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Memaparkan catatan dengan label Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Papar semua catatan

Rabu, 26 Ogos 2020

Sympathetic & Parasympathetic


The preganglionic motor neurons of the sympathetic system (shown in black) arise in the spinal cord. They pass into sympathetic ganglia which are organized into two chains that run parallel to and on either side of the spinal cord.

The preganglionic neuron may do one of three things in the sympathetic ganglion:

synapse with postganglionic neurons (shown in white) which then reenter the spinal nerve and ultimately pass out to the sweat glands and the walls of blood vessels near the surface of the body.

pass up or down the sympathetic chain and finally synapse with postganglionic neurons in a higher or lower ganglion

leave the ganglion by way of a cord leading to special ganglia (e.g. the solar plexus) in the viscera. Here it may synapse with postganglionic sympathetic neurons running to the smooth muscular walls of the viscera. However, some of these preganglionic neurons pass right on through this second ganglion and into the adrenal medulla. Here they synapse with the highly-modified postganglionic cells that make up the secretory portion of the adrenal medulla.

The neurotransmitter of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons is acetylcholine (ACh). It stimulates action potentials in the postganglionic neurons.

The neurotransmitter released by the postganglionic neurons is noradrenaline (also called norepinephrine).

The action of noradrenaline on a particular gland or muscle is excitatory is some cases, inhibitory in others. (At excitatory terminals, ATP may be released along with noradrenaline.)

  • The release of noradrenaline
  • stimulates heartbeat
  • raises blood pressure
  • dilates the pupils
  • dilates the trachea and bronchi
  • stimulates the conversion of liver glycogen into glucose
  • shunts blood away from the skin and viscera to the skeletal muscles, brain, and heart
  • inhibits peristalsis in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
  • inhibits contraction of the bladder and rectum
  • and, at least in rats and mice, increases the number of AMPA receptors in the hippocampus and thus increases long-term potentiation (LTP).

In short, stimulation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for emergencies: for "fight or flight" (and, perhaps, enhances the memory of the event that triggered the response).

Activation of the sympathetic system is quite general because

  • a single preganglionic neuron usually synapses with many postganglionic neurons;
  • the release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla into the blood ensures that all the cells of the body will be exposed to sympathetic stimulation even if no postganglionic neurons reach them directly.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System

The main nerves of the parasympathetic system are the tenth cranial nerves, the vagus nerves. They originate in the medulla oblongata. Other preganglionic parasympathetic neurons also extend from the brain as well as from the lower tip of the spinal cord.

Each preganglionic parasympathetic neuron synapses with just a few postganglionic neurons, which are located near — or in — the effector organ, a muscle or gland. Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter at all the pre- and many of the postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic system. However, some of the postganglionic neurons release nitric oxide (NO) as their neurotransmitter.

The Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Otto Loewi discovered (in 1920) that the effect of both sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation is mediated by released chemicals. He removed the living heart from a frog with its sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply intact. As expected, stimulation of the first speeded up the heart while stimulation of the second slowed it down.

Loewi found that these two responses would occur in a second frog heart supplied with a salt solution taken from the stimulated heart. Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve leading to the first heart not only slowed its beat but, a short time later, slowed that of the second heart also. The substance responsible was later shown to be acetylcholine. During sympathetic stimulation, adrenaline (in the frog) is released.

  • Parasympathetic stimulation causes
  • slowing down of the heartbeat (as Loewi demonstrated)
  • lowering of blood pressure
  • constriction of the pupils
  • increased blood flow to the skin and viscera
  • peristalsis of the GI tract

In short, the parasympathetic system returns the body functions to normal after they have been altered by sympathetic stimulation. In times of danger, the sympathetic system prepares the body for violent activity. The parasympathetic system reverses these changes when the danger is over.

