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Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


Kawalan motor merujuk bidang kajian pergerakan manusia yang berkaitan mekanisme biologi yang berperanan dalam menghasilkan lakuan motor. Lakuan motor menjelaskan tentang kawalan postur dan pergerakan manusia. Semua pergerakan dihasilkan dengan baik menerusi interaksi semua jenis lakuan motor yang mampu dihasilkan oleh system biologi.
Lakuan motor boleh dibahagikan kepada voluntary motor dan involuntary motor. Lakuan motor voluntary merujuk pergerakan lakuan motor yang dihasilkan apabila pelaku memilih atau menentukan untuk melakukan pergerakan. Mutu lakuan yang terhasil sepenuhnya dipengaruhi oleh interaksi pelaku dengan persekitaran. Lakuan ini dipanggil sebagai pergerakan voluntary. Segala tindakan atau lakuan pergerakan terkawal dinamakan pergerakan voluntary.

Terdapat dua jenis pergerakan voluntary iaitu Kemahiran Generik: Merupakan kemahiran yang berpunca daripada aspek genetic atau baka, contoh, berlari dan berjalan. Kemahiran generic ini berasaskan pembesaran dan kematangan seseorang. Kemahiran Berobjektif: Kemahiran pergerakan yang dilatih dan mempunyai objektif yang spesifik atau berojektif khusus. Contohnya mengubah suai teknik berlari. Kemahiran generic dan berobjektif terdiri dari dua jenis perge

rakan iaitu Pergerakan Lokomotor: Pergerakan yang melibatkan pergerakan mendatar seperti bernang dan berbasikal. Pergerakan bukan Lokomotor: pergerakan ini tidak melibatkan pergerakan secara mendatar seperti melompat setempat.

Lakuan Motor Involuntari merupakan segala lakuan motor yang dihasilkan secara luar kawal atau involuntary, pelaku tidak mampu memilih atau mengubah lakuan yang dihasilkan. Lakuan ini dikenal sebagai gerak balas atau pergerakan involuntary. Gerak balas fizikal pada peringkat periferi diterima oleh system biologi manusia. Mekanisme umum pergerakan involuntary adalah seperti berikut: Sistem reseptor menerima rangsanagan pada peringkat periferi; Seteusnya, neuron sensori menerima rangsangan fizikal dan mengubah rangsanag tersebut kepada maklumat sensori; Seterusnya, maklumat sensori tadi dihantar ke system saraf pusat yang terdiri daripada otak dan saraf tunjang; Seterusnya, impuls sensori sinaps disalurkan kepada neuron motor: Impuls sesori bertukar menjadi impuls motor: seterusnya impuls motor dihantar ke system efektor; Akhirnya pergerakan involuntary terhasil

Ahad, 29 Mei 2011


     Kecederaan Tisu-tisu Lembut
Kecederaan ini biasanya berlaku pada bahagian otot, ligamen, tendon, kulit dan lapisan luar kulit.

2.   Kekejangan Otot
Disebabkan kehilangan air yang banyak dari tubuh. Biasanya berlaku apabila seseorang atlet menjalani aktiviti berintensiti tinggi dan berpanjangan.

3.   Ketegangan Otot
Otot-otot rangka terbena dari gabungan beberapa kumpulan otot dan setiap kumpulan mengandungi gentian otot yang dinamakan fiber otot. Apabila fiber-fiber otot ini mengalami kecederaan disebabkan hentakan yang kuat atau aktiviti fizikal yang berintensiti tinggi, fiber-fiber otot akan terdedah kepada kecederaan dan seterusnya menyebabkan ketegangan otot.

4.   Sengal-sengal Otot
Disebabkan dari kecederaan lama pada bahagian-bahagian tertentu badan serta hanya sekali-sekala melakukan aktiviti fizikal. Atlet yang mengalami masalah ini haruslah melakukan aktiviti fizikal yang berintensiti rendah tetapi kerap.

5.   Luka
Luka terjadi disebabkan “pecah” atau “koyak” pada bahagian bawah kulit selepas terkena benda-benda tajam. Ia terbahagi kepada dua jenis. Pertama: Luka terbuka seperti luka dihiris, luka terkoyak, luka tusukan dan luka calar-calar. Kedua: Luka tertutup seperti pendarahan dalaman, renjatan elektrik dan hilang upaya pada bahagian yang cedera.

