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Thursday, April 28, 2011


The aims and objectives of physical education can be achieved by developing teaching programmes based on the three major components of physical growth and development, motor skill development, and personal and social development.

Physical Growth and Development
Frequent and regular physical activity is essential for optimum physical growth. For students to develop positive attitudes to physical activity, and eventually take responsibility for their own fitness and activity needs, they should: gain knowledge of the need for exercise and how their bodies respond to it; participate in vigorous daily physical activity; develop helth-related fitness in a balanced way through improving circulo-respiratory efficiency, flexibility, mascular strength, mascular endurance, and body composition.

Motor Skill Development
The physical and social benefits of physical activity are dependent on the acquisition of motor skills and knowledge and attitudes developed during learning. Students should: master the basic locomotor skills (walking, running, jumping, hopping, leaping); non-locomotor skills (bending, stretching, rocking, swinging, twisting); and  manipulative skills (catching, striking, kicking, throwing avtivities); enjoy the success that the acquisition of skills brings; Understand how  skills are acquired and maintained; relate the skills learned to their everyday experiences; learn and apply special skills for specific activities; develop movement efficiency through improved kinaesthetic awareness, co-ordination, speed, agility, balance and power.

Personal and Social Development
Physical education contributes to personal and social development when students are involved in activities wich require individual endeavour and interaction with others. It is therefore concerned with self-esteem, setting goals, coping, bership, co-operation and consideration, expression, communication and confidence to participate.

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