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Saturday, April 30, 2011


Strains, sometimes called muscle pulls, are the over stretching, pulling, or tearing of muscles or tendons. 

They can be caused by excessive exercise, strength imbalance, or lack of flexibility. 

Symptoms of strains include pain, muscle spasms, swelling around the injured area due to internal bleeding, stiffness, soreness, bruising and discoloration, and loss of strength. 

Immediately after the injury, follow the R.I.C.E procedure –rest, ice, compression, and elevation. 

Rest the injured are by lying or sitting in a comfortable position, apply ice, use an elasticized bandage for compression on decrease the accumulation of blood at the injury site, and elevate the injured area above the level of the heart, so that excess fuild can drain.  

R.I.C.E. is the first line of defense against further injury, increased bleeding, pain and  delayed healing. 

If there is any loss of function or the muscle is ruptured, seek medical help immediately. Medication may be prescribed to relieve the pain. 

Crutches or a sling may be necessary to keep the affected area immobile while the muscle is healing. As the muscle or tendon heals, physical therapy may be required.

Sprains are casued when the ligaments or tendons that hold the bones together are stretched, twisted or torn. 

The most common sprains are in the knee, ankles, and wrist. 

Symptoms include initial pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness to the touch and bruising. 

To treat a minor sprain, one in which the ligaments aren’t torn, apply ice or a cold pack to the injured area. 

This should be done intermittently to reduce blood flow to the site and minimize swelling. 

Elevating the limb above the heart will also help prevent swelling. Immobilizing the area with a sling or elastic bandage until the swielling goes down will also help. 

For severe sprains, see a doctor immediately.

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