy system is anaerobic.

Concept of Energy System
It is dependent upon intensity and duration of the physical task being performed.
High intensity effort performed for short period of time (below 10 s) utilizes anaerobic alactic (ATP-PC) energy system.
High intensity effort performed over an extended time (beyond 60s) is dependent upon both, anaerobic alactic and lactic (glycolysis) energy system.
Low to moderate intensity of effort performed over long extended period of time (beyond 2 min) uses aerobic energy system predominantly).

Training the Aerobic Energy System

Progressive exercise performed at medium intensity and over extended duration of time, involving substantial portion of skeletal musculature utilizing the oxidative metabolism. If also referred as the combustion of carbohydrates and fats in the presence of oxygen. Causes
Adaptation in oxygen transport system and oxygen utilization system.
Aerobic Fitness
Aerobic capacity – ability to perform work of moderate intensity for long period of time.
Aerobic power – ability to perform work of relatively high intensity for a moderate period of time.

Benefits of Aerobic Training
  1. Increase capacity to work at relatively high rate for prolonged period (over 30 min).
  2. Improve ability to resist fatigue.
  3. Improved ability to work at high rates for short periods (5 to 15 min).
  4. Improve ability to recover quickly from high rates.
  5. Improve ability to expend high total amounts of energy.
Training Aerobic System is Important for:
  1. Sports, events that require continuous effort at sub max levels.
  2. Sports that feature intermittent exercise, e.g. sports in which intense effort are interspersed with rest periods.
  3. Enhances recovery and permits more high intensity work periods. It enhances quality of training for events that are predominantly anaerobic.
Types of Aerobic Training
  • Continuous method

  1. At intensity that stresses O2 transport and utilization system .
  2. Improve central transport system by stimulating adaptive changes in CV system.
  3. SV increases 10% to 15% in 2 to 3 months, up to 40& in 2 to 3 years at 50% to 70% of VO2max. Increases ability to work at higher % of VO2max.
  4. Reduces Lactic Acid level and HR at sub max workloads.
  5. Mode is not critical – large muscle involvement and variety.
  6. Appropriate during off season and pre season.

  •  Interval Method
  1. It is the series of repeated bouts of high intensity work interrupted by pause periods.
  2. Improve ability of muscle to extract and use O2 made available by CV system.
  3. Increase in myoglobin – greater storage of O2.
  4. Increase in number, size and activity of mitochondria (aerobic energy producing structures).
  5. Increases capillarization.
  6. Increases enzymes activities.
  7. Mode – sport specific.
  8. Requires longer time.
  •  Continuous Versus Interval
  1. Similar gains in VO2max.
  2. Types of adaptations are different.
Aerobic Training Program design Variables
  1. Intensity (75% - 95% HRR).
  2. Duration (20 – 45 min).
  3. Frequency (3 to 5 days/week).
  4. Total volume (intensity, duration, frequency).
  5. Length – liner improvement for 10 – 11 weeks.
  6. Mode of training.
  7. Type of training.


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