6.   Kontusi
Hentakan yang kuat pada bahagian tubuh boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan pada kapilari darah di bahagian bawah kulit menyebabkan darah akan masuk ke dalam tisu-tisu menyebabkan kontusi. Kontusi yang teruk biasanya berlaku lebih dalam dan tersorok seperti keretakan otak mengakibatkan pendarahan dalaman pada otak.

7.   Dislokasi
Daya rentapan yang kuat pada bahagian sendi tulang boleh mengakibatkan tulang terkeluar pada bahagian sendi. Selain itu, penguncupan otot-otot yang terlalu kuat disebabkan rentapan yang terlalu kuat juga akan menyebabkan ligamen terkoyak atau putus menyebabkan berlakunya dislokasi. Biasanya dislokasi ini berlaku pada bahagian bahu, rahang dan lutut.

8.   Kecederaan Kepala
Kecederaan pada kepala berpotensi besar kepada kecederaan yang serius. Ia memerlukan tawatan perubatan pakar jika ianya melibatkan kecederaan yang teruk.  Kapilari pada bahagian dalam tengkorak atau keretakan tengkorak akan menyebabkan pendarahan pada otak yang boleh mengakibatkan gangguan pada sel-sel saraf.

Bantu Mula

Bermaksud memberi bantuan awal kepada mangsa yang tercedera, sebelum kehadiran pergawai perubatan. Bantu mula bukan merawat mangsa yang tercedera, tetapi merupakan langkah awalan yang dapat mengurangkan mangsa daripada mendapat kecederaan yang lebih parah lagi. Antara kaedah bantuan awal adalah:
1.      TOTAPS

T – Talking : Bercakap dan menyoal mangsa berkaitan dengan bahagian anggota badan yang cedera
O – Observe : Memerhati dan memastikan degree of the injury mangsa.
T – Touch : Sentuh bahagian anggota badan yang cedera dengan perlahan-lahan.
A – Active Movement : Perhatikan mangsa yang tercedera melakukan pergerakan yang aktif.
P – Pasive Movement : Membantu mangsa menggerakan bahagian anggota yang mengalami kecederaan.
S – Skill : Menguji mangsa berlari atau berjalan sambil melakukan kemahiran permainan ringan atau pergerakan yang mudah.

2.      DRABC

Kaedah ini biasanya dilakukan kepada mangsa yang sudah pengsan atau tidak bernafas.

   D – Danger : Bawa mangsa ke tempat yang selamat dan di tempat yang teduh
R – Respond : Memerhatikan tindak balas deria mangsa dengan mengesan degupan nadi mangsa.
    A – Airway : Membuka dan melapangkan salur pernafasan mangsa  
    B – Breathing : Memastikan mangsa bernafas
C – Circulation : Memastikan system darah fungsi dengan memeriksa denyutan nadi. Sekiranya tiada B dan C, maka perlukan CPR dengan
bantuan 2 kali pernafasan diikuti dengan 15 mampatan dada.


Biasanya kaedah bantuan awal ini diberikan kepada mangsa yang terseliuh, dislokasi, retak dan patah. Kaedah RICER dijalankan mengikut urutan seprti: 

R – Rest : rehatkan bahagian anggota mangsa yang cedera. Jika mangsa sedar, Tanya sama ada keadaan dirinya selesa atau tidak.
I – Ice : Gunakan ais dan letakkan pada bahagian anggota yang cedera untuk beberapa minit (biasanya antara 15 hingga 20 minit)
C – Compression : Memberi tekanan dengan membalut bahagian anggota badan yang cedera. 
E – Elveation : Tinggikan bahagian anggota badan yang cedera melebihi paras jantung mangsa. (lebih kurang 45cm daripada pinggang)
   R – Refer : Rujuk pakar perubatan dan doctor yang bertauliah dengan kadar segera.

 CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Multiple Intelligences) was founded by Howard Gardner (1983) a professor of education at Harvard University. According to Gardner the old method to measure human intelligence, which is based on the IQ test is too limited. While according to the traditional view, the intelligence was fixed when he was born, and it only covers three areas, namely the field of language, math, visual / spatial. Hence, Dr. Howard Gardner has made a study of the cognitive theory of multiple intelligences theory has been suggested as a way to measure the potential for human intelligence either children or adults. This theory states that humans have sekuran least eight intelligences (intelligences) and covers a variety of skills, abilities, talents or skills that exist in nature. 
Gardner explained that each intelligence is separate and not mutually dependent. A possible weakness in a particular field of expertise, but excelled in the domain (area of ​​intelligence) to another. According to him, every individual has eight degrees of intelligence, but at different rates in terms of strength and skill. An intelligence can be manifested in various forms and ways. Intelligence can be developed through education, encouragement, experience and environment. 

By the Multiple Intelligences Theory is not only extend the intelligence of each individual family, but also to generate the definitions and concepts relevant intelligence in education today. 

Definition of Multiple Intelligences Theory 
In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences is Howard Gardner defines intelligence as follows; 

"An intelligences entails the ability to solve problems or fashion products That are of consequence in a particular cultural setting. The problem-solving skills allows one approach a Situation in Which a goal is to be obtained and to locate the appropriate route to That goal. The creation of a cultural project is crucial to capturing transmitting knowledge or expressing one's view or feelings. The problems to be solved range from creating and end to a story to anticipating a move in chess mating to repairing a quilted. Products range from scientific theories to musical composition to successful political campaigns. " 
(David G. Lazear, 1991: xi) 

David G. Lazear has simplified the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to as the "Seven Ways of Knowing." He is also developing his theory as "Seven Ways of Teaching" and as "Seven Pathways of Learning". 

Thomas Armstrong focuses on the inventory of various types of linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal. Armstrong also adjust the term creative intelligence of many as the "Armstrong's Multiple Intelligences Pizza" said the pizza, logic, picture, corporate, music, people and themselves. 

Elaine Winter is the basic theory of Multiple Intelligences in the context of a style or way of learning to focus on the sensory play such as playing with words, playing with questions or relevance, to play with pictures, play music, play with movement, plays with social activities, and play alone. 

Under the definition put forward by a few figures then Linda Campbell, Bruce Campbell and Dee Dickinson to conclude that the theory of multiple intelligences refers to the ability to solve problems in life, producing a valuable product or service within a culture and the potential for finding or creating problems which allows individuals to obtain new knowledge. 


Types of Intelligence Information 
Music Intelligence Ability to identify and enjoy the rhythms and songs, performing or creating art and music are sensitive to pitch, rhythm or melodic sounds of the environment. 
Career: Composer, singer, songwriter, music player. 
EXAMPLE: Adnan Abu Hassan, M. Nasir, Yasin, Kitaro, Beethoven, Mozart, P.Ramlee, Siti Nurhaliza, 

Logical-Mathematical Able to use numbers effectively and wisely argues, by deductive or inductive menaakul. Identify and manipulate abstract patterns and related patterns. Understand the principles of causality and the ability to anticipate. 
CAREER: Mathematicians, Scientists, Engineers, Accountants 
EXAMPLE: Carl Friedrich Gauss, Al-Khwarizmi, Isaac Newton 

Interpersonal can understand other people, aware of the objectives, motivations, habits and aspirations to work with others effectively. Able to understand emotions, goals, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of a self- 
CAREER: Politics, Merchants, Lawyers, Entrepreneurs 
EXAMPLE: Donald Trump, David Letterman, Aznil Hj. Nawawi 

Naturalist sensitive and capable of patterns, designs and natural environment (flora and fauna), and able to absorb, and remember to clarify the characteristics of the natural environment in detail. It also bekebolehan to recognize cultural artifacts in terms of food and clothing. 
Career: Farmer, Botanists, Biologists, Town Planner, Geologist 
EXAMPLE: Louis Agassiz, David Starr Jordan, Edward D. Cope, Charles Darwin 

