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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ATHLETIC : General Preparation

Considerations - A period of general conditioning is necessary to prepare the athlete for more specific work by improving natural abilities basic fitness.

Organic - This preparatory period aims to improve general endurance by strengthening the respiratory and cardio-vascular system and all parts of body involved in energy output. The heart increases in volume, pumping more oxygen carrying blood to the muscles and thus fatigue is warded off and the ability to maintain effort is improved.

Muscular - Conditioning the muscles improves strength, elasticity, flexibility, contractability and endurance. Circuit training, speed exercises, jumping exercises and throwing exercises, all strengthen and tone the muscles and joints.

Conditioning - The range of exercises used for general preparation should aim to increase the physiological capacity of the athlete by improving all muscle groups, in a balanced way, concentrating equally on strength and suppleness. The essential period of Basic Training, or General Preparation, occurs at the beginning of the athlete’s career and in each new season.

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