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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Heart patients be encouraged to manage their stress levels. Studies show that heart disease patients learn to manage their stress will be reduced by 77 percent to a heart attack or cardiac surgery than patients who only received usual care.

At school, a teachers especially those related to students discipline are often under pressure. Anger against students at school are the lifestyle factors that influence heart disease among teachers, especially teachers discipline. The risk of suffering a heart attack discipline among teachers increased each year. For those who have suffered a heart attack disorders, the overall risk of suffering a heart attack increased by 2.3 times in two hours when depressed and angry.

Each episode of anger trigger psychological reactions in the body and cause the heart to beat rapidly, increased blood pressure and coronary artery narrowing. To discipline teachers who have heart problems, anger can reduce blood flow to the heart and eventually cause a heart attack.

It is important that all teachers in school discipline more aware of their duties in order to maintain a healthy heart. Most of the teachers at school are generally not aware of and practicing these habits. As a result many teachers are lying in hospital suffering from late stages of heart disease and need treatment very expensive. 

Discipline in school is to be controlled, but remember ! The main health and remind our children at home. I write this, not to undermine and belittle the task of teachers to discipline, but realized after my good friend and also a dedicated teacher discipline at a school in JB, is now in ICU Sultanah Aminah Hospital. Hopefully he is recovered to normal and can go out with me again 'nge-teh’ ... amin.

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