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Monday, May 23, 2011


Diet industry is a very large value and millions of dollars spent each year by the people just to buy food diet. 

These foods are usually in the form of powder, flour, syrup, gel, or ice bar. 

The price ... ... mmmmmm indeed expensive, and each one can reach RM 200 - RM 400 for the program are between 15 - 30 days only, depending on packaging and promotional means only. 

Actually, none of feeding formulated diet was tested in the laboratory in advance by the individual user or bodies in charge of the country to determine the validity of the quality or nutritional content and calories .... 

All around…. tibai je…. only because most of them made in foreign countries particularly the USA ....... (In addition to China, the USA is among the major countries of dumping of goods banned its use in the backward countries and countries in the third world mainly through health products)

Most people are attracted to the diet of low carbohydrate diets such as this would lead to drastic weight loss after only a few days starting the program using the selected nutritional diet.Scientifically, weight loss consists of loss of glycogen, protein and water only (as well as some important minerals in the body).

Let's say you lose 1-5kg within 2 days when it comes to low carbohydrate diet food program, in fact most of just 0.3kg is a fatty, and the remainder (1.2kg) is the body tissues (except fat) and meniral. 

Once you stop dieting, the body naturally absorbs the carbohydrates and protein are missing and the body will return to the original weight. 

So, be careful and never fall prey to the formula sold by the slim body beauty products.

Taking the formula diet without the supervision of a specialist is usually not recommended. 

The best way to losing weight is by reducing calorie intake of foods commonly consumed between 500 - 1000 kcal per day. 

Make a consultation with a specialist tentang diet  the selection of low calorie foods and avoid fatty foods. 

Avoid buying formula diet that is too expensive and has no manufacturer's mark. 

Cheap diet usually consists of only flour and milk can be dangerous to your health if eaten a packet of powdered  milk per day.......... 

The key is a balanced diet (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals) and low calorie.

Do not be fooled into a slimming formula that dipermosikan everywhere. 

Be sure and understand that losing weight does not mean you lose the fat in the body of one hundred percent because of weight loss and meniral tissues in the body is a danger to yourself. 

Eat whatever foods according to your taste ... .... ... .... but eat a balanced diet, vary the variety of food and food which consists of low calories and most importantly ... ... ...

DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY suit all ages and abilities ... .. so you!

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