Kinesthetic Intelligence Ability to use the entire body to express ideas, express feelings and solve problems, including physical skills such as coordination, flexibility, and use hands to write something. 
CAREER: sport athletes, footballers, boxers, dancers, actors, soldiers, police. 
EXAMPLE: Nicole David, Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Shazlin Zulkifli, Muhammad Ali, Shah Rukh Khan, Jackie Chan 

Visual-Space can detect and draw the shape, space, color and line, including creating graphic images to explain and manipulate a mentally composed. 
Career: Painter, sculptor, architect. 
EXAMPLE: Jacksons Kasturi. Minoru Yamasaki, Alexander Thomson Alexander, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci 

Verbal-Linguistic Ability to use words effectively in oral and written information including keblehan remember, other people believe, and talk about language itself. 
CAREER: poetry: Writers, poets, speakers. 
EXAMPLE: Faisal Tehrani, A. Samad Said, William Shakespeare, Rene Blanco, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 

Intrapersonal can understand the feelings, goals, strengths and weaknesses of the self. To help individuals deal with feelings, beradap polite and self-control anger or sadness. 
Career: Author, poet, philosopher, member motivation, Consultant Counseling, Psychology Members 
EXAMPLE: H.M Tuah Iskandar, Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah, Albert Ellis, Willaim Glasser, Howard Gardner, Jean Piaget 

Definition of Teacher Caring 
According to Kamus Dewan fourth edition, issued in 2005 DBP means loving people who love to others, loving, compassionate nature. So based on this understanding, caring teachers are able to be defined as teachers who have a loving nature and loves and understands her students. 

The duties of a teacher is not limited to only disseminate knowledge but also take on various roles such as the role of educators, trainers, coaches, mentors, facilitators, but also as a caring teacher. Thus, as a caring teacher in line with the theory of multiple intelligences should have characteristics such as being honest and have high empathy, understanding the requirements and needs in terms of physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual, always give the opportunities to students, responsible andcaring and able to handle the problem in terms of student behavior management nor the problem of teaching and learning. 

Why Multiple Intelligences Theory should be applied in teaching and learning 
There are several factors which should be applied to Multiple Intelligences Theory in the teaching and learning: 
• Support a comprehensive integrated learning in line with the National Education Philosophy and needs 
• Accept the differences and similarities between individuals by recognizing that each student is unique and learns in different ways. 
• Improving intelligence and realize that a variety of unlimited potential 
• Enhance self-esteem, creativity and motivation in teaching and learning fun 
• Improve the professionalism of teachers and encourage new research and innovation in teaching and learning 
• Diversifying the evaluation 
• Creating a school kolaboraif 

Implications of Multiple Intelligences Theory to the caring teachers 
a. Domains using multiple intelligences to help students in the learning of students effectively       
A teacher is expected to become a teacher, counselor, coach, and whatever is expected by people today. But teachers will also not be blamed if the curriculum to teach students in accordance with the set, although all students are different levels of understanding of their learning even taught or guided by the same teacher. It is impossible for a teacher that cares and loves his students do not want to see the success of all their students. Teachers with a heavy work load and remuneration is not commensurate still a teacher who will care for the welfare of each student. 

"According to Howard Gardner (1995), the teachers use multiple intelligences of pupils achieving success in teaching and learning will be more successful than the traditional teacher is more emphasis on the two main intelligence and mathematical logic lingustik merely verbal" 
"Keith Golay in his book" Learning Patterns and Temperament Styles' temperament or habit of saying that someone is the beginning of things that will change when given the way of thinking, realizing the lack of emotions and shows the behavior of an individual to form their own ways of learning that will include several types of intelligence " 

"Quoting from the words of Golay, Debra Bell in his book The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling gives suggestions on how teachers can take advantage of the domain of intelligence to students for their learning sessions as well as improve the weak intelligence on an individual students' 

As a caring teacher, would like to see her students to receive a good education. The theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Garner dipelopor to give the desired effect by the teacher if the teacher takes into account the domain of intelligence on their students. Teachers who use this theory will find in a class of students with various needs exist, and intelligence. The ability of teachers to identify the domain of intelligence that most pupils will be able to assist the process of learning to be more effective. This theory will help teachers to find a suitable stimulus material in each students' learning sessions. 