The vagus nerves also help keep inflammation under control. Inflammation stimulates nearby sensory neurons of the vagus. When these nerve impulses reach the medulla oblongata, they are relayed back along motor fibers to the inflamed area. The acetylcholine from the motor neurons suppresses the release of inflammatory cytokines, e.g., tumor necrosis factor (TNF), from macrophages in the inflamed tissue.

Although the autonomic nervous system is considered to be involuntary, this is not entirely true. A certain amount of conscious control can be exerted over it as has long been demonstrated by practitioners of Yoga and Zen Buddhism. During their periods of meditation, these people are clearly able to alter a number of autonomic functions including heart rate and the rate of oxygen consumption. These changes are not simply a reflection of decreased physical activity because they exceed the amount of change occurring during sleep or hypnosis. 

Rabu, 16 Januari 2019

Reproductive System

Human Male Reproductive Anatomy
The human male's external reproductive organs are the scrotum and penis. The internal reproductive organs consist of gonads that produce both sperm and reproductive hormones, accessory glands that secrete products essential to sperm movement, and ducts that carry the sperm and glandular secretions (Figure 1).

Figure 1

The male gonads, or testes (singular, testis), produce sperm in highly coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules. Most mammals produce sperm properly only when the testes are cooler than the rest of the body. In humans and many other mammals, testis temperature is maintained about 2°C below the core body temperature by the scrotum, a fold of the body wall. The testes develop in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum just before birth (a testis within a scrotum is a testicle). In many rodents, the testes are drawn back into the cavity between breeding seasons, interrupting sperm maturation. Some mammals whose body temperature is low enough to allow sperm maturation such as whales and elephants retain the testes in the abdominal cavity at all times.

From the seminiferous tubules of a testis, the sperm pass into the coiled duct of an epididymis. In humans, it takes 3 weeks for sperm to travel the 6-m length of this duct, during which time the sperm complete maturation and become motile. During ejaculation, the sperm are propelled from each epididymis through a muscular duct, the vas deferens. Each vas deferens (one from each epididymis) extends around and behind the urinary bladder, where it joins a duct from the seminal vesicle, forming a short ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory ducts open into the urethra, the outlet tube for both the excretory system and the reproductive system. The urethra runs through the penis and opens to the outside at the tip of the penis.

Accessory Glands
Three sets of accessory glands-the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands-produce cretions that combine with sperm to form semen, the fluid that is ejaculated. Two seminal vesicles contribute about 60% of the volume of semen. The fluid from the seminal vesicles is thick, yellowish, and alkaline. It contains mucus, the sugar fructose (which provides most of the sperm's energy a coagulating enzyme, ascorbic acid, and local regulator called prostaglandins.

The prostate gland secretes its products directly into the urethra through small ducts. Thin and milky, the fluid from this gland contains anticoagulant enzymes and citrate sperm nutrient). The prostate undergoes benign (noncancerous) enlargement in more than half of all men over age 40 and in almost all men over 70. In addition, prostate cancer, which most often afflicts men 65 and older, is one of the most common human cancers.

The bulbourethral glands are a pair of small glands along the urethra below the prostate. Before ejaculation, they secrete clear mucus that neutralizes any acidic urine remaining in the urethra. There is evidence that bulbourethral fluid carries some sperm released before ejaculation, which contribute to the high failure rate of the withdrawal method of birth control (coitus interruptus).

The human penis contains the urethra as well as three cylinders of spongy erectile tissue. During sexual arousal, the erectile tissue fills with blood from the arteries. As this tissue fills, the increasing pressure seals off the veins that drain the penis, causing it to engorge with blood. The resulting erection enables the penis to be inserted into the vagina. Alcohol consumption, certain drugs, emotional issues, and aging all can cause an inability to achieve an erection (erectile dysfunction). For individuals with long-term erectile dysfunction, drugs such as Viagra promote the vasodilating action of the local regulator nitric oxide; the resulting relaxation of smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the penis enhances blood flow into the erectile tissues Although all mammals rely on penile erection for mating, the penis of raccoons, walruses, whales, and several other mammals also contains a bone, the baculum, which is thought to further stiffen the penis for mating The main shaft of the penis is covered by relatively thick skin. The head, or glans, of the penis has a much thinner outer layer and is consequently more sensitive to stimulation. The human glans is surrounded by a fold of skin called the prepuce or foreskin, which is removed if a male is circumcised.

