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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ATHLETIC : General Preparation

Considerations - A period of general conditioning is necessary to prepare the athlete for more specific work by improving natural abilities basic fitness.

Organic - This preparatory period aims to improve general endurance by strengthening the respiratory and cardio-vascular system and all parts of body involved in energy output. The heart increases in volume, pumping more oxygen carrying blood to the muscles and thus fatigue is warded off and the ability to maintain effort is improved.

Muscular - Conditioning the muscles improves strength, elasticity, flexibility, contractability and endurance. Circuit training, speed exercises, jumping exercises and throwing exercises, all strengthen and tone the muscles and joints.

Conditioning - The range of exercises used for general preparation should aim to increase the physiological capacity of the athlete by improving all muscle groups, in a balanced way, concentrating equally on strength and suppleness. The essential period of Basic Training, or General Preparation, occurs at the beginning of the athlete’s career and in each new season.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

SISTEM SARAF : Siri 2 - Sinaps

Sinaps terdiri daripada tiga jenis neuron yang tidak bersambung secara langsung. Terdapat satu ruang sempit selebar 0.00002 mm di antara dendrit terminal dengan dendrit neuron yang berikutnya. Ruang ini dipanggil sinaps.

Satu neuron motor mungkin mempunyai hubungan sinaps dengan beribu-ribu neuron yang lain.

Impuls yang lain di dendrit terminal menyebabkan pembebasan sejenis bahan kimia yang bertindak sebagai neurotransmiter iaiatu bahan penghantar impuls saraf ke dendrit neuron yang bersebelahan.

Ini akan merangsangnya untuk mencetuskan impuls sendiri. Sinaps lebih peka terhadap rangsangan untuk menghasilkan gerak balas yang kompleks.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Sistem saraf merupakan satu kawalan dan perhubungan bagi mengintergrasikan aktiviti dalam badan. Sistem saraf berfungsi sebagai penyusun tindak balas fizikal selaras dengan keadaan serta mengawal otot luar kawal dan organ seperti jantung dan paru-paru.

Sistem saraf terdiri dari otak, saraf tunjang, sel saraf dan gentian saraf yang membawa utusan daripada otak dan saraf tunjang ke seluruh badan serta membawa utusan dari seluruh badan ke otak dan saraf tunjang.

Sistem Saraf Pusat

Sistem saraf juga dikatakan sebagai pusat kawalan tubuh yang mengawal segala aktiviti yang berlaku dalam badan. Sistem saraf juga mengawal semua organ badan supaya dapat menjalankan fungsi tertentu pada masa dan kadar yang sewajarnya bergantung kepada keperluan tubuh.

Antara fungsi sistem saraf ialah: Deria – merasa perubahan dalam tubuh dan juga persekitaran; Intergrasi – mentafsirkan sebarang perubahan yang berlaku; Motor – bertindak balas terhadap tafsiran yang dibuat dengan memulakan tindakan dengan kontraksi otot atau rembesan hormon.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

ATHLETIC : Warming Up - Part 2

Warming up before undergoing a physical activity is important to avoid any risk of mejor injury

Execution: There should be a gradual build up in the effort exerted. About ten minutes of very easy running can be followed by a thorough but gentle stretching of the muscle groups of the lower and upper legs, hips, trunk and shoulders. Then more very light running can be alternated with more dynamic exercises. Finally, the muscles most closely involved in the event should be stretched and exercised.

For the throws, jumps and sprints, the final part of the warm-up should be a little more ‘explosive’. Power activities should be alternated with those for agility and relaxation and cardiovascular ones with muscular ones.

The running section stimulates the heart to an increased pulse rate and improved blood circulation and this matches the muscular activity.

According to the events concerned, practices starts, acceleration runs, jumps, throws or hurdle drills and runs can be included towards the end of the warm-up.

Duration and Distribution: This dependes on individual circumstances, the state of the weather and the type of event. Generally, the warm-up lasts from 25 to 50 minutes.
1st part – slow running and gentle stretching exercises.
2nd part – slightly more vigorous exercises (general)
3rd part – more strenuous and explosive exercises (sometimes at the same effort as in the actual event but carefully spaced out and of fairly short duration)
4th – specific exercises (starts, hurdles, preliminary throws)
5th – Relaxation exercises. The proportion of running to exercises will vary according to the type of event (running, jumping or throwing).