Based on the theory of multiple intelligences, students will be taught based on what the demand is not what is required by the teacher alone. If the previous students have music and kinesthetic intelligence to students who are often fined by the teacher, because learning is not considered serious, and a disruption in the classroom. However, by using the domain of intelligence students, the teachers will be able to change it to have a positive impact to include elements of music and kinesthetic elements in the learning of students in each session. It will also help the weaker students in this domain to increase their kinesthetic and musical intelligence. 
 Teachers will also be able to attract students to study subjects that may be less interested in the subject sample using mathematical logic and verbal intelligence linguastik. Mathematical and verbal intelligence is more academic linguastik will be more interesting when teachers introduce elements of visual space, music and kinesthetic. The implication, teachers can increase student achievement and interest in addition to developing students' intelligence and other domains. 

Caring teachers will also be able to produce students who are able to motivate yourself and others, understand the feelings of others and work together in the same age group. With the use of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, a teacher can help students to be proactive and responsible in what they do. The implication would be easy for teachers to teach these students and to improve learning skills and their social skills. 
Besides the usual discussion of seven intelligences, Howard also include intelligence and naturalist intelligence which involves the ability of students to understand the natural and cultural environment. Teachers who understand these theories will be explained to the students about other cultures by using student naturalist intelligence. For poor students they can be stimulated by inserting the element that they have intelligence domain. The implication of teachers are not too tied to the syllabus but also to make penghubungkaitan in helping students' learning. 

Use of multiple intelligences is not only referring to the students, teachers actually have the intelligence of their own domain. Teachers are aware of the domain will be able to use their intelligence to the teaching and learning more interesting. For example, teachers who are intelligent music can play a musical instrument or sing while teaching math or other subjects. Intelligence teachers will also attract the attention of their pupils and make learning more enjoyable. The implication of course, students will be able to learn better and relaxed. 
Use of this intelligence domain also have negative implications if teachers failed to identify the domain of real intelligence of students. There are students who do not recognize or ashamed to showcase their abilities, these students prefer to follow their peers without a teacher to develop their potentials and talents. Such pupils will be missed and will probably not succeed in the future. Thus, in practice this theory teachers should have a variety of programs and strategies that any objective to be achieved to benefit the students. Time constraints also contribute to the exploitation of intelligence and caring teachers and students will be bound by the traditional method that emphasizes success in the exam without taking into account the potential of individuals that can be developed. 

b. Increase the professionalism of teachers caring 
Do not know, then do not love. The same applies to a caring teacher. Feelings of compassion is born when the teacher know his profession. Teaching profession is a career oriented professional knowledge and can show progress, high efficiency and expertise. Therefore, knowledge and application of Multiple Intelligences Theory will also invite a very good impact to a caring teacher. Teachers will love and appreciate the caring profession, his students, colleagues and others. This will encourage the teachers to identify students that many intelligence and subsequently exploit the intelligence in the teaching and learning and in life. Indirectly, the teacher is to provide improved service and teaching quality and effectiveness. This is what contributes to increasing the professionalism of teachers. 

Caring teachers who care profession will be obliged to jointly improve the quality of teacher training is not just spreading knowledge and information but also foster a new spirit of learning. This new injection of spirit will be alive with the power to recognize teachers and students in the multiple intelligences. By recognizing the power that is of course a caring teacher can plan exciting learning and teaching and thus able to generate excellence in the teaching profession. 

In addition, recognizing the theory of Multiple Intelligences, a new research and innovation in teaching and learning will increase. Caring teacher would have to take this opportunity to make new research to enhance their professionalism. Guided by the theory put forward, a caring teacher would use the teaching methods of various materials and teaching aids are attractive and effective. With awareness and knowledge is available, teachers are able to explore the uniqueness, the uniqueness of which is owned by himself and is also unique in its pupils. The dynamics of changes and challenges encountered in today's world of education will be accepted as an opportunity for sparking new ideas are more interesting and meaningful. The result of course will enhance teachers' caring profession itself. 