Function of Male Reproductive System
The purpose of the organs of the male reproductive system is to perform the following functions:
  • To produce, maintain, and transport sperm (the male reproductive cells) and protective fluid (semen).
  • To discharge sperm within the female reproductive tract during sex.
  • To produce and secrete male sex hormones responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system.

Human Female Reproductive Anatomy
The human female's external reproductive structures are the clitoris and two sets of labia, which surround the clitoris and vaginal opening. The internal organs consist of gonads which produce eggs and reproductive hormones, and a sys- tem of ducts and chambers, which receive and carry gametes and house the embryo and fetus (Figure 2).

Figure 2

The female gonads are a pair of ovaries that flank the uterus and are held in place in the abdominal cavity by ligaments. The outer layer of each ovary is packed with follicles, each consisting of an oocyte, a partially developed egg, surrounded by support cells. The surrounding cells nourish and protect the oocyte during much of its formation and development.

Oviducts and Uterus
An oviduct, or fallopian tube, extends from the uterus to The dimensions of ward a funnel-like opening at each ovary this tube vary along its length, with the inside diameter near the uterus being as narrow as a human hair. Upon ovulation cilia on the epithelial lining of the oviduct help collect the egg by drawing fluid from the body cavity into the oviduct. Together with wavelike contractions of the oviduct, the cilia convey the egg down the duct to the uterus, also known as the womb. The uterus is a thick, muscular organ that can expand during pregnancy to accommodate a 4-kg fetus The inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is richly sup- plied with blood vessels. The neck of the uterus, called the cervix, opens into the vagina.

Vagina and Vulva
The vagina is a muscular but elastic chamber that is the site for insertion of the penis and deposition of sperm during copulation. The vagina, which also serves as the birth canal through which a baby is born, opens to the outside at the vulva, the collective term for the external female genitalia. A pair of thick, fatty ridges, the labia maj encloses and protects the rest of the vulva. The vaginal opening and the separate opening of the urethra are located within a cavity bordered by a pair of slender skin folds, the labia minora. A thin piece of tissue called the hymen partly covers the vaginal opening in humans at birth and usually until sexual intercourse or vigorous physical activity ruptures it. Located at the top of the labia minora, the clitoris consists of erectile tissue supporting a rounded glans, or head, covered by a small hood of skin, the prepuce. During sexual arousal, the clitoris, vagina, and labia minora all engorge with blood and enlarge. Richly supplied with nerve endings, the clitoris is one of the most sensitive points of sexual stimulation. Sexual arousal also induces the vestibular glands near the vaginal opening to secrete lubricating mucus, thereby facilitating intercourse.

Mammary Glands
The mammary glands are present in both sexes, but they normally produce milk only in females. Though not part of the reproductive system, the female mammary glands are important to reproduction. Within the glands, small sacs of epithelial tissue secrete milk, which drains into a series of ducts that open at the nipple. The breasts contain connective and fatty (adipose) tissue in addition to the mammary glands. Because the low level of estradiol in males limits the development of the fat deposits, male breasts usually remain small.

Function of Female Reproductive System
The female reproductive system (or female genital system) serves multiple functions. Firstly, it is responsible for producing the eggs necessary for reproduction, thus facilitating the occurrence of reproduction. In addition, it produces the female sex hormones that maintain the reproductive cycle and that play a direct or indirect role elsewhere in the body.

Menstrual Cycle
Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
The four main phases of the menstrual cycle are:
  • menstruation
  • the follicular phase
  • ovulation
  • the luteal phase.
  • Menstruation

Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining of the uterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina. Menstrual fluid contains blood, cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a period is between three days and one week.

