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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Collagen Fibers and Elastin Fibers is Good for the Health of Your Breasts

Some of us are lucky enough to be blessed with beautiful. 

Smooth supple skin, perky firm breast which often time an envy of women and an adore by gentlemen. 

However the beauty charm fades over years with age kicking in and skin simply gives away with age. 

Aging is inevitable, we try to fend off the effects of aging one way or another and we can well see that skin care products are multibillion industry around the globe. 

Then come about our choice of lifestyle such as smoking, sleeping lat, all of which accelerating the deterioration of the skin health.

Breasts generally are a symbol of femininity and great looking skin often brings great self-confidence to woman. 

In pursue of physical perfection of those who are not happy with the size or fullness of the breasts, some has sought for breast augmentation, yet many are hesitant to undergo cosmetic surgery, fearing the risk. 

While flat-chest women mourn over their “assets”, those blessed with large breasts have their woes too. Gravity does its job; hence large breasts tend to sag more noticeably than smaller breasts. 

As we age, body’s collagen fibers (which give tissue strength and flexibility) and elastin fibers (which keep the skin from drooping) decrease. 

That’s when we see more wrinkles and saggy breasts; a woman’s nightmare! 

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