Caring teachers who have a tendency intrapersonal also able to make decisions and set goals. In the profession, teachers are able to make decisions in the Daily Lesson Plan planning, setting objectives, selecting methods and techniques of teaching and other aspects that require a decision is made, especially in the face of existing constraints. Teachers who recognize the same tendencies in his students will prepare an individual project activities such as giving the instructions are independent, giving the students learn at self and also involves students in journal writing and reflection.Recognizing that there is a tendency on the students, in turn reducing the burden of caring teachers in performing their duties. This indirectly will help teachers achieve these objectives. 

c. Implications of Multiple Intelligences Theory of Emotional Aspects 
'Caring Teachers, Students Love'. The slogan, meaning that a teacher who is caring, will be loved by her students. According to Kamus Dewan issue of Language and Literature in 2002, caring means the person will love another, compassionate, loving and have compassion. Therefore, caring teachers can be attributed to the nature of loving teachers, lovers, and have compassion. For students and teachers who love each other in the context of education, the relationship among their emotions or feelings. In this situation, through the application of multiple intelligence theory teacher and fellow students will be more friendly and meaningful. Friendship that exists as a result of this emotional connection will create a good situation and facilitate the transfer of knowledge among them. 

In the emotional aspects, Multiple Intelligence Theory can help understand the influence of a caring teacher to his intelligence. Teachers who tended toward interpersonal intelligence, for example, be sensitive to the feelings and the wind (mood) of others, including students and colleagues. This understanding will be a direct teacher interaction with people around him better. If my colleagues or students are facing conflict, caring teachers who will be able to comprehend or empathize with their feelings. This would indirectly affect the manner or approach used during the interactions among them. 

In addition, through the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, teachers in the aspects of caring that tends to be sensitive to the feelings of intrapersonal and wind (mood) himself. Such teachers would realize their own strengths and weaknesses and be able to control their own emotions better. Teachers can use emotions to develop potential control himself and his students over his handling of teaching and learning.Problems that may arise during the process of teaching and learning in the classroom will be handled in a professional because the teacher is able to control your own emotions and to avoid actions that could only produce negative effects. 

Recognizing the diversity of intelligence through the Multiple Intelligences Theory, allows teachers to use the influence of emotions in developing and channeling students' interest towards the development of a more personal meaning. Teachers are also able menggunanakan seduction techniques through approaches to the delivery of knowledge to his students. Awareness of this theory also allows the teacher is caring menggabungjalin various types of intelligence in the teaching sessions. As a result, the teaching and learning will be 'live'. Students' emotions will be formed for receiving the desired message. Teachers are able to exploit the emotions as his disciples and gave the impression more lasting intrinsic to these students. 

d. Implications of Multiple Intelligences Theory of Social Aspects 
A caring teacher would not be forgotten by their students. Thus was born the various forms of praise and appreciation from students to their teachers or former teachers.Their students aware of their penance noble service teachers, teachers without their siapalah. With the teacher to know the extent of knowledge that can be imprisoned gained hard-earned and efforts of their teachers. 

Interpersonal intelligence is one of a teacher is being a caring teacher. Interpersonal intelligence is the relationship between the individual with other individuals or between individuals and a group of individuals. A teacher who understands the needs or desires of another person will cause it to be a caring teacher. Intelligence in the students themselves must be identified early and given the opportunity to grow and to dimanfaati by the community, nation and world. If teachers are teaching the students did not have a caring nature is certainly intelligent students can not develop and most likely will halt and eventually become a problem to society if they are out of school. 

How does this lead to interpersonal intelligence to be a caring teacher? Teachers who understand the interpersonal intelligence either in themselves nor their students themselves, of course, is to facilitate the teaching and learning in the classroom. Not everyone is willing to serve the actions of students who come from different backgrounds, socio-economic and cultural. Only teachers who have a sincere faith, patience and knowledge to 'go along' in the field of education. In relation to the impact of interpersonal intelligence, led a teacher 'resistance' actions serve their children's children. Without a high-interpersonal intelligence is certainly someone that teachers will not be a caring teacher. This proves that intelligence interpersoanal cause a teacher to be a caring teacher who taught the students to either the classroom or otherwise. 