Sanitary pads or tampons are used to absorb the menstrual flow. Both pads and tampons need to be changed regularly (at least every four hours). Using tampons has been associated with an increased risk of a rare illness called toxic shock syndrome (TSS).

Follicular Phase
The follicular phase starts on the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation. Prompted by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland releases follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone stimulates the ovary to produce around five to 20 follicles (tiny nodules or cysts), which bead on the surface.

Each follicle houses an immature egg. Usually, only one follicle will mature into an egg, while the others die. This can occur around day 10 of a 28-day cycle. The growth of the follicles stimulates the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for possible pregnancy.

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the surface of the ovary. This generally occurs mid-cycle, around two weeks or so before menstruation starts. During the follicular phase, the developing follicle causes a rise in the level of oestrogen. The hypothalamus in the brain recognises these rising levels and releases a chemical called gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This hormone prompts the pituitary gland to produce raised levels of luteinising hormone (LH) and FSH.

Within two days, ovulation is triggered by the high levels of LH. The egg is funnelled into the fallopian tube and towards the uterus by waves of small, hair-like projections. The life span of the typical egg is only around 24 hours. Unless it meets a sperm during this time, it will die.

Luteal Phase
During ovulation, the egg bursts from its follicle, but the ruptured follicle stays on the surface of the ovary. For the next two weeks or so, the follicle transforms into a structure known as the corpus luteum. This structure starts releasing progesterone, along with small amounts of oestrogen. This combination of hormones maintains the thickened lining of the uterus, waiting for a fertilised egg to stick (implant).

If a fertilised egg implants in the lining of the uterus, it produces the hormones that are necessary to maintain the corpus luteum. This includes human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), the hormone that is detected in a urine test for pregnancy. The corpus luteum keeps producing the raised levels of progesterone that are needed to maintain the thickened lining of the uterus.

If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum withers and dies, usually around day 22 in a 28-day cycle. The drop in progesterone levels causes the lining of the uterus to fall away. This is known as menstruation. The cycle then repeats.

Campbell, Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson. Biology A Global Approach. 10th ed. Pearson: Pearson Education Limited, 2015.

Lmwoodward. 2012. Male Reproductive Tract. https://www.flickr.com/photos/79474535@N02/6968445060. Accessed 24 February

WebMD. Feb 27, 2016. The Male Reproductive System. https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/guide/male-reproductive-system#1. Accessed 24 February 2018.

Wordpress. May25, 2015. Female Reproductive System. https://scienceeasylearning.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/female-reproductive-system/. Accessed 24 February 2018.

Kenhub. 2018. Female Reproductive Organs. https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/female-reproductive-system. Accessed 24 February 2018.

Ahad, 16 Oktober 2016

Tulang : Jenis-jenis dan fungsinya

Tahukah anda, terdapat 206 tulang di badan seorang lelaki atau perempuan dewasa manakala 270 tulang pada seorang bayi. Bukannya tulang itu hilang satu persatu, tetapi tulang-tulang kecil bercantum menjadi tulang besar sehingga mencapai 206 tulang ketika dewasa. 

Ahad, 12 Jun 2016

Teori Gelongsor Filamen @ Sliding Filament Theory

Teori gelongsoran filamen adalah suatu pendekatan fisiologi di mana otot menghasilkan daya atau di mana keadaan berlakunya pemendekan otot. Hal ini diperjelaskan lagi bahawa filament tebal dan nipis di antara slaid sacromore melepasi antara satu sama lain sekaligus memendekkan panjang keseluruhan sarcomere itu. Dalam situasi slaid melepasi satu dan yang lain, kepala myosin akan berinteraksi dengan filament actin menggunakan ATP.

Selain itu, Teori gelongsoran filamen juga adalah suatu mekanisme penguncupan otot di mana actin dan myosin filamen daripada striated slaid otot atas satu sama lain untuk memendekkan panjang gentian otot. Fungsi myosin adalah untuk mengikat filamen actin yang terdedah apabila ion kalsium mengikat kepada molekul Troponin dalam filamen ini. 

