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Saturday, May 7, 2011


The Warm-Up
Take from 10 to 15 minutes to warm up; Engage  in exercises that stretch muscle and put body joints through a full range of motion (Walking, slow jogging, and other activities can also be used to warm up); Exercise all body segments and muscle groups, including, nick, shoulder girdle and joints, trunk, thight joints, thighs, knee and legs; Engage in exercises that cause a gradual increase in heart and circulatory system action.

The Workout
Take from 30 minutes to 1 hour to work out; Engage in exercises and activities that will develop mascular strength and endurance, cardiorespiatory endurance and flexibility; Adapt to individual needs; Alternate work and rest periods; As a beginner, increase duration of exercise intervals and keep exercise intensity constant; Monitor heart rate.

The Cool-Down
Take from 5 to 10 minutes to cool down after working out; Engage in relaxing forms of exercise; Acyivities can include slow jogging, walking and stretching exercises; Check heart rate, which should show recovery from acceleration during the workout.

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