Intrapersonal intelligence will also cause a person to be a caring teacher. This is because as a teacher, they will reflect on themselves and assess their own strengths and weaknesses. If a teacher can assess themselves they would be able to assess their students themselves. 

As a teacher, they would have faced a variety of modes of students. Each student weaknesses and their strengths, it must be managed well by teachers. As a caring teacher, they will determine whether the intelligence itself most prominently in their students. 

Students who tend to intrapersonal, they would prefer to work alone and without interference or activities of others. Therefore, teachers must understand the nature of such pupils in order to provide intelligence activities related to these students. If teachers can understand students and to the work or activity in accordance with these students so we can assume that the effects of intelligence intrapersoanal cause it to become a teacher of compassion. 

Teacher or educator who is charged with the trust to educate students or student-round development for the human good, helpful and knows devoted to religion, race and nation. Thus, a caring teacher is required to produce a balanced human in every respect. This effect arises dariapada intrapersoanal intelligence that is understood by the teacher. 
In an effort to be a caring teacher, they should be responsible for himself and his career. They also need to adapt to changing times to ensure the continued dynamism of the profession. Therefore, those teachers should be brilliant touch, has the character and exemplary behavior by students and was always a professional on his career. 

Teachers also need to control the physical and emotional condition so that the process of teaching and learning (P & P) do not become confused and more caring teachers. Understanding the changing environment is a requirement that will ultimately determine the fate of the country's universities. 

In the face of new competition for excellence, teachers should be willing to change attitudes towards technology-based higher education to help them realize the vision of the country. This is necessary because the profession is constantly evolving, and therefore teachers need to work with the needs and developments. 

d. Improving teacher caring 
Teaching and learning process is a process that is important. Here the role of a teacher is required. Thus teachers should be creative to produce an interesting Daily Lesson Plan. For a caring teacher she should think about how the theory of Multiple Intelligences can be applied to teaching and learning process. In fact, a caring teacher should also think about ways to maximize the potential of the environment, especially in the classroom. Finally, teachers may use different ways to deal with the evaluation of the proposed method in the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Indirectly, caring teachers will be more prepared and confident to generate new ideas and develop activities to encompass the theory of Multiple Intelligences. 

The basic thing before teachers begin the process of teaching and learning is to ensure the physical classroom bright and clean. Even teachers can modify the physical condition in the classroom is to adapt to an environment with multiple intelligences of students. Here the role of caring in which teachers can focus on some things that station intelligence, jewelry class, field trips and classroom resources.Teachers need to use the resources already available and does not involve high expenses. 

Through this intelligence station, teachers must be wise to create some angles.Where every corner is available in the classroom in which each station must have a degree of intelligence, such as flora and fauna to provide station Naturalist. In fact, can also be established according to the theme or point of intelligence on a rotation basis to overcome the constraints of space occurs. For example, teachers need to create a caring focus on intrapersonal station. Also make sure that this point is far from trouble, and students can be supplied with a plug-ear to the atmosphere to be quiet and allow the students to read, write diaries, and reflect his own thinking. Here, caring teachers need to ensure that every angle available to provide benefit and use by students in full. 

In addition, a teacher must emphasize classroom decoration. Where a teacher is to diversify the teaching aids to be displayed in the classroom. Thus to brighten the classroom and to attract students to the teaching and learning process. In addition, the need to decorate a classroom teacher with information that can be appreciated by every intelligence. For example, a student who tends to the Verbal-Linguistic.Caring teachers can attract these students by providing a poster a few famous writers. In addition, students are likely to be suspended Mathematical logic model or formula in a classroom environment. May also attach examples of coins and notes and state or country name and its value. 

Teachers do not necessarily hold teaching sessions in the classroom. Teachers can take students out of the classroom is one thing that is very encouraging. Where to see the environment outside the classroom, students can observe and understand how each individual has his own, and using multiple intelligences. In fact, this role was played by parents. For example, teachers can bring students to the nursery to identify plant species and may interview the student at the nursery workers to obtain information about the processes involved in the care of plants. 