Ini membolehkan jambatan terbentuk antara actin dan myosin, yang memerlukan ATP sebagai sumber tenaga penghubungnya. Hidrolisis ATP dalam kepala molekul myosin menyebabkannya berubah bentuk serta mengikat filamen actin tersebut. Pembebasan ADP dari kepala myosin menyebabkan perubahan bentuknya serta menghasilkan tenaga mekanikal yang menyebabkan actin dan myosin filamen bergabung dalam slaid ke atas satu sama lain.

Di samping itu, proses kontraksi otot melalui 5 tahap proses iaitu:
  • pembebasan asetilkolin apabila impuls saraf tiba di neuromuscular junction. Seterusnya, ion Ca2+ akan keluar dari retikulum sarkoplasmik hasil dari implementasi asetikolin tersebut. 
  • ion Ca2+ akan terikat pada troponin dan mampu mengubah strukturnya dengan peningkatan ion Ca2+ tersebut. Perubahan struktur toponin disebabkan ion Ca2+ ini akan terbuka di bahagian tropomiosin yang yang tertutup oleh troponin. Kini kepala myosin akan mampu melekat dengan filamen actin membentuk aktomiosin.
  • myosin mampu menarik actin ke dalam dan juga pemendekan otot ATP akan membebaskan tenaga yang dapat membantu proses ini. Hal ini terjadi di sepanjang myofibril pada sel otot. 
  • myosin akan terlepas dari actin dan jambatan actomyosin akan putus ketika molekul ATP terikat pada kepala myosin. kepala myosin dapat bertemu lagi dengan actin ditropomyosin pada saat ATP dipecahkan.
  • seterusnya, selagi terdapatnya tindakbalas ATP dan ion Ca2+, proses kontraksi otot akan terus berlaku dan ion Ca2+ akan kembali ke sarkoplasmik pada saat impuls berhenti dan troponin akan kembali semula dan menutupi tropomyosin sehingga menyebabkan otot relaksasi.

Rabu, 25 Mac 2015

Urinary system

Urinary system
- Lab Practical Week after Spring Break
- Practical Review this Sunday 23rd at 3-5 pm

Functions of Urinary System
Kidneys carry out four functions:
(a) Filter nitrogenous wastes, toxins, ions, etc. from blood to be excreted as urine.
(b) Regulate volume and chemical composition of blood (water, salts, acids, bases).
(c) Produce regulatory enzymes.
(d) Renin – regulates BP/ kidney function                                                           (e) Erthropoeitin – stimulates RBC production from marrow.
(f) Metabolism of Vitamin D to active form.

Urinary System
(a) Two Kidneys
- Perform all functions except actual excretion.
(b) Two Ureters
- Convey urine from Kidneys to Urinary Bladder
(c) Urinary Bladder
- Holds Urine until excretion
(d) Urethra
-  Conveys urine from bladder to outside of body

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Kidney general info
Lie against posterior abdominal wall at level of T12-L3.
- Right kidney is lower than left kidney due to the shape of the liver.
- Lateral surface of kidney is convex while medial is concave : (a) Concave side has a cleft - Renal Hilus  (b) Inside hilus is Renal sinus - Where kidneys receive renal vessels and nerves.

Kidney External Anatomy
Average size – 12cm x 6cm x 3 cm
- Weights 150 grams or 5 oz
- Surrounded by three membranes (deep to superficial) : (a) Renal capsule – fibrous barrier for kidneys (b) Adipose capsule – fatty tissue designed for protection / stability (c) Renal fascia – dense fibrous CTP anchors kidneys/ adrenals/ membrane 1 and 2 to surroundings.