Middle and Long Distance Events – a greater amount of running than exercises.
Speed Events – a balance between running and exercises.

Jumps – as per speed events.

Throws – more exercises than running.

Auxiliary aids – the use of clothing, liniments etc. can never take the place of an active warm-up but should complement it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ATHLETIC : Warming Up - Part 1

Bekas murid-muridku di SMKBJ ketika menjalani aktiviti memanaskan badan : Johan  Malaysia Champion School 2005 di Melaka

The human ‘motor’ can be likened to a car engine, in that it will not perform at its best until its temperature has risen to an optimum level its moving parts are well lubricated. It requires ‘warming up’ before undertaking vigorous exercise and this is especially important before competition.

Is the warm-up essential? In the case of a very long race, the first 800-1000m might serve, to some extent, as a warm-up, but, since the muscles and organs do not perform at their best until they are warmed up, this would mean some unnecessary loss of energy. A good warm-up also serves to minimize the risk of muscular injury, especially in the ‘explosive’ events (sprints, throws, jumps).

Further Precautions: A thorough warm-up is always necessary and ‘stretching’ should never be neglected even in very hot weather. Special care is needed in cold weather because of the greater risk of muscular injury. Extra warm clothing will be necessary and some form of ‘passive’ warm-up may be beneficial. Tosum up: The warm-up is a general preparation, gentle and progressive, which should have a positive effevt on all muscle groups, joints, ligaments and bodily organs.

Relativity: An experienced athlete’s warm-up could well be a complete general training session for a beginner while the beginner’s basic training session would be a mere warm-up for the experienced athlete.

Aim: The aim of the warm-up is both psychological and physiological. The psychological aim ia to achieve a mental preparation for the activity to be performed an to gain automatic muscle control (the avoidance of over-tension). The physiological aspect aim the following systems: Organic – to prepare the organs to supply more energy without premature fatigue; Neuro-muscular – to make better use of the power produced by this system, to improve blood circulation to the muscles and increase their internal temperature, and so reduce risk of injury, to stimulate the nervous system governing movements and work cycles to gave a better response (especially important in ‘explosive’ events-sprints, jumps and throws); Biochemical – to interact with the systems which carry energy elements around the body, to make efficient use of the energy elements, aspecially those used in endurance events; Psychological – Mental preparation and relaxation.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Jenis Latihan
Kekuatan Otot
Daya Tahan Otot
Daya Tahan Kardovaskular

LATIHAN ANAEROBIK : Pliometrik – Siri 2

Seseorang jurulatih yang hendak menjalankan sesuatu program latihan pliometrik perlu mengetahui beberapa prinsip supaya latihan ini memberi kesan yang maksimum dan prinsip-prinsip latihan pliometrik ialah:

Intensiti: Keperluan latihan terhadap otot hendaklah diberi perhatian dan mengikut objektif. Berat atau ringan sesuatu intensiti latihan adalah berdasarkan keperluan sesuatu jenis kemahiran sukan.

Ulangan: Semakin banyak ulangan yang diberi pada sesuatu latihan, semakin cepat ke atas kuasa otot diperolehi.

Kekerapan: Kekerapan latihan berdasarkan jumlah sesi dalam sehari dan mingguan. Sekiranya intensiti tinggi, kekerapan perlu dikurangkan bagi mengelakkan kecederaan.

Prograsif: Program latihan yang hendak dilaksanakan haruslah bermatlamat untuk meningkatkan kecergasan dan kekuatan otot.

Pengkhususan: Pengkhususan hendaklah ditumpukan kepada keperluan objektif yang hendak dicapai.

LATIHAN ANAEROBIK : Pliometrik – Siri 1

Latihan Pliometrik bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kuasa otot seperti aktiviti bounding yang diperlukan untuk acara sukan yang memerlukan kuasa otot kaki. Latihan ini memerlukan banyak rutin melompat dan melantun. Teknik untuk melakukan aktiviti ini ialah dengan melompat, mendarat dan melonjak.

Konsep :   membina kecekapan otot untuk mengecut secara maksimum dalam masa singkat; membentuk keanjalan otot yang penting untuk kuasa; membantu dalam pembentukkan kekuatan.

Objektif :   membina dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan daya otot; membina keupayaan mengeluarkan kuasa dalam masa singkat; membina dan meningkatkan koordinasi; meningkatkan daya tahan kardiovaskular.

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