Many resources can be digabungjalinkan with students of multiple intelligences to enhance students' enthusiasm for learning. For example, integration of visual space, kinesthetic and intrapersonel. The role of a caring teacher is required here. Where caring teachers should use multiple intelligences to attract students to attend teaching sessions on the day. Besides that, teachers can choose one or two intelligences and the teaching indirectly. 

Finally, the evaluation process, in which the evaluation is taken by students are usually more focused on the two main intelligence Verbal Linguistic and Mathematical Logic.Assessment is usually measured on teaching students skills that have been carried out. Therefore, caring teachers play a crucial role. 

As a caring teacher integration of multiple intelligences many implications both in creating a situation of effective teaching and learning. A variety of manipulated intelligence to optimally realize the government's intention to produce a generation that is more balanced and not only concerned with academic achievement alone. 
The fact that students can develop the domain of human intelligence will be more successful than students who rely on intellectual ability alone. Teachers are expected to develop their human potential of individuals without bersiakap prejudice to their students. 


Abdul Rahman Abd Rashid., 1999.The Star Series of Studies and Education Classroom Management Motivation Professionalism. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Pulicatioans & Distributors Sdn Bhd.

Ainon Mohd Hassan and Abdullah., 2003. Teachers As a driver in the Classroom. Kuala Lumpur: PTS.

Curriculum Development Centre (CDC)., 2001.  Application of Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Teaching and Learning, MOE. Kuala Lumpur.

Ee Ah Meng, Application of Psychology in the Classroom, 2nd edition. Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti. 

Ee Ah Meng, Student and Basic Learning Processes 2. Kuala Lumpur:  Routledge Publishers 

Mok Soon Sang, Science Education for trains 1. Subang Jaya: Group Budiman Sdn Bhd. 

Salhah Abdullah, Ainon Mohd., 2005. Teacher as Mentor. Kuala Lumpur: PTS

Salhah Abdullah., 2005.  Teachers as Facilitators. Bentong: PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Ltd.

Isnin, 23 Mei 2011


Diet industry is a very large value and millions of dollars spent each year by the people just to buy food diet. 

These foods are usually in the form of powder, flour, syrup, gel, or ice bar. 

The price ... ... mmmmmm indeed expensive, and each one can reach RM 200 - RM 400 for the program are between 15 - 30 days only, depending on packaging and promotional means only. 

Actually, none of feeding formulated diet was tested in the laboratory in advance by the individual user or bodies in charge of the country to determine the validity of the quality or nutritional content and calories .... 

All around…. tibai je…. only because most of them made in foreign countries particularly the USA ....... (In addition to China, the USA is among the major countries of dumping of goods banned its use in the backward countries and countries in the third world mainly through health products)

Most people are attracted to the diet of low carbohydrate diets such as this would lead to drastic weight loss after only a few days starting the program using the selected nutritional diet.Scientifically, weight loss consists of loss of glycogen, protein and water only (as well as some important minerals in the body).

Let's say you lose 1-5kg within 2 days when it comes to low carbohydrate diet food program, in fact most of just 0.3kg is a fatty, and the remainder (1.2kg) is the body tissues (except fat) and meniral. 

Once you stop dieting, the body naturally absorbs the carbohydrates and protein are missing and the body will return to the original weight. 

So, be careful and never fall prey to the formula sold by the slim body beauty products.

Taking the formula diet without the supervision of a specialist is usually not recommended. 

The best way to losing weight is by reducing calorie intake of foods commonly consumed between 500 - 1000 kcal per day. 

Make a consultation with a specialist tentang diet  the selection of low calorie foods and avoid fatty foods. 

Avoid buying formula diet that is too expensive and has no manufacturer's mark. 

Cheap diet usually consists of only flour and milk can be dangerous to your health if eaten a packet of powdered  milk per day.......... 

The key is a balanced diet (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals) and low calorie.

Do not be fooled into a slimming formula that dipermosikan everywhere. 

Be sure and understand that losing weight does not mean you lose the fat in the body of one hundred percent because of weight loss and meniral tissues in the body is a danger to yourself. 

Eat whatever foods according to your taste ... .... ... .... but eat a balanced diet, vary the variety of food and food which consists of low calories and most importantly ... ... ...

DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY suit all ages and abilities ... .. so you!

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