Kidney Anatomy
Renal arteries and veins
- Renal cortex
- Renal medulla
- Nephron
- Renal pyramids (6-10)
- Renal papilla
- Calyx (ces)
- Renal pelvis
- Ureter

Blood processing unit which serves to produce urine
- 1 million per kidney
- Consists of a glomerulus and tubules

Urinary system : Kidney and Nephron

Urine Formation III
Countercurrent Multiplication in the Nephron Loop:
(a) Descending limb
- Goes into medulla  - increasing salt gradient
- Water leaves
- Fluid concentrates

(b) Ascending limb
- Goes up toward cortex - decreasing salt gradient
- Na+ pumped out
- Fluid relatively diluted

Urine Formation IV
Collecting duct
- Travels down into medulla
- Water leaves tubule and enters blood
- Urine becomes concentrated and enters renal papilla
- ADH controls water channel
- ADH – Antidiuretic hormone

Urine Formation : Micturition
(a) Ureters
- 25 cm long
- Enters on the floor of bladder

(b) Urinary Bladder
- Muscular sac on floor of pelvic cavity
- Muscle layer formed by detrusor muscle
- Average bladder volume is 500 ml
- Max capacity is 700-800 ml

(c) Urethra
- Conveys urine out of body
- Female urethra – 3 - 4 cm
- Opens into external urethral oriface
- Lies between vaginal oriface and clitoris
- Male urethra – 18 cm
- 3 regions:
(i) Prostatic urethra – 2.5 cm
(ii) Membranous urethra – 0.5 cm
(ii) Penile urethra – 15 cm

Kidney stones
- A hard granule of calcium, phosphate, uric acid and protein.
- Form in renal pelvis and get lodged in pelvis or ureter.
- Caused by urinary tract infections, dehydration, pH imbalances, or an enlarged prostate gland.
- Treated with stone dissolving drugs, surgical removal, or lithotripsy (ultrasonic vibrations).

Rabu, 11 Mac 2015


Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds
  • Cardiac Cycle refers to one complete heartbeat.
  • The heart is actually 2 pumps situated side by side, so a complete cycle consists of contractions of both atria and both ventricles.
  • The average resting heart rate is approximately 75 beats per minute
  • Resting heart rate will vary with degree of physical conditioning as well as with disease states
  • The familiar “lub-dub” associated with the function of the heart are known as heart sounds.
  • The heart sounds are made by the heart valves snapping closed under contractile pressure.       

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Output
  • The “lub” is caused by the closure of the AV valves
  • The “dub” is caused by the closure of the semi-lunar valve.
  • Cardiac output (CO) is the amount of blood pumped out of each side of the heart      ( meaning the ventricles ) in one minute
  • The value of CO is calculated as the product of the Heart Rate ( HR) multiplied by the Stroke Volume (SV)
  • SV generally increases as the force of the ventricular contractions increases.
  • CO = HR  x SV
  • CO = 75 beats per min x 70mls per beat
  • CO = 5250 ml/min
  • Generally speaking, blood starting in the heart should complete a circuit of the body and arrive back in the heart in one minute.
  • According to Starling’s Law of the heart, stroke volume is influenced by the amount of stretching force applied to the muscle cells of the heart.
  • The more the cells are stretched, the great the contraction will be
Starling’s Law of the Heart
  • A healthy, efficient heart only pumps about 60% of the volume of blood in the ventricles.
  • Venous return is critical to the amount of stretching the heart undergoes.
  • If one side of the heart begins to pump more blood than the other, the increase in venous return to the opposite ventricle will force it to pump a larger volume of blood.
  • This helps prevent back ups and increased pressures in the system.
  • Anything that increases the volume or speed of venous return will also increase the SV and CO.
  • The squeezing actions of skeletal muscles on veins also plays a major role in increasing venous return.

Regulation of Heart Rate
  • Coronary contraction does not depend on stimulus from the nervous system, because the heart has it’s own intrinsic pacemakers ( SA and AV nodes)
  • HOWEVER—heart rate can be temporarily influenced by stimulus from the autonomic nerves.

