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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Physical education is that aspect of education wich promotes learning through the medium of movement. 

Physical education programes of quality will ensure that all students have had the opportunity to leave school: 

  • with a mastery of the necessary physical skills for everyday living; moving with ease, confidence and a sense of well-being.
  • having the knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm to develop and maintain an appropriate level of helth and fitness; using movement as a satisfying form of expression.
  • understanding the pleasure and importance that relaxation affords
  • able to make informed decisions related to a healthy life-style
  • socially mature and enjoying a range of recreational activities.
  • with an awareness of the importance of movement in different cultures. 

Physical education is the part of school life in which children and young adults enjoy, experience, and study movement. 

During growth they learn to move, as they move to learn, about themselves, others, and their environment. 

Physical education provides the opportunity to romp and race, to twist and turn, to chase, to throw, to hit and catch, to balance, to climb, to sing and dance, to splash and dive, to relax, fly, explode, and laugh. 

As well, there is the chance to play, test bodies, and mind, participate, compete,appreciate form and be part of a team. 

Physical education also shares much with the rest of the curriculum. 

Students manipulate, calculate, communicate, relate, and estimate. 

They examine, explore, express, concentrate, formulate, create, co-operate, and experience the joy of living and the pleasure of the company of others. 

Physical education is concerned with attitudes and quality of life.

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