  • Sympathetic nerves can act to increase or decrease the heart by stimulating the SA or AV nodes.
  • Parasympathetic nerves act to decrease the heart rate
  • Being excited or startled can cause a rapid increase in heart rate.
  • Heart rate can also be influenced by hormones
  • Epinephrine and Thyroxine mimic the effects of the sympathetic nerves.
  • Ion concentrations also has a rofound influence on the heart.
  • Decreased Ca+ will depress the heart rate
  • Excessive Ca+ will cause prolonged contractions, and possibly stop the heart from beating. 

CHF and Blood Vessels
  • When the pumping efficiency of the heart is depressed so that circulation is inadequate to meet tissues needs, congestive heart failure (CHF) results.
  • CHF is usually a progressive condition, and in most cases reflects diminished coronary circulation by coronary atherosclerosis
  • Each side of the heart can fail independently
  • If the left side fails, pulmonary congestion will occur.
  • The right side continues to pump blood, but the left side is unable to push oxygenated blood into systemic circulation
  • The blood vessels of the lungs become swollen with blood, and the increased pressure forces fluids to leak from circulation and into the lung tissue, resulting in pulmonary edema.
  • Suffocation will result if this condition is untreated.
  • If the right heart fails, blood is not moved out of the systemic circulation, and peripheral congestion will occur.
  • This results in edema in distal parts of the body, such as the feet, ankles and hands.
  • Failure of one side of the heart places increased strain on the opposite side of the heart—eventually leading to whole heart failure

Blood Vessels 
  • Blood circulates through the body within the vasculature.
  • In decreasing size order, vessels carrying blood away from the heart are, arteries, arterioles, capillary beds.
  • In increasing size order, vessels carrying blood back towards the heart from the capillary beds are, venules, and veins
  • The walls of most blood vessels consist of three layers called tunics.
  • The innermost layer is called the tunica intima.
  • Tunica intima consists of a thin layer of closely fitted endothelial cells.
  • It is very smooth, to allow for smooth flow of blood
  • The tunica media is the middle layer of tissue, and is primarily smooth muscle tissue and elastic connective tissue.
  • This smooth muscle is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, which changes the diameter of the blood vessels
  • The tunica externa is the outer-most layer, and is mostly fibrous connective tissue that supports and protects the vessel.
  • The walls of arteries are usually thicker than those  of the veins.
  • Veins are subject to less pressure than ateries, but move blood against gravity.
  • Veins contain one way valves to prevent backflow of blood 

Isnin, 26 Januari 2015

The Human Body: An Orientation

Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy – the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another
  • Gross or macroscopic
  • Microscopic
  • Developmental
Physiology – the study of the function of the body’s structural machinery

Gross Anatomy
  • Regional – all structures in one part of the body (such as the abdomen or leg)
  • Systemic – gross anatomy of the body studied by system
  • Surface – study of internal structures as they relate to the overlying skin
Microscopic Anatomy
  • Cytology – study of the cell
  • Histology – study of tissues
Developmental Anatomy
  • Traces structural changes throughout life
  • Embryology – study of developmental changes of the body before birth
Specialized Branches of Anatomy
  • Pathological anatomy – study of structural changes caused by disease
  • Radiographic anatomy – study of internal structures visualized by X ray
  • Molecular biology – study of anatomical structures at a subcellular level
Considers the operation of specific organ systems
  • Renal – kidney function
  • Neurophysiology – workings of the nervous system
  • Cardiovascular – operation of the heart and blood vessels
Focuses on the functions of the body, often at the cellular or molecular level

Understanding physiology also requires a knowledge of physics, which explains electrical currents, blood pressure, and the way muscle uses bone for movement

Principle of Complementarity
  • Function always reflects structure
  • What a structure can do depends on its specific form
Levels of Structural Organization
  • Chemical – atoms combined to form molecules
  • Cellular – cells are made of molecules
  • Tissue – consists of similar types of cells
  • Organ – made up of different types of tissues
  • Organ system – consists of different organs that work closely together
  • Organismal – made up of the organ systems
Levels of Structural Organization

Organ Systems of the Body
Integumentary system
  • Forms the external body covering
  • Composed of the skin, sweat glands, oil glands, hair, and nails
  • Protects deep tissues from injury and synthesizes vitamin D
Skeletal system
  • Composed of bone, cartilage, and ligaments
  • Protects and supports body organs
  • Provides the framework for muscles
  • Site of blood cell formation
  • Stores minerals
Muscular system
  • Composed of muscles and tendons
  • Allows manipulation of the environment, locomotion, and facial expression
  • Maintains posture
  • Produces heat
Nervous system
  • Composed of the brain, spinal column, and nerves
  • Is the fast-acting control system of the body
  • Responds to stimuli by activating muscles and glands
Cardiovascular system
  • Composed of the heart and blood vessels
  • The heart pumps blood
  • The blood vessels transport blood throughout the body
Lymphatic system
  • Composed of red bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels
  • Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it to blood
  • Disposes of debris in the lymphatic stream
  • Houses white blood cells involved with immunity
Respiratory system
  1. Composed of the nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
  2. Keeps blood supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
Digestive system
  • Composed of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, and liver
  • Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter the blood
  • Eliminates indigestible foodstuffs as feces
Urinary system
  • Composed of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
  • Eliminates nitrogenous wastes from the body
  • Regulates water, electrolyte, and pH balance of the blood
Male reproductive system
  • Composed of prostate gland, penis, testes, scrotum, and ductus deferens
  • Main function is the production of offspring
  • Testes produce sperm and male sex hormones
  • Ducts and glands deliver sperm to the female reproductive tract
Female reproductive system
  • Composed of mammary glands, ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina
  • Main function is the production of offspring
  • Ovaries produce eggs and female sex hormones
  • Remaining structures serve as sites for fertilization and development of the fetus
  • Mammary glands produce milk to nourish the newborn
Organ Systems Interrelationships
  • The integumentary system protects the body from the external environment
  • Digestive and respiratory systems, in contact with the external environment, take in nutrients and oxygen

Necessary Life Functions I
Maintaining boundaries – the internal environment remains distinct from the external
  • Cellular level – accomplished by plasma membranes
  • Organismal level – accomplished by the skin
Movement – locomotion, propulsion (peristalsis), and contractility.

Responsiveness – ability to sense changes in the environment and respond to them.

Digestion – breakdown of ingested foodstuffs.

Necessary Life Functions II
Metabolism – all the chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Excretion – removal of wastes from the body.

Reproduction – cellular and organismal levels.
  • Cellular – an original cell divides and produces two identical daughter cells
  • Organismal – sperm and egg unite to make a whole new person

Growth – increase in size of a body part or of the organism.

Survival Needs
  • Nutrients – chemical substances used for energy and cell building
  • Oxygen – needed for metabolic reactions
  • Water – provides the necessary environment for chemical reactions
  • Maintaining normal body temperature – necessary for chemical reactions to occur at life-sustaining rates
  • Atmospheric pressure – required for proper breathing and gas exchange in the lungs
  • Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment in an ever-changing outside world
  • The internal environment of the body is in a dynamic state of equilibrium
  • Chemical, thermal, and neural factors interact to maintain homeostasis
Homeostatic Control Mechanisms
The variable produces a change in the body.

The three interdependent components of control mechanisms are:
  • Receptor – monitors the environments and responds to changes (stimuli)
  • Control center – determines the set point at which the variable is maintained
  • Effector – provides the means to respond to the stimulus

Homeostatic Control Mechanisms

Negative Feedback
  • In negative feedback systems, the output shuts off the original stimulus
  • Example:  Regulation of blood glucose levels

Positive Feedback

Homeostatic Imbalance
  • Disturbance of homeostasis or the body’s normal equilibrium
  • Overwhelming of negative feedback mechanisms allowing destructive positive feedback mechanisms to take over

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